26 Replies to “Rentseeker, Rentseeker”

  1. Any such “energy efficiency rating certificate” would be issued free of course.
    Yet another chance to impose a revenue-generating tax under the guise of a fee.

  2. Try selling a car that can’t pass an “E” test.
    The gubmint owns and destroyed the used car market with this scam.

  3. Considering that global warming is the biggest problem we face, this would only apply to houses equipped with air conditioning, right?

  4. In Alberta they seem to want a survey or title insurance in lieu. I owned a commercial building for about 10 years and bought the insurance instead of a survey. I don’t recall anyone actually moving the building while I owned. Then there is home inspection which some lenders might require. If you think that is fun try subdividing. Municipalities seem to have ensured that no private landowner is actually going to get wealthy without sharing the profit with endless people. Most subdivisions seem to be done by pros.

  5. I believe the “survey” refers to a title search to ensure there are no liens on the property and the title is clear.If the title is clouded and the sale is completed the buyer could be on the hook for the lien-hence title insurance.

  6. This is just one more nail in the coffin of freedom. These arses will not stop trying to control every aspect of our lives … For our own good, of course …WE MUST PUSH BACK AND STOP THIS CRAP BEFORE WE ARE TOTAL SLAVES TO OUR ELITES.

  7. This scheme is already proposed by Wynne in her plan to regulate global weather patterns. A fanatic in Ont which contributes only a portion of Canada’s about 3% world Co2 output, applying a tax on home owners, to change the climate. And people are gullible enough to believe this.
    Her clean air tax on older cars is being phased out, but when I had to test mine I discovered it is being phased out over 2 years. In other words it is a tax grab,with no effect whatever on air quality, but is prologued till the end of her regime to generate revenue.

  8. I couldn’t ever participate in that poll because the only circle I could mark with good conscience would be…..
    O F*ck right off

  9. Don’t get your knickers in a knot making a mountain out of a molehill. Many home buyers want an energy audit for a house they’re considering so they have an idea how much it will cost them to operate it as compared with other houses they’re looking at. Realtors often recommend providing an audit to facilitate the sale. However the energy audit should continue to be voluntary not mandatory by government edict.

  10. Jean, why do you need the government to tell you you want an energy audit?
    Can’t you think for yourself?
    If you want an energy audit, get one, if you don’t want an energy audit, don’t get one.
    I’m pro choice when it comes to energy audits.

  11. I’m pro choice when it comes to energy audits.
    So am I. What part of “the energy audit should continue to be voluntary not mandatory by government edict.” was so difficult for you to grasp?
    Try reading comments slowly and completely before jumping to unfounded conclusions and looking foolish. Just stick to stating your own views clearly and avoid misquoting and misunderstanding others. Got it now?

  12. Yes you are correct, heating bills are “just too simple” and don’t tell the whole story. It’s something building scientists understand and laypersons usually can’t grasp. That’s why energy audits exist.

  13. The “survey” in Alberta is a Real Property Report which is completed by a registered land surveyor and shows the location of all improvements such as house, garage, decks, fences, plus any easements for utilities etc. The purpose is to insure that all the development on the lot has been done according to the applicable bylaws. i.e. Your nice new deck is on your property and does not encroach on your neighbour’s property. A title search insures that the person(s) who claims to own the property actually does and also shows such information as the existence of a mortgage or other claims against the property. It gets a little more complicated than that sometimes but generally that’s it.

  14. Jean –
    REALTORS® (of which I am one) generally *HATE* this idea. Our associations (CREA – Canadian Real Estate Association and OREA – Ontario Real Estate Association) are fighting hard against this. It will not add value or protection to the consumer. I regularly protect my clients by asking to see hydro and gas bills… if they aren’t available than usually the supplier can provide a cost if the home would be on a new equal billing plan. And most good home inspectors already make maintenance and updating recommendations such as new windows, repairing caulking, adding attic insulation etc.

  15. In your rush to simplify, did you consider that not all families are equal in the amount of electricity, or gas they might consume? A family of two as opposed to a family of four or six or eight?

  16. If a client want’s an energy audit they are available from private sector contractors.
    I am totally opposed to the government mandating an energy audit for all sales.
    The problem is government making them mandatory, not energy audits per se.

  17. MY guess is that if a house comes with an energy certificate, and the source of that certificate is reliable, it can only mean more money for the seller and a safer bet for the buyer. In any event, most houses now require an building inspection, thus the days of pawning off garbage homes are near the end!

  18. “So am I. What part of “the energy audit should continue to be voluntary not mandatory by government edict.” was so difficult for you to grasp?”
    I love you jean. You and I are of the same tribe.

  19. The Government does such a great job at everything it does.
    Sure, give ’em more power over you. Then start calling yourself “Stupid McButtass”.
    Rant off……. for now.

  20. Yeah, like you I refuse to let people misquote me to further their personal agenda. It’s a common tactic idiots employ, and I’ll call ’em on it every time. Someone has to, or it all goes to meaningless ratshít. Thanks.

  21. “Realtors often recommend providing an audit to facilitate the sale. ”
    As close to NEVER as you’ll ever get.
