25 Replies to “The Children Are Our Future”

  1. That’s because administrators now regard education as a commode-ity.

  2. It even has the hazy fog in the air like after a particularly nasty dump.
    #sorryaboutthatvisual #itwonthappenagain

  3. What could one expect when modern day western universities are producing sh*t for brains.
    Garbage in equals garbage out. Math is hard.

  4. Progresses from BS to MS (More of the Same) to Piledhigher&Deeper. Now captures the cross national nature of academia.
    British: loo-niversity
    American: loony-versity

  5. Obviously, the blue roof indicates this is a low flow, water conserving toilet. This is an environmentally friendly place. Stop triggering me!

  6. Maintenance is gonna need a much bigger plunger. I bet this one plugs up and overflows often.

  7. It’s definitely an appropriate design for where education is going since the Leftist creep came into full force.
