25 Replies to “How Deep, Señor Maduro?”

  1. Sean Penn is either applauding or remaining deathly silent.
    He’s not apologizing for his vast support and vast ignorance. Why? Because Leftists NEVER apologize for their mistakes. 🙁

  2. The “progressive” perspective of this latest development in the epic saga of la República Bolivariana de Venezuela?
    Ah yes:

  3. Watch for the “I (heart) Maduro” tee shirts on campuses everywhere. The Che shirts are probably getting a little ragged.

  4. From Caracas Chronicles, some commentary on the “nowhere in the constitution” does this exist:
    “Maduro announced that the Defense Minister, Vladimir Padrino López, will henceforth wield powers that…are just not normal for a Defense Minister.
    The only way to pull it off is with a single commander in charge. A single command, gentlemen. All ministries, all the ministers, all the institutions of the state are henceforth at the command and the absolute subordination of the National Command of the Gran Misión Abastecimiento Soberano y Seguro, under the command of the president of the republic and under the command of General-in-Chief Vladimir Padrino López, beginning immediately. All ministries.”
    The current actual valuation of Venezuelan currency:
    because not there’s not too much at the official exchange rate.

  5. I KNOW. He can blame it on those Brit Bastards for leaving that social pillar called the EU! That should work.

  6. “Coming soon to Wintario and Notleyland when the banks cut them off.”
    Venezuela – even as a basket case – retains one all-important characteristic that both Ontario and Alberta completely lack.
    It is a sovereign state.

  7. Of course Penn is nowhere to be found.
    In his eyes Venezuela is a success.
    Same with CBC, power to the correct people. Nothing to see here, socialism is wonderful.

  8. Well, I suppose Wynne could launch the full might of the OPP.
    After all, they did such a bang-up job resolving the Caledonia stand-off.

  9. Coercion is the inevitable and final solution of socialism, which never quite makes it to anarchist nirvana where nuclear scientists are happy with the same income as janitors, instead only the “educated” party types have a good living. C’mon life wasn’t that bad in 1850 was it?
    SCOUS’ Ginsberg’s Trump comments are an attempt to close the circle before the election, where all media, justice and academia have hived themselves a separate existence at the others’ expense. Their arrogance and sneering “sore losers” impunity are showing the very double standard so reviled by the fundamentalist Trumpists and Bernieizers.
    When not shouting out/over opponents, Hillary et al will point out her sheer incompetence and dangerous judgment are all America deserves. Because NY and CA have long swallowed the hook of statism, they enter in position to run the table.
    Do they think they’ve got it won. Do they think Donald Trump is actually as stupid as Hillary? His media savvy and now polishing of his terminology and presentation, should concern them. So should the Dem’s abysmal record and the pathetic perp responses they’ve come up thus far.
    The violent do-gooders mobilize – it’s close. Count on that into the summer and of course in Cleveland at the RNC. I have a sense Hillary (know nothing of Congress races) has topped out, that when people say they’ve changed their vote over her email idiocy, already, most are away from her.
    I’m sure Hillary will amaze all and finesse her way through the debates. Will she show her naked disregard for ethical conduct, proved already by subterfuge of Bill Clinton, AG Lynch and FBI’s Comey?
    I understand FBI underlings are quite miffed, opining a hint at least was provided to Hillary and Obama.

  10. SHAMROCK You spout the obvious consistently. Could you do it in two less paragraphs. My god you think are we ignorant. This is not the CBC reply centre. You might want to write a book . It could take a couple days. I do not enjoy criticizing an educated fellow accomplice, but really. Listening is just as important.

  11. Venezuela is progressiving its way to the killing fields, where socialism always ends.

  12. So … now the starving peasants can be “legally” shot to death if they loot a passing food truck ? Glad to see that Venezuela is imposing military “justice”. Good thing there are no gun rights for those starvin peasants

  13. Shamrock carry on. It’s the way you roll. As for St Nick, there’s always Twitter for abbreviated thought. Personally I don’t find any fault in laying it all out by way of a column sized comment. If it’s an affront to your senses, please just move on to the following comment and allow the rest of us to our cherished free grumbling.

  14. I read a few other stories from the Daily Mail online, and in one found an interesting quote from a citizen (toward the end of the article):
    “The previous week, he said, armed robbers broke into their house and stole their washing machine. The week before, police confiscated the rifle he used to hunt deer for his family.”
    The socialist/dictatorial Venezuelan government is confiscating weapons, even those legitimately used for hunting food. They’re ensuring that the citizenry is unarmed.

  15. “The army is Maduro’s [sole] source of authority.”
    Sure it is.. I predict it will last about 4 months.
    When General Padrino decides he has to obey the will of the people,
    president Maduro will be standing in front of a firing squad..
    Maybe Sean Penn could visit and make a documentary.

  16. Mr Lee Kuan Yew the first prime minister of Singapore (from 1959 to 1990)
    Explained, in his book, the difference between a Fabian Socialist & a Communist
    “The Communist is a thug who always resorts to Killing”
    Black Lives Matter have some thugs..just watch the violent ones!

  17. “Coercion is the inevitable and final solution of socialism…” Let me fix that for you. “Coercion is the essence of socialism at every stage”. As Chairman Mao said, “all political power comes out of the barrel of a gun”, and as one of history’s most prolific mass murderers, he should know.

  18. Only a decade and a half ago, Venezuela was a brave new experiment in Bolivarian socialism. Now it’s blossoming into a full-fledged military junta.
    They grow up so fast.

  19. I believe you are right. It may be sooner than four months. Could be this move was initiated by the military, and Maduro is going along with it to save his a$$. For now. I know the Venezuelan military is all Chavez cronies, anyway, but there is a slim chance that they might be more competent than Maduro, who was, prior to his “elevation” a bus driver.
    What I would like to see is an NCO’s coup within the military.

  20. Yes, agree coercion is the essence of socialism, shown by Lenin’s clearing of Russian capitalism from the “commanding heights of the economy.”
    Socialists now progress, acting as if they’re the smart, cool guys while peddling the same failed statism, sold through their identity politics.
    Nicholas et al, not trying to bug you, I just like a little meat on the bone. I suggest the mouse scroll if you prefer brevity. I roll long & short btw.
    Not everyone shares yours and my sage views and our keen understanding of what needs to be done to save the world.
    The truly addled LIVS are beyond help, so why bother trying to turn them with quips and snappy comebacks, despite its amusement?
    Others need context to critically examine their beliefs, as reference for their discontent. That’s what I’m after, rather than just singing to the choir.
    If not, then our fellow citizens can easily be fooled by slogans. Our sound bytes won’t convince them either, more information is required, imho.
    In our federal election, Tories and libertarians were unable to convince our mostly big city LIVs that false narratives were their undoing, not salvation.
    I see US voters also have a high degree for economic and pain and resistance to reality, again in their big cities. This is a big problem, obviously.
