27 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Re: 3 Stooges. Thanks, you made my day!!
    This was considered to be one of the most memorable moments in Stooges history. The Three Stooges walk into a college class and teach the alphabet, where it turns into a fun song!!

  2. When you think about it–once Trudebt and company have changed the original words, it becomes a free for all. It will happen again, and again.
    This is my favorite, the only anthem that mentions ”amber waves.”

  3. I think you are right. The recent Parliamentary silliness in changing the words to O Canada makes this seem like not such a serious issue. Nothing is sacrosanct anymore.

  4. Obama Mentions Himself 45 Times During Memorial Speech For Dallas Officers
    The Narcissist in CHief jsut can’t help himself. If you have a chance, view the video of his “speech”. His lingo and ’emotions’ are so faked and pressed, but more importantly, view the police sitting behind him. Most of them remain stonefaced throughout, and don’t applaud, except for the one or two balck ones, who seem more like cheerleaders.
    Oblowhard has driven race relations back to the 60s. Some accomplishment for the Affirmative Action candidate.
    Oh, and Nobel wants their award back too.

  5. MrZero has done more to increase gun sales in the USSA than any other previous president.

  6. The truly offensive aspect is how badly out of tune the tenor sings. Or, the tenors sing. But nothing that a “little vibrato” and a lot of pomp would not fix. 🙂

  7. That was disgusting racism!
    By singing ‘all lives matter’, the tenor was showing his White Privilege!

  8. Socialism: “the religion of the stomach.”
    “Venezuela Trucks Food Directly to the Poorest as Chaos Spreads”
    “Maduro government is competing with the black market
    Empty refrigerators infuence the battle for hearts and minds”
    “Catia, a vast network of makeshift homes in western Caracas, has long been a proud bastion of Venezuelan socialism. The residents may be working class but their housing is subsidized, their clinics free, their favorite color ruling-party red.”
    “Gustave Le Bon. “Theories of Socialism” Chapter 3 in Book 1 of The Psychology of Socialism. … Socialism is in effect nothing but the religion of the stomach.”

  9. Liberal Wynnetario.
    “Donald Trump would be the only national leader in the world to reject climate science” (telegraph)
    “Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Coming Soon”
    “Ontario is building almost 500 electric vehicle charging stations at over 250 convenient locations across the province to help reduce greenhouse gas pollution and fight climate change.” (wynnetario’s noose)

  10. Last charges against Senators for illegal expensing have been dropped. Statement said that the Crown felt there was no ability to get a conviction.
    If there is still any Canadian who thinks that our society is not manipulated by cadre of eastern progressives then they should review this file. These senators were convicted by a media in bed with the politicians who orchestrated this effort. Orchestrated to the point that Duffy’s ‘trail’ was timed for exposure during the election campaign.
    It worked magnificently. The progressives are back in power where they belong. Sadly Canadians will end up the poorer for it but that is the way of life.

  11. *
    black lives splatter…
    “According to a police report, a Lieutenant with the Baton Rouge
    Police Department ordered a hamburger at the restaurant. When
    he received his hamburger, he noticed a clear substance on top
    of the bun. He then realized that the substance resembled saliva.”

    “The officer notified the manager who reviewed camera footage
    of the incident.”

    guess what happened next?

  12. Liberalism’s ‘left-wing weirdos’ in unison.
    “Dying MP’s [Liberal MP Mauril Belanger] gender-neutral national anthem bill passes in Commons”
    “Bill C-210, which would change the second line of the anthem from “true patriot love, in all thy sons command” to “in all of us command,”…” (g-m)
    “Cherry takes aim at ‘left-wing weirdos’ in critique of The Tenors’ ‘O Canada'”
    “… American-born member Remigio Pereira. The Boston native who grew up in Gatineau, Que., is the one who sang the controversial lyrics while holding a sign reading “All Lives Matter.”

  13. The strongest endorsement of Trump for president is all the illegal immigrants protesting against him.

  14. “Donald Trump would be the only national leader in the world to reject climate science” Shows how he is not owned by the globalists. Harper also was not owned by the globalists which is why they made a point of getting rid of him.

  15. Liberalism’s natural end result: dictatorial tyranny.
    “Venezuela Now a Military Dictatorship”
    “Venezuelan resident Nelson Agelvis — a college professor, business consultant, and travel expert — recently described what life is like there:
    In Venezuela, what Nicolás Maduro dictates gets done, period. There are no checks and balances; there is no division of power. There is no organ of the state that will tell him “No, you can’t, it’s against the constitution.” [His] PSUV government party controls all organs of the state including the Supreme Court and the Electoral Council — yes, the vote counters….
    Any ruler who is all-powerful, who controls all instances of power … the executive branch … the judicial and electoral, and who keeps the military happy … is a dictator. He dictates, and it gets done by any means, and citizens are defenseless against him. That’s a dictatorship.
    According to this definition, Venezuela is a dictatorship.”

  16. Delta Sigma Theta (ΔΣΘ) is a not-for profit Greek-lettered sorority of college-educated women dedicated to public service with an emphasis on programs that target the African American community.
    Who is a member and also involved with “Black lives Matter”? Loretta Lynch. The lady can’t answer the Congressional questions because she doesn’t know the LAW..She is a social worker that went through the system because she was black…

  17. “The Tenors ‘shattered’ by the fallout from O Canada controversy” (cbc)
    “Leftists rage against singer who changed “O Canada” lyrics — but Liberal Party just did the same thing”
    “How bizarre that singing “all lives matter” would result in such a spasm of demonization from the left. The Tenors threw out the singer, calling him a “lone wolf,” a phrase used to describe terrorists.
    I blame this all this division the left.
    But I also blame Barack Obama in particular.
    Obama is a black man, elected president not on the basis of any achievement — he was a first-term senator, who was largely absent as a legislator. He was elected as a symbol of racial reconciliation. But instead he fell back on the Chicago way — dividing, exacerbating differences.
    And even yesterday, at the funeral of the Dallas policemen, he couldn’t help blaming cops. And you.”

  18. Obama’s ‘ghostwriter’:
    “The draft was obtained from Obama’s brother and former best man Malik Obama. Written notes and sticky notes all over the pages indicate large portions of the book were NOT written by Obama.”
    “One section is marked ‘Ink by Obama,’ and others say not Obama on them. Obama has always maintained that he wrote his books by himself.”

  19. Everybody — including the tenors are completely overreacting. Changing the lyrics was rash, but not that big a deal. Time to let the rogue tenor back in. I am sure he won’t do it again. If people are concerned about this, how about that PM who has indicated we are the first “post national” state and declared that Canadians have no core identity. Really if you want to be offended regarding issues of patriotism and loyalty to country, the rogue tenor is not the main culprit.
