29 Replies to “When Women Gather”

  1. The photos suggested there were NO FAT CHICKS ALLOWED. How do they get away with THAT … and still call themselves “feminists” ??

  2. Geez, no wonder why we men are so depressed and angry all the time… We miss out on all this fun!!!

  3. ayurvedic breast massage
    I thought that the proper term for that was “foreplay”.

  4. Guess we now understand why Just in’s Sophie was selling “body fluid-taste improover” Products.

  5. The weirdest think I’ve ever seen someone do was a guy told everyone to roll up the windows and listen. Then he cracked the biggest fart known to man. Men’s rituals tend to be pretty unritualistic and away from the gay side. That is unless they were gay. Either way I didn’t want them steaming my privates.

  6. Hey all, did you know that carbon fiber is part of the patriarchy used to oppress women?
    Here goes: 
    Having to do with Oscar Pastorious and his “Blade Runner” feet.
    Oh, and he’s also an example of oppression against the handicapped as well (or “Differently Abled”, or something). 
    Now, isn’t that just precious.
    God Almighty, these poor oppressed Feminazis sure are an endless bowl of cherries, aren’t they?

  7. Maybe ISIS is on to something…put a bag over ’em and tell ’em to shut the hell up and get back in the kitchen. Best thing all around, really, as they obviously can’t handle freedom.

  8. WHat is supersession it appears to be an amalgam of oppression, intersection and superposition .. unless we are talking about sex, then I can understand: “Boy, that was a super session with that expensive escort, well worth the money”.

  9. Fuel Filter,
    I read the whole thing.
    That woman is completely crazy.
    carbon fiber – in her very messed up mind – is a tool of the capitalist hegemony to oppress females?
    So when a person that lost their legs can have a second life with carbon fiber legs this is oppressive and a tool of the capitalist hegemony?
    When something made of carbon fiber is lighter thus uses less energy this is oppressive to females and is a tool of the capitalist hegemony?
    That woman belongs in a padded cell.
    That is serious insanity.
    Her last name is Moody
    that is beyond Moody, that is total complete insanity.

  10. Anyone called them islamophobic yet? Muslim calendar is lunar… Allah is a rename of a pagan moon diety…

  11. Free Bleeders unite! You have nothing to lose but your tampons.

  12. A lot of “women” with nothing to think about. Talk about needing a vacation in Cambodia.
