6 Replies to “Get Them While They’re Soft And Yielding”

  1. Started listening to the poem. Got to “I’m sorry” and that was enough.
    I’ve done training on reserves to help them become more employable. I always tell the class to use their race and their status in society to their advantage. Apply for jobs at Sask Power or Sask Tel. They’ll hire you because of it.
    Typical response would be that other workers would resent them. I told them to get the job and then prove to your coworkers that you deserve the job by your work ethic.
    They were all back in class the following year.

  2. Point taken. That is what happens when they “grow old”. They become grumpy people who don’t even take their own advice.

  3. longtime Toronto Star columnist Rosie DiManno, seen here in 2002
    I’m guessing the years have not been kind.

  4. Sorry … even though my own wife is a Public School Teacher … the Public re-Education Camp is ABUSING our kids. I HONESTLY don’t know which is worse ? Some young woman teacher having SEX with her 7th grade, 12yo, middle school student ? … or the LEFTWING unreality shoved down their gullets ?
