12 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. That is all we need in Canada, a bunch of progressive Americans emigrating here! 2nd only to Muslims already here working towards Shiria Law.

  2. Neither Hilabeast nor Bernie will end up being the Democrat presidential nominee in the end.
    Hope Hildabeast and Slick Willy don’t mind orange coveralls………heh.

  3. All I can say is keep up the good work Black Lives Matter. MOAR PLEEZE.
    I call on all Trump supporters to frame the election to friends/family/acquaintances as a choice between BLM-supporter Hillary and Law & Order Candidate Trump.

  4. Pretty clear the US is simply over. This is what public education reduces a country to. 37% of their population will choose Democrat over rule of law. Seriously, the whole country has clearly gone beyond even Jonestown here. Coincidence that Jim Jones was also a Democrat? Clearly no.

  5. At first, I was upset at Comey. But as the evidence piles up, it becomes clear he simply saw the writing on the wall; it just wasn’t going to happen under any circumstance. There is nothing that can be done to stop the Democrat apocalypse. You can’t even kill yourself; they use the votes of dead people. Lerner is still collecting a paycheck. The people who actually value rule of law keep paying taxes to the Clinton Foundation Revenue Service.

  6. Hillary’s FATAL mistake (among many) … its NOT. ABOUT. TRUMP. ! Her IDIOT campaign advisers have her busy disparaging Trump. She even has a RABID SCOTUS attack dog yapping at Trump. Nobody CARES ! Trump is simply the anti-ESTABLISHMENT candidate. Nobody cares that he puts his foot in his mouth, and has funny-looking hair. Trump is our FLAMETHROWER !
    The American VOTER is CLEANING HOUSE !! … getting RID of YOU … you stupid old WITCH !!
    This time around … the American voter is voting for HOPE and CHANGE. Only the REAL hope and change this time. To get the Federal government off our chests … we can’t breathe anymore !!!

  7. Hillary may find raising money more difficult. Who wants to have their name associated with the dim witted lying Hillary, perhaps the most crooked. Add a crazy Ginsberg, George Soros & his race war…a cesspool of pure slime…
    Remember History: Lincoln only won because his opposition (Democrats) ran 3 candidates and >600,000 died in the civil war….It is still States Rights that divide the political parties. The end of that war may have just been a cease fire…
    What ever happens in Cleveland will go up an order of magnitude in Philly…Revenge is best served cold…

  8. While I also believe Hillary is stuck or in decline, this is but one poll. Polls of polls show a close race. The RNC will be a bitch fest; the DNC a hate fest.
    This thing is miles from being decided; but,Hillary is worried and should be.
    This email scandal will not go away as tearful “Hillary lied to me” refrains from slain Benghazi soldiers’ spouses erode further her trust issues.
    Trump won’t turtle and play it safe like Romney did after the first debate last time. Now that the whiner wieners have petered out into Twitter, the RNC should be a good show, mostly because the lamestream media are quite sure it will be really boring, as they cover every minute of it.
    The Cleveland police, having compared notes with others, hopefully will deal with the useful idiots@ Dem lives matter morons, safely out of spitting range.
    As for the DNC, how long can Shrillery and crew shout out “Trump’s a bad man?” I know, right up to November.
    Even so the NYT is digging deep for scandal in this broke failed billionaire who hates the women he loves, who’s success shows he’s “unsuitable.”
    At least he’s actually eligible for a security clearance and can legally receive national security briefings which begin after the conventions.

  9. Neither Hilabeast nor Bernie will end up being the Democrat presidential nominee in the end.
    I am not much into conspiracy theories but try this one. The O-hole waits long enough until it is certain that the Hildabeast will undoubtedly lose. In steps, Loretta Lynch, charges for perjury or some such are laid and who can step into her shoes, why Mr. ‘O.’ himself! There must be an election and there is no time for foreplay!
    Just sayin.
