20 Replies to “I Felt A Great Disturbance In The Narrative”

  1. Like I said to my inlaws over the weekend when they brought up the topic of this latest Dindu and how the police are so brutal these days, “Give it a week or so…the truth always comes out.” Now I will be happy to discuss…

  2. That’s a brilliant cartoon!
    Mark Levin was playing some audio (show on July 12th) from December of 1914 taken from a “Black Lives Matter” rally in New York. They were chanting “what do we want? … dead cops.”
    Obama has no problem with these people.

  3. “Tear down this wall, and make damned sure that the average law abiding tax-paying citizen is unarmed!”
    This seems like the mid 18th century all over again.

  4. Great cartoon, but it also reflects what this useful idiot is all about to, and for the left. How anyone could have voted for this fool is mind boggling, but the corrupt media throughout the world delivered this poser, the Hillltard and every other left wing poser from Turdo to Wynnie to Notheadly and on to the dopey of society, the lazy who never research a candidate or their motives, they just show up and vote for what a corrupt media tells them. Turn off the Globals CBC CTV NYT Toronto Stars CNN and watch them go broke, no corporations deserve that more than these purveyors of no values or morals.

  5. Way better then the junk from Tom Toles,Tex Babin and Clay Bennet. If anyplace needed to be torn down its the United Nations facility its failed its missionn bring world peace and is nothing but a pit of vipers and a vultures nest where no dove would ever go

  6. The ‘black community’ is so desperate to find their own personal American-Mandela … that they attach themselves to every black CRIMINAL who paid the ultimate price for their CRIME and stupidity.
    They might want to CHOOSE more carefully … eh, Obama ? which one of these latest two criminals could be your male offspring ?
    PS … you’re gonna be waiting … quite a while.

  7. The cartoon is very apt and accurate. Back in 1979 in my peaceful 99% white little city of 15,000 in Bathurst NB, there was a 5 day police strike and lo and behold, the riff raff came out to make a major nuisance of themselves with vandalism with a few windows were broken during attempted theft of a couple of stores downtown, attempted sexual assault(one attempt only was reported), drag racing on Main Street, spinning tires at the traffic circle. Yeah, that was about the extent of it but it goes to show how valuable the Thin Blue Line is. I imagine that would have been a typical slow day in Detroit if a murder or two were added..

  8. Great Cartoon. As the police pull out of the high crime areas crime will increase and the law abiding majority will become less safe. Unfortunately the fight against crime, like the fight against terrorism, will continue to be an unending war, not a temporary battle that is finished when we think we have had enough or finished because of isolated cases where one of our police goes too far or appears to go too far or acts in an unbecoming manner.

  9. I love it, however I think the word crime needs to be changed to police corruption. Only the police, police unions and associated agencies are stopping the people from believing in them. Police can only do an effective job of keeping the peace if the populace believes and respects them ( or is scared poopless). It’s kinda like money, it’s only worth something as long as the people believe in it and the government that backs it up. If they have lost whole sections of the population’s trust and belief then they need to look at cleaning themselves up and make some meaningful changes.

  10. The vast majority of voters are not people like us who discuss issues and evaluate candidates based on their qualifications for the job. It’s a popularity contest like picking prom royalty. Two quotes by George Carlin summarize the situation well.
    “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
    “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”

  11. The police should go on strike wherever they don’t get the support of the public, until the public realize the value of the service they take for granted.
    People also need to realize that “Serve & Protect” is merely a PR motto. The courts have established on many occasions that the police have no mandate to protect the public. Their job is to collect evidence after a crime has been committed and to arrest criminals, either by catching them in the act or serving a warrant issued by the courts. People have a misunderstanding of police responsibilities based on watching too much TV.
    “Call for a cop, and call for a pizza. I’ll bet you a pizza who gets here first”

  12. “Only the police, police unions and associated agencies are stopping the people from believing in them.” Grey lady
    Interesting.. I remember the NJ history of Racial Profiling… The police Union & lawyers argued that individual racism was a systematic problem. They used the example of the Drug task force that waited at the Delaware Bridge entrance to the NJ Turnpike. If a Big Car (Caddy or Lincoln) looked loaded, had Florida plates, and was occupied by 2 blacks.. They had a drug shipment…They made the stop, found the drugs & arrested the mules…The Courts declared systematic racial profiling illegal….
    Long story short… the drug task force could stop the drugs but if they were black they went free..Didn’t take long for drug traffic to increase and the real racism problem was swept under the rug.
    It doesn’t matter what race you are, if the Cop was not of your race…. you could be in serious trouble…Racism in NJ is on both side of the coin..They MAY use any reason to kill you and score points.. The Unions & their lawyers keep that culture alive

  13. *
    canuckguy says… “Back in 1979 in my peaceful 99%
    white little city of 15,000 in Bathurst NB”

    bathurst, new brunswick… that sounds so familiar.
    isn’t that where the ottawa citizen says all those racists live?

  14. Yes. The police have enabled this situation. The police aren’t holding back the crime.
    They are enabling it. They thought that they could feed us to the crocodile first and not be eaten last.
    What they did was keep the rest of us from preventing the crocodile from growing into a monster through social approval.
    I don’t want to support the police to enable them to beat us all down. I want them to get out of the way and let us take care of business.
    The police aren’t on our side. They are on the side of the Police State.
    We live in the transition period where Frankenstein(the state and it’s agents) are taking losses from the monster

  15. Have you heard about some pinhead who says the police should be abolished/Eliminated? Just how stupid are some people what need to be eliminated is The Dept of Homeland Security and stupid liberal pinheads

  16. Yes yes of course, routine abuses from the JBTs are a small price to pay. We need to accept these because otherwise we will build a Thuderdome in a matter of days.
    When Georgia (country not the state) fired all of their cops, all of them, that is right, ALL COPS FIRED FOR THREE MONTHS (and only slowly rebuilt the force after that) the crime went down.
    Maybe this has something to do with nobody prosecuting people for defending themselves?
