29 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. *
    it’s lookin’ like o’blabber’s latest hypothetical son was an armed robber…
    “Police sources have confirmed that investigators have linked the cigarette tax stamps
    from a July 2nd (armed) robbery to the vehicle driven by Philando Castile and Lavish

    if this isn’t some internet glitch… philando is lookin’ like a “clean shoot” and lavish could
    be doin a little crowbar motel time herself.

  2. Act 1 Seventh retake.
    Archie is sitting his chair reading a newspaper.
    Edith is knitting in another chair to the left.
    Archie says. “Well. lookee here Edith. That Clinton dame is not gonna be charged after she screwed around with the whatyoumacallit computer systems.
    What is wrong with this country?
    Edith says. “Well I think she was trying her best.
    Archie puts down his paper and says Aw! Jees! worked all day on the loading dock to put food on table, been here 14 minutes
    and still don’t have a cold beer in my hand. Forget about meathead this place is going nuts.

  3. You probably heard about the guy who sang new personally invented lines in our national anthem at the All Star baseball game.
    The p.c. crowd have descended upon him and his fellow singers have disowned him. This appears to be based on a rather extreme form of political correctness in which one is not allowed to say that all lives matter because that is supposedly code for black lives not mattering.
    And on the CBC, commentators were not willing to leave it there, several joined forces to beat the drums for this guy’s complete ostracism from polite Canadian society — “I hope he never works again,” was the shared opinion of all three parties.
    Is this reasonable or balanced? Of course not. That we would want to destroy a man’s life just because he holds a political viewpoint that we do not (in the hypothetical, I would say that I agree with him that all lives matter but I am not thereby trying to make any particular point about the BLM movement which is communism under a different name) is not in the spirit of freedom of speech or freedom of conscience.
    That a conservative would want to associate himself with this predictable progressive groupthink shows how far our political movement has sunk in recent years. This is the inevitable consequence of allowing in too many pretend conservatives who are just progressives that don’t want to pay (as many) taxes. And my conclusion is that the entire movement has become contaminated with this attitude that we must all think alike or face doom. Why? Who among us is smart enough to tell anyone else what he or she should think? (I mean, besides ____ ).

  4. WE do have legal standards in the USA.. We don’t indict/prosecute the feeble minded because they can’t form intent and perjury depends on what the meaning of IS.. IS
    Google: Loretta Lynch… She knows something about Cigars & Broomsticks in private places..
    Obama sure picks some hair balls…

  5. It’s a harmless drug. Let’s legalize it.
    Case 15: In Hot Water
    He sits up. “It’s been over a year now,” he says. “Every couple of weeks I start vomiting, and sometimes there’s pain, but it’s never lasted this long. I’ve seen my family doctor. I’ve had ultrasounds, blood tests, and even a camera in my gut, but there’s nothing.”
    “Does it just go away on it’s own?”
    “Often,” he says, “I can sit down in a hot bath and it settles.”
    And immediately, I know what’s wrong with him. I stop him in mid-sentence and ask him a question I ask almost everyone. I don’t ask the elderly – maybe I should start – and I don’t ask little kids. And maybe, because of his suit, and his job, I’ve judged him, and left out the one question that will nail the diagnosis. I’m so sure I’m right, that if he says no, I won’t believe him.
    “Do you use marijuana?”
    He has nothing to hide. “Every day.”
    “What if I told you that it’s likely the marijuana?”
    “Marijuana helps nausea.”
    “Has it helped you with this?”
    He points to the IV in his arm.
    More here:
    Pot pains: Why marijuana can become toxic for some
    Waghmare says he’s since seen dozens more patients with CHS come through the doors of Southlake Regional Health Centre where he works.
    “I probably see this every week in the ER,” he says. “if we were to go through all the charts from a full week, I’m sure we’d see at least a case of day among all the doctors.”
    Most of the patients Waghmare sees had no idea that the drug they used every day could suddenly become toxic to them.
    “People don’t know that this exists,” he says.

  6. No you are wrong! Political statements at sporting events by athletics or performers are dangerous at this time in America. I don’t want Baseball, the NFL, or any Sports to become embroiled in politics.. The guy was an idiot & BLM are idiots…keep the violence on the streets where snipers can protect the police…..

  7. Trudeau and company, on a whim, (who knows–the inspiration could have derived from Justin seeing a poem tattooed on someone’s butt at a gay parade) recently decided to change the words to our Canadian anthem. A few weeks later, well know Canadian singer and performer, Remigio Pereira, gets suspended because he changed three words of our anthem (also on a whim) to ”all lives matter.” while singing ”Oh Canada” at an MBA game in San Diego, Ca.
    I would liken singing ”Oh Canada” on American soil to singing ” The Star Spangled Banner” here in Canada. It has no legal bearing whatsoever. I further question the need to sing any national anthems at sporting events. Major league sporting events are primarily held to create capital for team owners and to entertain the crowds who pay buy the tickets. What has patriotism to do with money, baseball or hockey? If I cheer for the NY Yankees, does that make me (Cdn) ”unpatriotic?”
    In writing this, I also kept in mind that the original version of our anthem was a song written by Calixa Lavallée in the French language in 1880. While the French version remains unchanged, the English versions, totally different from Lavallée’s original, have been altered at least four times since the original was composed in 1906. Did three words really matter?? Another classic example of thoughtless behavior inspired by social media.
    As for the words ”all lives matter,” one of the many reasons I’m Conservative is because my party cares for the unborn child. Don’t ”unborn” lives matter?? I think they should.

  8. Regarding the “all lives matter” addition to the national anthem. At first I thought it okay, but in being a consistent conservative I’ve changed my mind.
    If I believe the Dixie Chicks should just “shut up and sing”, then the same goes for this instance. They weren’t being paid to make their own beliefs known to their audience or to further an agenda, but to sing as well as their talents allow. No more, no less.
    Shut up and sing.

  9. And 1/4th of a quartet does not spring it on the other 3/4 with no warning. Not if you want to keep your job.

  10. I AM , Joe Molnar, age 84, prostate cancer survivor since 1994/95
    I AM no longer giving away for “FREE” any of my wallet sized plastic enclosed “four leafed clovers” from my “secret garden”.
    I AM …………….. selling them!
    I AM ON most WEEKDAYS between (9:00 am and 11:00 am at TIM HORTONS coffee shop on NORWICH AVE at the HWY 401 off ramp at WOODSTOCK ONTARIO.
    YOUR CHOICE…. $ 15,000.00 , cash, CANADIAN for 1 (one) wallet sized clover encased within.
    MY CHOICE….. $10,000… cash, CANADIAN for 1 (one) wallet sized clover encased within.
    This is not a JOKE!
    Because I will likely get BANNED from SDA FOREVER by editor Kate, this posting may NEVER BE SEEN HERE OR ANYWHERE AGAIN.
    BUYER’S …..BEWARE….buy, at your own risk!
    I AM
    Staff at Timmy’s know me.

  11. a national anthem is not to be used for political comment, ever. it is bad enough that the p c liberals in our society want to change the lyrics to suit their current agenda, but to stand up and bastardize it when it is supposed to be held up as recognition of the country is idiocy.

  12. At one point I would have agreed with this, but the Liberals have politicized the anthem with changing the words to be “politically correct”. I think that has undermined some of it’s meaning as a symbol of Canada. I find I just don’t care that much, and I do not plan to sing the anthem in the future. I will stand respectfully, but no longer feel the resonance the anthem once had.

  13. Well Joe…I can’t speak for Kate but I think you are part of the family here, I hope you aren’t banned!
    If you can sell some of those 4 leaf clovers for that price I want to hear about it!

  14. Whoa there Joe, you’re pricing yourself out of business. People living in Wynne’s Ontario can’t afford a plugged nickle. Thanks to the McGuinty/Wynne romp in Ontario our lawns have become cloverized along with a multitude of weeds I can’t even identify and even wild strawberries.
    Among the clover I have found six with four leafs so far, I’m sure there are more. Too bad, now I have no reason to visit Timmies in Woodstock to see the most expensive four leaf clovers in the world.

  15. Leslie Hall, Pants on the Ground, The Barefoot Man? What a musical variety?
    BTW shouldn’t it be The Barefooted Man or does he only have 1 leg?

  16. I guess you just proved his point:
    “In a 2011 literature review, it was reported that patient denial is often the biggest stumbling block for a physician to be able to make a proper diagnosis.”

  17. Exactly. That happens with all drugs legal and illegal, not just cannabis. Your attempt to make it a pot issue is spurious and looks like you’re beating the refer madness drum and not being objective. No doubt you could find isolated examples of aspirin toxicity if thats what you were looking for. If you’ve got problems with any drug then don’t use it, and don’t assume everyone is similarly afflicted.

  18. https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana
    “For example, a study showed that people who started smoking marijuana heavily in their teens and had an ongoing cannabis use disorder lost an average of eight IQ points between ages 13 and 38. The lost mental abilities did not fully return in those who quit marijuana as adults. Those who started smoking marijuana as adults did not show notable IQ declines”

  19. Dinosaur Death Watch.
    “Rosie DiManno, Toronto Star columnist, charged with assault
    OPP says 60-year-old was involved in ‘physical altercation’ in Ontario cottage country” (cbc)
    “Asteroid killed dinosaurs by setting oil alight and spreading soot, says study
    Authors of hypothesis say it explains key mystery of why dinosaur cousins the crocodilians survived the mass extinction”

  20. But it is a pot issue because our Liberal government wants to legalize a potentially harmful drug without fully evaluating the scientific evidence. I wouldn’t consider a case a day in the ER as isolated examples. If you choose to ignore the evidence of harmful side effects of your chosen vice you are the one that is not being objective.

  21. Looks like there are no Senators being charged, the Senate scandal of the century has proven to be a farce created by the media to give their Shiny Boy and his Liberal cabal a fighting chance of winning the election. It worked, the stupid among the voting public fell for it, that’s it, that’s all. The only scandal is the media manipulation of facts to suit their anti Conservative agenda and rabid hatred of Stephen Harper, he best PM we’ve had in memory.

  22. I believe Harper had a Health Canada info program which was intended to let people know about the negative effects on the brains of young people, and he was pilloried by the leftists. Too bad — it us important information.

  23. This is astonishing, really, given the way the Harper government was bludgeoned by the left for the Senate issue. Some pundits have commented on the “tone” in Ottawa improving somewhat now that Harper is gone. That would be because the left was largely responsible for the relentless nastiness. They are a nasty bunch. It started with the Liberals who could not tolerate being out of power, so it was faux scandal after faux scandal. The left is full of hypocrites. Now what we have us a faux PM who is not capable of running the country.

  24. Yep, the Left and their media hacks succeeded in doing, giving us a Liberal majority government with a front man posing as PM. Of course the “tone” has changed, the ones who set that tone got what they wanted, they got rid of PM Harper, now we have silence. Not only that, we have gone Hollywood, they’ve given him celebrity status, every little trick he does for the cameras gets splashed all over their tabloids/newspapers. Selfie anyone?

  25. La Gloire.
    “Francois Hollande spoke at the parade to announce France’s state of emergency in place since attacks in January will be lifted on July 26”
    “Show of strength: Jets trail red, white and blue across the sky to mark Bastille Day as President Hollande announces France’s state of emergency will be lifted
    France celebrated Bastille Day in style with a display of fighter jets and with marching anti-terrorist forces
    President Francois Hollande spoke at annual parade to announce country’s state of emergency will be lifted
    Total of 55 aircraft were on display in Paris alongside 30 helicopters, 212 armoured vehicles and 3,000 troops
    Incredible pictures show aircraft releasing coloured smoke over crowd and Maori warriors from New Zealand”
