61 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. I’m going to have to disagree with that assertion. The election fraud this time around is going to be astronomical. It will be blatant…and borderline spiteful. The message has been sent. Hillary is untouchable…and to think that the Clintons won’t use that to their advantage is naïve.
    In 2012, the president judge in Pennsylvania signed a judicial order allowing 300 republican poll watchers to enter precincts to observe. Of those 300…100 were turned away for no reason, and in violation of the law. Nothing…I repeat, nothing was done about it despite the court order. This time it will be 10 times worse. They will do it out in the open, and there will be no repercussions, because this time the FEC will be complicit. THe GOP will write their letters, and hold a few hearings. But, the bottom line is that there is no legal establishment (rule of law) where the Clintons (and the Democrat party in general) are concerned.
    Every single state without voter ID (and Pennsylvania had that law shot down in the 11th hour) will go democrat… And we will be laughed at while it’s being done.

  2. Yes, and the New Black Panthers and Van Jones and his thugs will intimidate anyone who tries to keep voting legal.

  3. About that Black Panther case in Philadelphia where the representative was filmed intimidating voters at the front door to the precinct with a weapon…that guy lost the case in court…because he never showed up. Therefore, the prosecution won by default. Slam dunk…since there was no defense.
    HOWEVER. The hacks at the Dept of Justice dropped and dismissed the case after it was won so the Black Panther representative would not be prosecuted. Got that? The prosecution won the case…and the DOJ stepped in and dismissed it after it was won. Get used to it.

  4. I wonder what they promised Bernie to get him to be their trained monkey. I do not see that his heart is in it.

  5. It should have been obvious all along that Sanders knew he was never going to get the nomination and was just jerking off in public and enjoying the hell out of the attention he had never before received.

  6. I have never heard the opening DNC catch hell like this-
    1968 Chicago was lukewarm in the opening ceremonies but they brought up The Vietnam War and all hell broke lose.
    This old man wanted to switch his voters over to HRC and they damn near rioted.
    Wait till they knock down that 4 mile fence.
    Looking forward to seeing Hillary get Booed and Jeered off the stage..

  7. Well, I can fairly say that I can’t wait for her acceptance speech night. Talk about crowd control and the machinations necessary to filter out the undesirables. To witness the mess will in itself be orgasmic. In a manner of speaking, of course.

  8. Democrat scumbag media will of course either not show this video or try to convince their low-information voters that “boo” is a word Democrats use to show their enthusiasm.

  9. Holy crap is right!
    Monitoring CNN’s coverage …… I now know why the wall-haters put up such a big friggin’ fence around their own convention site. It’s to protect Hillary and her supporters from some very disgruntled and angry Bernie supporters. This could get real ugly. The US may soon witness first hand which party is truly the party full of intolerance and haters.
    And speaking of ugly, how enthusiastic will the Phillie Police Dept be in intervening to save these Dem pricks that incite others to murder cops. I hope they also let their feelings be known to the racial inciters in the Dem party.
    Trump just said “Hillary Rotten Clinton”, personally I’m glad he’s still the same outspoken, obnoxious guy.

  10. Agreed.
    If Hillary’s name is on the ballot in November expect voter fraud on a biblical scale. The Clinton’s will do whatever it takes to steal the election. They’re the Clinton’s it’s what they do.

  11. Well,no further mention of his supporter’s fart-in at Hillary’s convention speech. Bernie was to be invited to the bean supper to roil up the flatulent ammo. It’s possible he will not attend and they may have to do the same to him, he has let his supporters down.

  12. Turn those frowns upside down.
    Hillary will start lying about legalizing weed in a couple weeks judging by this reception.

  13. This is becoming a full fledged disaster, Bernie is really killing their chances, he’s not sincere in his support for Billary.

  14. Posted elsewhere but highly relevant here. Trump needs to figure out how to deal with the liklihood of cheating:
    Here is a dynamite post from Reddit about findings re voter fraud. There are suspicions about voter fraud in the Democratic primaries. Among other things, it looks like a couple of electronic voter machine companies have contributed to Hillary’s campaign. This might disappear,so have a look while it is still posted:

  15. This is what happens when you promise the entitled all kinds of free stuff, they will not accept anything else.
    This election is the biggest joke in American History!

  16. After telling the world that the uneventful Republican convention was a disaster, how in hell is the Main Stream Media going to hide this?

  17. I agree with much that you say, Hillary is untouchable. All these goings-on are nothing to do with her. She will keep her head down and everyone else will throw themselves under the bus for a future reward.
    Voter fraud will be on a gigantic scale if things get desperate for her, but it would need to be so obviouse that I don’t think even Clinton could get away with it.
    Watch the bank accounts and future careers of the 538 electors in the college, though. This is where the elction could be stolen.

  18. Talk about Dark-
    The mothers of Michael Brown and Eric Garner will be speaking.
    Michael Brown tried to kill a cop and got himself killed. I am sure his mom will explain.
    Eric Garner died from a choke hold when he resisted arrest, he also had other medical conditions.
    A grand jury decided not to indict either police officer for murder, and I have decided not to watch their tirade against the cops.
    Police officers and Fire Dept. should wait at least an hour before responding to the Bernie rioters burning down the DNC arena.

  19. I always thought of him as a sock-puppet. But he, the old git, fired up the young and stupid, who are emotionally attached to the Bernie cause

  20. Orwell ‘1984’ “There is no way in which the Party can be overthrown. The rule of the Party is for ever. Make that the starting-point of your thoughts.”
    Bernie knows is. Comey knows it. Lerner knows it. The only people who don’t know it are the ones who keep saying “this time is different, this time we’ll get them”. Cold fusion and flying cars will happen first.

  21. Trump MUST… BE… DEFEATED…. CHEERS… YEAH…. Hitlery Klintoon…. MUST… BE… ELECTED… BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Cognitive dissonance at it’s finest. These people are severely stupid but we already knew that.

  22. Robert and Kevin, bet you don’t get invited to a lot of parties. I don’t. Only my family puts up with me and they think my hats are made of tin foil. Do you know the real ending to the “emperor’s new clothes ?” The little boy who said, “Look the emperor has no clothes” was immediately stoned and it wasn’t green and leafy.

  23. I can’t wait for the Sanders fart-in. Such a classically stupid plan. I mean the first and most serious victims will be the perpetrators for one thing.

  24. You are very correct. Was reminded of that last week at an age old disfunctional family event. I expressed my opinion about Trudeau after a glass of wine. Should have known better. They looked up from their cell phone games with silence displaying their total ignorance of current events.

  25. Robert and Orson are correct. The Clinton machine will use every blackmail chit they’ve collected over the years to cheat their way back into the WhiteHouse. That’s what despicable people like them do.

  26. The leftards in the US and Canada have such a severe case of Trumpophobia that they don’t care if Clinton cheats her way back into the WhiteHouse. They are so afraid of Trump that their ‘moral holiday’ is acceptable if that’s what it takes to keep Trump out.
    I hope he wins, just for the pleasure of watching their heads implode. Schadenfreude.

  27. I started watching the shenanigans about an hour ago. The Democrats must be grasping at straws when they are relying on well-known pop culture celebrities to get their message across.
    I mean, Paul Simon singing “Bridge Over Troubled Water” with the audience swaying in time to the music?
    To use that old advertising line from the early 1980s, “Where’s the beef?”

  28. I see the Convention floor filled with delegates wearing NO TPP ! buttons and placards … don’t they realize that a vote for HER … is a vote for globalism and WORST than the TPP !!!??? Just how DUMB and DELUDED are these Democraps ?

  29. And bringing out the handicapped and recovering mentally ill spoke persons defending Hillary.
    What nonsense. Food for fools.

  30. People that have acute cognitive dissonance always chant for those that have the most cognitive dissonance. Reality is a concept they don’t understand.
    A convention full of Forrest Gumps (only a lot more retarded).

  31. The lineup hasn’t been stellar tonight: Al Franken, Sarah Silverman, Michelle Obama, and, now, Elizabeth Warren, among others. Is that the best they can do?

  32. You have just proven my thought from last night. Hillary will do the 30 yard dash at Central park.
    After watching PBS Live coverage, I had this urge to regurgitate. They are surrounding the palace and will return with vengeance. Wait until the fat ladies sings..

  33. I don’t know why the Bernie supporters are so upset. Their votes were not stolen, they were merely re-distributed by people that know better to someone who needed them more.
    (lifted from Breitbarts comment)

  34. For the Clinton campaign to even suggest that Donald Trump is smart enough to get Russian President Putin to support his presidency with emails-
    Trump must be a Brilliant man and much, much, smarter than anyone in the Democrat organization..

  35. Meanwhile, judging from his twitter feed, David Akin has ejaculated all over himself and his livingroom over the FLOTUS speech. He literally won’t stop pawing at himself while retweeting every Dem zealots’ regurgitation. I told him to think of his wife.

  36. I’m watching Sanders still carrying on as if he’s still running his campaign with the same old rubbish: more free stuff, more progressive crap, blah blah blah.
    Hillary Clinton understands, you see.
