Look On My Works, Ye Mighty

Duke Pesta on the leftist chokehold on higher education – and its consequences:

I started giving quizzes to my juniors and seniors. I gave them a ten-question American history test… just to see where they are. The vast majority of my students – I’m talking nine out of ten, in every single class, for seven consecutive years – they have no idea that slavery existed anywhere in the world before the United States. Moses, Pharaoh, they know none of it. They’re 100% convinced that slavery is a uniquely American invention… How do you give an adequate view of history and culture to kids when that’s what they think of their own country – that America invented slavery? That’s all they know.

One of these.

52 Replies to “Look On My Works, Ye Mighty”

  1. Just a thought. Does anyone know what percentage of Americans are descendants of the people who came here after slavery was abolished? I know that my grandparents all came from Ireland long after slavery in America was abolished, so I am not descended from slave holders. My ancestors were living under their own oppressors, the English. It’s ridiculous to make race relations about black vs. white, as if all white skinned people, Italian or Irish or Jewish, or German… are descendants of slave owners.
