22 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. I’ll bet she’s also worried about all that dihydrogen monoxide and hydrogen hydroxide in our water supply.

  2. Alex Wagner, a senior editor for the Atlantic who moderated the discussion, then deflected the conversation.
    “Reproductive rights affect men and women, right?” she said. “Making a baby naturally takes two things. That’s just what I hear.”

    Man Piaba- Harry Belafonte.

  3. If two seconds of thought were applied, they would have realized how ridiculous the question was and their answers would be.

  4. the level of stupid continues to expand. good grief is there anyone out there with even a tiny brain?

  5. Pressley said. “I do believe that as our consciousness is elevated we will be better informed, better educated, and we can mobilize around those issues.”
    Better informed? Than what? A fence post? Better educated? What makes her think she’s educated to start with? Do these idjits even know what trans anything means? Didn’t think so. As old white guy says, the level of stupidity expands. Unfortunately,unlike ignorance,there is no fix for stupid. News flash you stupid beyotchs. Medical science may be able to cut a guys gear off, and give it a fake vagina,but it hasn’t figured out the tricky part about a womb. Stupid.stupid,stupid.

  6. Men who identify as women can’t have babies, but Canada can ensure they qualify for the new Canada Child Benefit. That will partially compensate them for lack of wombs.
    I demand to be paid for the ten children I want, but through no fault of my own, can’t have.

  7. Look at the original publishing date for the article. It’s April 1st.
    Oh wait, it isn’t!
    When we think that we’ve reached the bottom, we haven’t. can anyone even guess what could possibly be next. I sure never predicted this one.

  8. Conclusive evidence that that’s one little gal who has never, ever, held a library-card in her short, moronic, life..

  9. Dammit Kelly!
    I knew somebody would beat me to that clip. To my mind, it sums up the derangement of the SJW movement perfectly!
    Loretta, history’s first gender-confused snowflake!

  10. *
    “if men who self-identify as women can get abortions
    why can’t they do something about those poor people
    on gilligan’s island

  11. Stupid people have been around since the invention of people but up to now we have tended to protect them from harm, pat them on their head and tell them to go outside to play while the adults carry on a conversation.

  12. These are the same people who would vote for PM Selfie, Red Rachel, and the Hillarybeast.
    Logic and reason are beyond them.
