26 Replies to “Pollspotting!”

  1. Actually no. Why hasn’t he compared the death toll of oil spills from pipelines vs oil spills from rail? Why didn’t Harper screw Quebec by implementing a $400 per liter carbon tax on refined petroleum product shipped by rail (while exempting refined pipeline product)?

  2. What’s the latest on the death toll? 4 birds, a fish and a frog? A huge tempest in a teapot. I just wish that the Premier had said no big deal, Husky should be more forthcoming in the future and let’s just move on. Despite the obvious overreaction by the city of Prince Albert, an expert on oil spills on a radio talk show yesterday stated that once the spill moves on, the water from the river is perfectly safe to drink. Oddly enough, a news reader on the same radio station referred to “several” animals being killed. I suppose that Premier Wall had to express a bit of concern just to mollify those worshipping at the altars of Douglas and Blakeney although these lefties wouldn’t be satisfied unless the pipeline was completely shut down and Husky was booted out of the province.

  3. Website is trash. Just tried to reply to a comment. Incredibly stupid and malfunctioning captcha poop is over top of this comment pane. Then, when the comment gets too long, the preview and submit buttons dissappear and do not come back.

  4. I crossed the North Saskathewan twice today . (North Battelford) . No sign of oil or effervescence? There is a work crew set up and some boom set up (100 meters + or -) but no sign of oil. While not insignificant I think this is being blown out of proportion. Maybe I will go Kayak upstream and check it out. I live quite close to the river.

  5. I’m sure that 24 hours after the spill passes you would get more exposure to hydrocarbons breathing for 30 seconds on Portage Ave. than you would drinking a gallon of river water. What would be the dilution? Many millions to one?

  6. Prolly not much oil upstream. Everything tends to go downstream.
    Like the time North Battleford had ecoli in their water. That’s cause the sewage discharge is up river from the city and the drinking water intake is downstream. Someone was thinking on that design.

  7. Is the poll asking about Brad Wall’s answers to the questions in the media scrum, OR the actual response of the Government to the oil spill?
    The former doesn’t much matter to most folks and especially to the folks directly affected by the spill. The latter will only be known in retrospect, and only covered by the media if the Government screws up, and even then not accurately.
    In other words: the media are useless.

  8. Scar
    Chances are far greater that you would get sick from the girardia in the water, or from upstream sewage discharge, than you would from any ingestion of diluted HC.
    One would NEVER hear that on the MSM of course,

  9. The media are sure revelling in what they see as an embarrassment to Wall, they said the spill was 250,000 liters, which is 55,000 gallons or 1200 barrels, but they always use the scarier number.
    I am still waiting to hear how many football fields the Fort Mac blaze consumed.
    And,to try and help out with the narrative, why not break it down to milliliters,the number is WAY more frightening?
    In the voice of Peter Mansbridge:”250 Million Milliters of Oil Spilled Into the Whatever River in Saskabush today.”
    I suppose they’re wanting to prevent mass panic in the streets.

  10. I heard ( on the news ) that first 20 km from the spill there is more significant shoreline deposits. That is maybe 50 to 80 km upstream from the Battlefords . It’s not far from a couple of points of easy access to launch. I wouldn’t mind checking if I can find time to get there.

  11. You folks above have forgotten that Husky Energy is Chinese owned?
    And what does the Chinese landscape or riverscape look like?
    Let’s not have kneejerk support for energy companies.(I own my company and I’m a Oil/Gas consultant so YES, I am pro-energy if it supports itself and me)
    Husky is over 70% Chinese owned. The environment and Canadian lives mean nothing to them. NOT-TING.

  12. “The media are sure revelling in what they see as an embarrassment to Wall, they said the spill was 250,000 liters, which is 55,000 gallons or 1200 barrels, but they always use the scarier number.”
    They used “litres” probably because the average “person on the street” intuitively understands how much a litre is based on the everyday stuff around them (milk, gas, soft drinks, etc.). “Gallon” is less commonplace in Canada, and “oil barrel” as a measure of volume is completely opaque to anyone outside the industry.
    So which number would you prefer — the smaller one? Isn’t that just using the “least scary” number, to push your own counter-narrative that the spill is no big deal? Are you suggesting that there’s an objectively “correct” unit of measure for the reporting of oil spills into public waterways, and the use of any other unit of measure, for whatever reason, is unquestionably biased spin?

  13. True,a good percentage of people today are familiar with a liter more than a gallon,but it’s obvious the media goes for sensation,which is why I suggested milliliters.
    I personally don’t care,learned both imperial and metric and can convert to my own satisfaction, BUT how many football fields WAS the Fort Mac fire?
    Perhaps for Torontonians,that should be “tennis courts”.

  14. Oh, well, you’ve seen it on TV. It must be true.*
    It ain’t and neither is Molson’s.(Canadian owned nor is Tim Horton’s, not that I’d drink Molson’s or eat Tim Horton’s)
    *did you miss a sarc tag of something?

  15. Ok. Now you’re messin with us. Next you’ll be sayin A&W beef has hormones in it.

  16. Lac Megantic. When will Wall compare the toll in actual human lives pipeline vs rail? The answer is 47 on the rail side, zero on the pipeline side. THAT is what I want to hear from Wall. THAT is what I want to see Mansbridge and all the rest punched in the teeth with.

  17. It wasn’t e-coli in the water. It was cryptosporidium. A water plant worker pulled and cleaned a filter. It was then reinstalled wrong allowing the parasite to pass.
    I have to do water tests and sample less than 2 km downstream from the North Battleford sewage discharge. There is NO difference in the level of coliforms than there is upstream.
    The solution to pollution is dilution…

  18. Yes, yes!!!! 250,000 liters of oil, if layered thin enough, WOULD COVER THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!!
    Panic people, panic.
    BTW: There are 2,500,000 litres, or 10 times as much for you liberals and media, of water in an Olympic sized swimming pool.
    Perspective means nothing if you don’t have any.

  19. “Well, did you ever tell me off.”
    Why would you get offended by someone who does this for a living.
    I’m sure that you know some subject in detail – if someone has misconceptions on the that subject … are you “telling them off” if you are dispelling those misconceptions?

  20. Well finally! Now we’re getting somewhere!
    This BS about area or quantity is pure bafflegab!! C’mon people-
    What I want to know is How many football fields and How many Olympic size swimming pools are we talkin bout here? Geez.

  21. Just heard Ralph Goodale on the radio giving his two cents’ worth on the issue. Why do they even bother interviewing this bloviating sack of bullshit other than to give him a false feeling of importance. He simply regurgitated a bunch of useless platitudes and contributed absolutely nothing to the discussion. On the bright side however, he didn’t fly out here on the taxpayers’ dime, issue grand pontifications and get in the way of the actual cleanup work.
