35 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Brad wall, on the topic of the North Saskatchewan River oil spill, had to say something to appease the leftist mainstream media. Had he said, ”Look folks, it’s not a big spill,” the MSN would have crucified him. Instead, Brad said, ” “This is not an optimal situation — it’s a terrible situation.”
    He has also made it clear that the company responsible will clean up the oil. And it will be cleaned up.
    Ok, so now that we have that out of the way, I have a question. When Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre dumped 8 billions litres of human feces mixed with condoms, cigarette butts, undigested medication, suppositories and toilet paper, who cleaned that up?? This what the CBC had to say on that topic.

  2. Any oil spill is undesirable. This one is not large, and it will soon be undetectable. A few birds will be lost, not good, but survivable. The microbes that exist everywhere will gobble up what Husky Energy doesn’t get, and soon all signs will be gone. Nature itself will do a great cleanup job. Let’s just keep this in perspective. It is not a disaster as some would like to portray.

  3. Unless we announce disasters no one will listen.
    – Sir John Houghton, first chairman of IPCC

  4. GDP = consumption + investment + government expenditure + exports – imports.
    Any guesses which component was behind the reported GDP growth in Ontario?

  5. http://dailysurge.com/2016/07/scandal-dnc-heres-something-riot-seriously-no-bacon/
    635915869131965544-BaconFest-BA60.jpgBuy Photo
    (Photo: Brian Achenbach/For the DM Juice)
    PHILADELPHIA — A meaty issue has surfaced at the Democratic National Convention that is consuming the Iowa delegation: A horrifying lack of bacon at the delegation breakfasts.
    “We’re from Iowa and we don’t get meat? How is that supposed to be,” delegate Lucas Haffner of Lytton said.
    He joked that Democrats could show their displeasure in the traditional way. “I think we’re all a little distracted by current events and things that are happening here, but we could formulate a little something later today – the Bacon March.”
    Delegates have been making do with scrambled eggs, fruit, bagels and pastries. But the carnivores were getting restless.
    Iowa Democratic Party Chairwoman Andy McGuire apologized Tuesday to the delegates, who happen to hail from the No. 1 pork-producing state in the nation.
    “I love bacon, let’s face it. Who doesn’t?” McGuire said.” …

  6. Kate
    First try might vanish but this looks like up your sense of humour alley
    “Gail Combs says:
    July 28, 2016 at 4:51 am
    Oh, Trump was even more devious than you realize folks when he asked for Russia’s help in getting those Hitlery State Department e-mails.
    Here is the wee bit missing from the story… for now although it is starting to get out.
    Let’s say the Russians have her 33K emails which is a dead certainty.
    Look what a bit of digging turned up. The USA and Russia have a Treaty for “Mutual Assisitance in Criminal Matters”, signed by — wait for it….. BILL CLINTON on June 17, 1999.
    Seems like Russia would be obligated, under treaty, to help us.”
    Comment at
    Delete if the first go emerges

  7. ” Don’t know how this isn’t news anywhere:”
    You obviously have no idea who the MSM monkeys shill for,just for a banana. Or did I miss the /sarc tag?

  8. So, did anyone notice any Bernie Sanders supporters raising a stink during Hillbill’s convention speech? Did the air quality seem to choke people up with their planned post bean supper flatulence or was it all hot air and they copped out.
    Who’s laughing now?

  9. O’narcissist: “me, I, I, I, me, I, me, I, I, my”.
    “Emotional Obama bids long goodbye and passes baton of hope”
    ““Time and again, you’ve picked me up,” Obama told the audience, his eyes glistening with tears. “I hope, sometimes, I picked you up, too. Tonight, I ask you to do for Hillary Clinton what you did for me. I ask you to carry her the same way you carried me. Because you’re who I was talking about 12 years ago, when I talked about hope – it’s been you who’ve fuelled my dogged faith in our future,…” (bloomberg)
    “His speech is peppered with “I”, “my”, “myself”, and “mine”.”
    “Barack Obama: Narcissist or Merely Narcissistic?”

  10. An angry black woman justifying her incompetence by expressing anger, alleging unfair behavior, and solidarity with the people? Maybe. But she is also trying to keep a lid on the unrest that very well could result. It’s a fine line she’s trying to walk.
    However, the real kicker is the last 15 seconds of the clip. She says I will not comment because ………
    Where oh where is colonialista to help me understand about police abuse.

  11. So you accept that a healthy man is restrained, placed in police custody, dies by the time they reach the station and nobody is held responsible? You accept this kafkaesque outcome in exchange for the illusion that cops are the good guys? I hear Stockholm Syndrome is really nice this time of the year.

  12. His neck was broken you moron, what drugs or pre-existing health problems do that?

  13. I enjoy pulling your chain Colonialista. You make it so easy. And I know that you are totally intolerant of any disagreement with you (everyone who disagrees is a moron or worse).
    Pre-existing medical condition? Maybe. I thought that I read somewhere in the 100 or so articles and opinion pieces and millions of words that he did indeed have a pre-existing injury to his spinal cord.
    Now whether that’s accurate or, if accurate, even has a bearing on this death I can’t say. However, I call on you now to put forth YOUR THEORY on why he died. Because while you are certain “the jackbooted” police did it, like the prosecutor, you can not actually explain how. Oh, and he didn’t die “by the time they reach (ed) the station”, he died in the hospital.
    This was a politically motivated prosecution and you know it.
    So come on, tell us how the police killed this poor innocent man.

  14. “you can not actually explain how.”
    Google “Baltimore rough ride”, a common practice by JBTs who aspire to be Judge Dread. Over the years others subjected to this treatment needed re constructive surgery, were paralyzed from next down etc. City always pays and no JBT is held responsible. Anything else?

  15. I suppose it’s theoretically possible that a “rough ride” is the cause. Certainly this was what the prosecutors case hinged on. But we know how that went over.
    I read that the van made 8 (eight) other stops between Gray’s arrest and the station. Presumably that means that they picked up as many as 8 more “suspects”. Assuming this information is accurate, why were there not as many as 8 witnesses who supported the “rough ride” allegation? Or how about just one? Oh, and there was evidence that he was all right at the first stop so it didn’t happen before the first “witness” was loaded.
    The truth is that so much bull shit has been written in the press that unless you want to take the time and make the effort to actually read the court proceedings …. and I don’t…. you’re just speculating. Personally, I’m going with the judge and the jury verdicts. You should too.

  16. No I am not alone in it, that is true. Too bad there are always legions of law and order morons racing to discredit anyone pointing out [police thuggery … until it happens to one of you or your family.
    Here is what a well known, bleeding hart commie SJW has to say about it:
    “So the biggest government in the free world chooses not to keep statistics on how many people get shot by law enforcement. So be it. It does keep figures on “justifiable homicide”, which it defines as “the killing of a felon by a law enforcement official in the line of duty”. When is a police homicide not “justifiable”? Ah, well. At any rate, for 2012, the corpse count was 410.
    By comparison, for the years 2012 and 2013 in England and Wales:
    ‘No fatal police shootings.’
    In the Netherlands:
    ‘The average for the last 35 years is three dead and 15 injured…’
    In Germany, a nation of 80 million people, police in 2011 fatally shot six persons. In Denmark, police shot 11 people in 11 years, and this was felt to be so disturbing that the National Police Commissioner held an inquiry into why his cops had gotten so trigger-happy. In Australia, 41 people were shot by police in eight years, and the then Justice Minister Amanda Vanstone (whose friend thinks I’m “eminently shaggable”, but I digress) thought that that was too high. In Iceland, police have fatally shot just one suspect. That’s one guy in the entire history of the country. He was killed by police last December.
    So comparisons between the kill rates from American police and those of other developed nations aren’t worth bothering with. Indeed, the “justifiable homicides” of US cops are more like the total murder count for other advanced societies:
    In Oz, the total number of murders per year is about 270, so a nation of 23 million would have to increase by 50 per cent to commit as many homicides as American law enforcement. In Canada, whose urban police departments have absorbed certain American practices, a dozen or so people get shot dead by cops each year, which is again somewhat short of the US rate. Indeed, that 2012 “justifiable homicide” figure of 410 compares to a total Canadian homicide count for 2011 of 598. In other words, in America 120,000 or so full-time law enforcement officers rack up the same number of homicides as about 24 million Canadians.
    That strikes me as on the high side.

  17. Just because you’re lazy, does not mean others should be lazy too. The van made four stops not eight. There was only one other prisoner put in that van at the last stop towards the end of the ride. He was separated from Freddie Gray by the solid divider and could not see what condition Gray was in. Gray’s injuries were consistent with injuries suffered during a car crash. Keep digging.
    And I am not speculating, he was placed alive in police custody and was dead when they were done with him. Hence the cops are guilty of murder.

  18. Okay, you win. Now if we could only convince the Judge and the jury (morons that they obviously are I’m sure you’ll agree) everything would come out right and those 6 jack booted police thugs would be in prison where I’m sure you agree they (obviously) belong.
    Lazy, daisy, CRAZY ….. yeh.

  19. Funny how after having every specific point refuted you find refuge in cheap trolling. Meanwhile Gray is still dead and none is held responsible for his death. And you see nothing wrong with it.
    And no, in the just society they would not be in prison, they would be swinging from the gallows in front of the police station. Murder by the state enforcers is still murder and punishment for murder should equal the crime.
    Coincidently, since you have such trust in the legal system, do you believe that Manuel Ramos was not guilty either? How about Hitlery Clinton? Ted Kennedy? O. J. Simpson?
