14 Replies to “Deep Impact”

  1. From the article ““On every level — professional and human — the loss of these people hurts,” Cooke said in a staff email.”
    Not really true, on at least one “level’ an ex reader pumped his fist in the air and gave a mild “Whoo Hoo” when hearing the news on the radio yesterday while stuck in traffic trying to get to a “work” related business meeting.

  2. This is the feel-good story of the year …
    Let us pray that Rosie DiManno was one of them ….

  3. actually, for a lefty Rosie ain’t bad.
    Hope that another bad quarter will bring more good news (lay offs:-)))

  4. Heather MALICE deserves to be put to pasture, in fact, she deserved that many, many years ago

  5. Meanwhile, Justin gives more taxpayer money to CBC/Pravda, which continues to get larger and more powerful relative to all other Canadian news media.
    Ottawa MJ

  6. “Why does it always have to be about the almighty dollar?” How many times have I heard that from a socialist? Well, maybe it’s because, unlike the government, you can’t lose money indefinitely and stay in business — that’s why.

  7. You have to love the sense of entitlement these A holes have, for some reason they feel we should pay them to lie to us.
    I guess that is why they get so preachy and political.
    The competition between politicians and media for liar of the year is so tough to pick.
    I keep wondering if an honest media could survive or if the contempt for all media creatures is so high they all have to go.

  8. “”The competition between politicians and media for liar of the year is so tough to pick.””
    John, the third leg of that competition is lawyers

  9. One of the side things that bother me is the oft-repeated statement that print is dead. Magazines and newspapers are in decline – but it is rarely found to be the medium, it is the message that causes people to tune out. I have a subscription to the Economist that I’ve canceled this morning. Not because of the hard-copy magazine, but because of the content. It used to be easy to find articles that slant right/left. Kind of a mixed bag. Not anymore. From their choice of cover artwork to their choice of candidate photos to the choice of adjectives to describe right/centre politicians, this magazine, as so many other ‘news’ mediums, has made their bias clear.
