17 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. “Just last week, D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier said it was possible that Rich was killed in an attempted robbery. She spoke at an event with Rich’s mother, and both made a plea for tips that might help solve the case.”
    So is, “would you believe”* he was shot by some athlete practicing for the 2016 Summer Olympics shooting competitions?
    *(I was a Get Smart, Agent 86 fan 🙂

  2. FBI Director James Comey will not recommend charges over flimsy allegations that don’t include a complete set of fingerprints, cancelled cheques, signed confessions, YouTube posted victim begging video and bloody gloves that fit. Anything less is just hearsay although the Director could waggle a finger and issue a stern glance if he so choses.

  3. If Seth Rich were indeed shown to be Assange’s “Bradley Manning” source at the DNC, it would immediately beg the question of how or why US officials would come to assert “Russian hackers” were responsible.

  4. Notice during the interview with Assange he mentions Seth Richs name. He does not say Seth – Rich, he says Sethrich. Speaking of someone in his language that he is very familiar/close acquaintance.
    I am beginning to believe that the DNC is so terrified they are losing control/power they are now willing to contract murder.
    Donald Trump needs to get his shite wired extremely tight and even surround himself with bullet or bomb proof flack vest/glass. He needs to use his own security personnel and tell the FBI or White House guards to frig off. His life is in danger.
    And present Obathroom, Hillary and the DNC need to also realize that if any harm comes to Donald Trump, that terror shit can flow both ways..

  5. lI’m all for Hillary. She will give the sh*twitted Yanks what they deserve where they deserve it good and hard.

  6. Officials did not want any fingers pointed at the Democratic party. They probably did not want this to come out.

  7. Alright all you crazy right wingers ! Let’s get back to talking about the Koch Bro’s. … and all the conspiracy theories surrounding THEM !
    … hey … wait a minute … the Kochs have refused to back Trump … and they have even endorsed Hillary … and they HAVE the resources and know-how for a really professional HIT. You don’t think ??? …

  8. I would like to see lefty protestor make it onto stage with Trump, start swinging, get off a good one, and break Trump’s jaw so he can’t talk for a couple of months. Leading, of course, to a landslide Trump victory. What delicious irony that would be. Extra points if the Secret Service dispatches the protestor with extreme prejudice just after the punch…

  9. Given the extreme subterfuge Wasserman-Shultz appears to have displayed in sinking Bernie’s bid in the email hack does play’n “Wack-a-mole” seem like much of a stretch to protect her queen-pin? Good capo’s do what’s needed when it’s needed.

  10. Looks like the Clintons are getting the old mob, er gang, back together again. Good times.
