Gotta spread the bread

Liberals being liberal with tax-payer money.

Federal Conservatives want Health Minister Jane Philpott to repay taxpayers for $1,700 in transportation fees accumulated on one day in and around her Greater Toronto Area riding.

I know, I know, it wasn’t an orange juice.
But, you know, you have to pay back those who put you there.

That amount, which covered a full day’s worth of service, was paid to Executive Sedan Livery Service Inc., a Toronto-based limousine company. Its owner, Reza Shirani, was a volunteer on Philpott’s electoral campaign last year, his LinkedIn profile says.

Update: Umm, Minister, you were supposed to meet with the Chiefs, not spend like one.

While the Tories demanded Philpott repay the $1,700, her office has revealed even higher expenses, including a $1,994 bill for a car on the day the minister spoke at a July gathering of the Assembly of First Nations in Niagara Falls, Ont.

22 Replies to “Gotta spread the bread”

  1. It’s part of the plan to stimulate the economy , so quit whining .It’s not like the Mike Duffy scandal. Why would they pay it back as that makes you a crimminal. Well maybe not. And the media won’ t be covering the story anyway.

  2. Isn’t a limo-operation defined as … “Infrastructure” ? Cause just about everything else is … and we MUST “invest” in infrastructure !

  3. If the Liberals do it, it seems to be ok….just don’t get caught!!!I imagine there are many more in this same boat yet to be discovered, we need audits done on the Liberal spending habits.

  4. The Libs were out of power federally for over 10 years. They have to use their brown paper bags somehow. People just need to understand is the liberal cronies have had to wait for 10 years for the federal government to become corrupt again.

  5. Liberals being gangsters, what else is new… The Media will be hysterical and “outraged” by this theft of taxpayers… oh yeah, never mind… I forgot the Media are on a 20 year vacation now that their gangster buddies are back in charge. Is Trudeautard walking around with his underwear on his head yet? All is well in Trudopiastan.

  6. Most Canadians don’t spend $1700 on a vacation every year …
    The damn liberals just burn my ass …

  7. Just think how much must be acumulating in the Brown plain envelopes.
    They never learn until they run out of other people’s money. Addicted to O.P. M.

  8. You get your buddy who offers a legit service to charge you double and then he gives you back half the money in cash.

  9. Her husband works for the CBC so it’s just more taxpayer money to scam for their greed.

  10. Sunny days everyone…I guess I’m just too stupid not to have “volunteered” for a liberal campaign so that I can get on this gravy train…..I read this morning the limo owner has agreed to refund the money, but is appalled at the political posturing…..I guess it wasn’t a glass of orange juice

  11. That’s one way to repay a “volunteer.”
    What’s a typical TO limousine rental per hour? I’d bet she overpaid the going rate, or was charged for double the time actually used.

  12. Come now..Normally large Corporations & Governments have CAR service Contracts (Lincoln Town-car Type) The use of a Stretch-Limo would only be for a special occasion. This Minister is on a power trip of LIMO ENVY. The bar bill in a Limo is not free..Extra coin
