Banning the Burqa

Integration should be the end-goal of any immigration policy.

Austria’s Foreign and Integration Minister Sebastian Kurz from the centrist People’s Party, who plans to introduce a new integration law next year, said religious symbols such as the burqa were an issue that needed to be discussed.

9 Replies to “Banning the Burqa”

  1. I saw a woman in the full-on hefty bag getup on 9th Avenue in Calgary yesterday. It’s coming here, too.

  2. Here in Edmonton about 20 years ago, seeing a woman with a headscarf was a rarity. Ever since the 2001 attacks, those have not only become commonplace, but burqas as well.
    The same can be said for men in Islamic garb.
    When will cowboy boots be banned as being culturally insensitive?

  3. Old time Yankee catcher Bill Dickey termed catchers gear … “The tools of ignorance” because of the absolute BEATING catchers take in baseball, esp. in 1940’s baseball.
    I suggest that Burkahs, Burkhinis, Nijabs, Hijabs, and the whole lot of Muslim body coverings deserve the same description … “The garments of ignorance”. For pretty much the same reason !

  4. Where are all the feminists like Judy Rebick, Gloria Steinem when these women are being oppressed by having to wear body bags. It’s time to cleanse this country of this 3rd century people

  5. Banning the burqa is a patently bad idea, and patently contrary to our liberal traditions; we should not allow ourselves to be over-enthralled by the “Euro-statist” mindset.
