36 Replies to ““Consultation” over Referendum.”

  1. There will be no referendum, it’s Liberal arrogance at it’s finest, loaded with the power of majority government,they know what’s best…for them, nothing else matters. The people, the opposition can whistle off into the night.
    Meanwhile, Goodale is assuring us they are keeping us safe. They are working on a plan to give therapy to those on terror watch lists and to de-radicalize them. How the hell that will work is not clear, like much of everything else the gang running the country is doing, making it up as they go along.
    Meanwhile, is Trudeau still on holiday showing his physique in selfies and photobombing?

  2. the people should be consulted but the liberals will not do that. we have too many parties all of which are to some degree socialist, that includes the conservatives. the people are not intelligent enough to make serious decisions, that we have another trudeau as p m is proof of that. the only answer to the current problem of a party with 39% of the vote having a majority is to elect people who are honest and moral people instead of buffoons, jokers, and idiots. who and how we pick those we vote for is far more important than changing the whole system. politics has been used for decades as a job for life if possible, it was never meant to that way. term limits for all politicians should be the first thing we look at, the second should be pensions. I say no pensions for politicians until 65 and then make it a very modest one akin to the old age security, if they serve a complete term limited tenure.

  3. When do the riots start? When can we see protest on Parliament Hill? Do we have our firearms permits up to date and a stock pile of ammo? Can we withhold taxes at all levels (keeping said funds in a mattress or buried out back). Do we as Canadians keep drinking the goofernments bathwater? The governments do as they please while from us is nary a peep. Me thinks we’ve passed the point of no return.

  4. “the people are not intelligent enough to make serious decisions”
    Well then, if you seriously believe that, the rest of your argument is entirely moot.
    If the electorate is not intelligent enough, exactly how can they be expected to “elect people who are honest and moral people instead of buffoons, jokers, and idiots”?

  5. My vote isn’t either for sale or to be stolen by the pack of idiots presently occupying Ottawa.
    Remember 60 % of Canadians did not vote for junior.
    If they manage to jam this through without a referendum, there will be no point in voting.

  6. They are getting away with it for one reason: there is o effective opposition to it – in the House, or on the street.

  7. They might as well just implement a one party system. Democracy with only one party to vote for. I’m ready to riot if anyone wants to join me.

  8. Easy to see why they want the populace disarmed. Americans were correct, so long ago; then they stopped. Enslaved press (CBC), disarmed populace, standing army. Canada has all three necessary preconditions for tyranny, as described by Madison in the Federalist Papers.

  9. Yes, the masses are sitting on their collective arses without a whimper. Trudeau and his cabal can have their way with them. When this goes through we have the closest thing to communism afforded by a democratic system, That’s the danger in electing a pack of incompetents mad for power to a majority government.

  10. “Remember 60 % of Canadians did not vote for junior.”
    And 60 percent of Canadians did not vote for Stephen Harper in 2011.
    However, in both cases, more Canadians voted for the Conservatives (2011) and Liberals (2015) than for any other party. That is how our democracy works, folks, so suck it up.
    The alternative is the very “proportional referendum” nonsense this current government is trying to push on us. We should be focussing on that rather than whining because things didn’t go our way in the last election.

  11. This pretense at consulting is particularly galling. Harper made some cosmetic changes to the Elections Act (most of them brining more balance to the system), and the media and Opposition were up in arms. Well, where are these people now? Liberals themselves should be protesting such an undemocratic approach to reform.

  12. Turdeau will wet his finger and test the waters before another election. A favorable forecast will be what motivates his call. The Liebels do not like the Dippers any more than the so called conservatives. It suggests to me that it will be business as usual. There will be no serious threat from the CPC as that party will disintegrate.
    The fundamental cultural and economic differences between east and west will divide Canada as soon as the fiscal collapse manifests. IMHO there will be a serious movement to unite with the USA. I am not suggesting this because the USA political system is inherently better but because Canadians have never had the drive to truly build a country with the attended responsibilities.

  13. Clearly Liberals wish to explain to people what they intend to do, not listen to what voters really want. Thus the scheduling after holiday weekends in Aug and so on. The meetings will be stacked as “information sessions” with an “expert” with a flip chart and questions limited to 2 minutes etc. This play will be familiar to any who attended information sessions on wind development in Ont and Butts will of course be familiar with the routine. The solution in the short term is to fill these meetings with determined people willing to talk of nothing but a referendum, or those satisfied with the present voting system. Nothing much Liberals can really do, as they supposedly wish to consult voters.
    All this will not end the Liberal ploy for a new system, that would require massive demonstrations and public disorder. I’m afraid Canadian apathy will again work in Liberals favor, just as it did with the drastic changes to customs and procedures during Trudeau Sr’s reign.

  14. “I say no pensions for politicians until 65 and then make it a very modest one akin to the old age security, if they serve a complete term limited tenure.”
    You will always get what you pay for.

  15. P’tishun: old Cree word meaning “list of people who won’t fight”.

  16. “Exactly! Get ready for a permanent Liberal government.”
    That’s what I feel I’ve had my whole life. Harper is the closest thing to conservative in the past 50 years. Anything he tried to do the court made sure he wouldn’t succeed.
    Elections don’t mean much anymore. That’s why fewer people vote or are even aware of what their government is doing.

  17. Canada is so far down the rabbit hole they don’t even recognize that the NEW Global Government will select it’s leaders..You can’t have FPP in the World order of the UN.. Selected (not elected leaders) like within the EU will be normal. Social Engineering at it’s best… When AI takes over the results will be truly deterministic.

  18. Let it burn. As was written years ago, this crap only continues because of the sanction of the victim. It continues because we allow them to do this to us.

  19. With proportional representation Canada will vary from a Liberal government that swings slightly left to keep the NDP happy and swings slightly right to keep the Conservatives out of power. It is hard to see the NDP ever supporting the Conservatives and LIB+NDP>CON. We are heading toward a European Utopia.

  20. The only and I mean only thing that proportional representation will accomplish is to install more “pigs at the trough” at the taxpayers expense. The “fringe” members, elected or appointed will to some extend hold a balance of power and will either accept the gratuities handed out by the benevolent party in power or will extort their demands to the party in power in exchange for their support. Either way the taxpayer will loose. The last government in Canada was the last glimmer of “the shining city on the hill”. Now I fear that the dream built in the Western Hemisphere is evaporating under the morass of demands from the gimmees, and the miscreants that need the votes. The Fathers of Confederation, and the Founding Fathers must indeed be sorely disappointed in how their vision has been mishandled.

  21. We elected incompetents, but we know that the real power in this country is somewhere in the dark background.

  22. “People aren’t smart enough to understand what they are voting on ” certainly explains the last election .

  23. Of course. Didn’t that hack Craig Oliver declare that the Libs are the “natural governing party”? If that’s the case, why have an opposition? If that’s abolished, then why have Parliament?

  24. You can read some of the thinking about Turdeau in a news article on CTV. The artist from Vancouver Island painted a portrait of Sophie in a yoga pose and she said she was so honored to do this because “they” being Turdeau and Sophie are so inspirational. She further said they are my king and queen. This is the type of adoration that is out there? Canada is doomed.
    It’s immoral and disgusting what Turdeau is doing to Canada and this fiasco about electoral reform is an example of his unthinking arrogant behavior. Unfortunately millenials love him…and they don’t give a rats a…about Canada. Canadians are allowing this to happen. I signed a petition re electoral reform and the response was feeble from across Canada. https://petitions.parl.gc.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-48.

  25. @Liz J:
    Regarding the liberal plan to ‘de-radicalize” these nut jobs, this is a typical pansy gutless liberal response. I shake my head at the sheer waste of time and money these political idiots will throw art the problem. Yup, imagine a class of these murderous morons sitting in rapt attention as some pansy explains that it is a bad thing to kill people for religious reasons. You cannot ‘de-radicalize’ committed Islamic idiots, they can never be trusted. BTW, Kate, this subject deserves its own posting, I was surprised you haven’t latched on this yet like a pit-bull on a steak.

  26. “Unfortunately millenials love him…and they don’t give a rats a…about Canada.”
    And why should they? They have Pokeyman on their smartphones. Playing that is far more important to them than what Prince Justin the Magnificent does.

  27. Exactly! And, anything he did get through by legislation the Liberals are busy overturning. Rest assured they will attempt to bring back the Cdn Wheat Board and Firearms registration. Why the H bother voting especially if Soros’ puppet has his way with us and electoral reform Soviet style.
    B, you nailed it in every comment. Apparently the metro-sexual millennials do not care for sex or that their country is going full Venezuela.
    marigold, I signed that petition.

  28. Its already been stated above by many wise posters but the fact is that the Librano fix is in and has been since the Globalists and their Media managed to get their boy puppet with the wooden head inserted into the PMO. IMO Canada is long gone anyhow replaced by the diseased beast that is Trudopiastan. The revolution began in 64 with the Libranos changing the flag then imposing their own logo as the national symbol and ended with the imposition of the Trudeau Charter in 82, disguised as “rights@freedoms” LOL, who says Peeair didn’t have a sense of humour. The game is over, corruption and cronyism reign and the creeps that manufactured this corrupt State are simply solidifying their grip on power. The “consultation” process on so called “electoral reform” is as cynical as it gets, merely a distraction, a slight of hand con game and nothing more. In the end Libranos will do as they please, just like they always do, while Trudopians line up for selfies with the idiot. Counter revolution is unfortunately far too late.

  29. Say no to a perpetual liberal government. Say yes to be able to kick the bums out.

  30. “You will always get what you pay for.”
    If that is the case, we have been robbed. We would be better served if a random draw from the general population determined who would sit in Parliament for a single term. Anyone who wants to run for office should be excluded from eligibility for that reason alone.
    There should be a quid pro quo for any change in the election system, that being single term limits for all. The Spawn would drop it like a rock as soon as Butts explained to him what it would mean to his career.

  31. P E T started Western separation, maybe Justin will get it done. The first thing that the provinces should do is collect the federal income tax, like Quebec does, then take a percentage for doing it. Maybe all in some cases as in oil, potash and any minerals that belong to the provinces.

  32. When I became “politically aware’ about 30 years ago I decided that the only way to get a reasonable outcome was for every voter to pass a test indicating their understanding of government structure and each party’s individual platform.
    We can’t even get a consensus on general voter ID let alone trying to ID some Muslim ‘broad in a bag’. A test will never, ever happen.
    Besides, who is going to administer any tests or ID confirmation without corruption? We are screwed because people are stupid and uninformed and, of course, the media isn’t exactly on our side.
    Plan carefully. The survivalists probably have a good point.
