18 Replies to “‘Heck of a job, Brownie’”

  1. Pro golfer suspends play / career to help flood victims.
    President ignores victims / suspends career to play golf.
    Please tell me he will resign in 10 days.

  2. Well it is sunny \ hopey where he is . And you never know he might make a good put . Anyway , Hilcan will look after it because it was probably caused by disrespect for the Koran or the oil sands . Go Trump !

  3. And here in Canada, we have a lousy economy and the threat of terrorism, but we have a prime minister who marches in parades, goes around shirtless, and takes selfies with anybody and everybody.

  4. You guys are way too tough on the president; remember there are only eight hours in the day.

  5. Other than the optics of the POTUS showing “concern” (real or fake), occupying a helicopter to overview the disaster area would be a waste of resources as he would be as useless at assisting the first responders as he is at anything else. About as useful as the Spawn was at Fort Mac. OTOH, US taxpayers have invested heavily in his Golf game, a skill that he will appreciate in the years to come.

  6. The flood has hit wide swaths of poor white people … why would Obama care ? He already knows that they will rally and rebuild with minimal help from Emergency Services.
    However … I DO wonder whether the Clinton Foundation will be handing-out condoms to the flood victims ?

  7. It’s in a southern state that votes Republican, so he doesn’t give a rat’s rosy @$$.

  8. The citizens voted for him in TWO elections. Says way more about them and their moral compasses spinning like CNN reporter.
    Although, I haven’t actually heard of the POTUS standing up and correcting any of the media lies. Not sure he has enough moral judgment to be able to spot one even if he could.

  9. Of course. And since Prince Justin the Infinitely Wise says that deficits solve themselves, we should all be like Alfred E. Neuman: “What? Me worry?”
    (Was that a pig I just saw flying by my window?)

  10. Not only where is Obama, but where is the media?
    They had no problem obsessively blaming Bush the previous time there was huge flood
    is the media too busy fabricating stories on Trump to care what a bad President Obama is?
    yes of course
    the media works for the left.
    this is as obvious as the sun is hot and water is wet.
