56 Replies to “Assisted Death Is Your Friend, Fat Man”

  1. Would you enter a hospital without an advocate? What happens to you once you are incapacitated?

  2. That’s going to far but if we’re going to be honest, obesity with all it’s complications including heart disease and diabetes threaten to bankrupt any healthcare system and it’s getting worse every year. There has to be some sort of pro healthy lifestyle encouraged in such a way that people will buy into it and take some of this pressure off of themselves and the healthcare system.

  3. Soon, we’ll be like the Netherlands where people with easily treated mental health issues are committing state-sponsored suicide. The Supreme Court knows not, or cares not, what it has wrought…

  4. Told you.
    The socialists pay the bills with your money, they will decide if you live. Well that’s just around the corner, just be patient.
    That does not mean that it is priority 1 to keep yourself healthy.

  5. Got to love the skillful use of euphemisms!
    The killing of an unborn child becomes a choice.
    The killing of a patient becomes assisted dying.
    Plus, it’s voluntary for now but as in Europe the mentally incapacitated will eventually have the privilege of being “assisted” to die.
    These idiots can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman and yet they will decide who should live and who should die.

  6. One is forced to pay tax to fund “universal health care” for which one is now denied.
    This is not encouraging healthy behaviour, it is fundamentally theft and fundamentally a part of socialist logic.
    Pick a topic, is it healthy or not and should you be provided healthcare because of it:
    1) smoking tobacco
    2) more than 2 hours TV per day
    3) not punching your stress giving boss
    4) sticking your body parts in every other body part of as many people as you can
    5) getting things stuck in you
    6) smoking pot
    7) injecting drugs
    8) driving too fast
    9) not wearing proper clothing for the weather
    10) watching CBC
    11) curling
    12) drinking red-bull
    Socialism: love by death
    PS: you may deny me all sorts of socialist provided services, as long as my tax bill is reduced accordingly.

  7. Obesity is an illness. Smoking is an addiction. When did we stop treating people and start killing them because of health problems? I guess that would be around the times they legalized abortion and started killing millions of healthy babies. We could save a lot of money if we quit treating cancer and heart disease.

  8. They have Dutch elm disease…wooden head, wooden shoes, wouldn’t listen.
    Adopting National Socialist policy violently contradicts Remembrance Day
    Never say history doesn’t repeat, it does in new forms.
    Its too expensive to provide loving care, so into the ash heap with you!
    Death will be as speedy as the “FAT KID on a TWINKIE”!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  9. Did I say I agreed with this practice? I merely stated, as an addendum, that it would save a lot of money and take a lot of pressure off of the health care system if we all practiced a healthier life style.

  10. Obesity is gluttony, and smoking is a choice. Both are readily preventable and/or curable … just needs some incentive. How about, zero health care until you comply or a radical idea here …. allow private companies to come in and for a price, insure these undesirables. The incentive there will be massive premiums until one starts giving a shit about one’s own health.

  11. *
    “thomas labelle says… some sort of pro healthy lifestyle encouraged in such a way”
    how about, “hey, you freakin’ 350 lb glutton, put down the chocolate coated fried chicken
    or you will die a well-deserved horrible death… and ps… we ain’t gonna pay for your
    quadruple bypass.”
    that work for you?

  12. Question: What will the most likely outcome for knee or hip replacement surgery be for an unemployed drug user who gets a daily fix at a clinic and an employed obese type II diabetic who gets a daily dose of metformin at home or work?
    Answer: The drug addict will get the knee or hip replacement. The obese diabetic will not.
    Maybe, that’s because the elites are liberals and progressives. They have empathy for someone who is unemployed and uses an IV needle to pollute their body with chemicals. Moreover, they have a complete lack of empathy for anyone who is employed and working in a sedentary job.
    You have to wonder when ideological conservatism will be classified in the same category as diabetes. Probably right after first-past-the-post ballots are history.

  13. I merely stated, as an addendum, that it would save a lot of money and take a lot of pressure off of the health care system if we all practiced a healthier life style.
    Oh, you mean the officially recommended diet of low fat, high carbohydrate, highly processed food, that has resulted in a worldwide obesity and diabetes epidemic? Which, incidentally, began at the same time as official recommendations to eat low fat and processed high carbohydrate.
    Or the fact they lie about type 2 diabetes being a progressive incurable disease, when all it takes to reverse it is a low carb, high fat diet?
    There are many adherents to the Calories In/ Calories Out (CICO) theory that constantly bleat about “It all comes down to the First Law of Thermodynamics”. The First Law of Thermodynamics refers to a law of physics where energy cannot be created or destroyed in a closed system and is ALWAYS true. It certainly holds true in the complex world of human physiology, but is completely irrelevant. What the CICO people think it means is that if you reduce calories intake, you must lose weight. Of course, it means nothing of the sort. So, let’s see why. The main reason is that the most important part of CICO is NOT the Calories In, but the Calories Out and the Insulin.

  14. Yes, you do agree with it or you wouldn’t put a rider on it.
    Perhaps it is a little more clear to write that everyone does unhealthy things. Except nowadays some unhealthy things are more correct than others. Which explains why it is OK to IV drug yourself to the moon but you must put down that steak.
    The almighty revered universal healthcare was supposed to be universal, or at least that what socialists (who never lie) tell us to believe.
    Perhaps if those who would prefer to see fatties barred from KFC would think a little more about the false premise of universal healthcare rather than sublimely agreeing with banning bad behaviour then the faster we could just kill it altogether. That’s when healthcare will truly start to improve. Until then, the list of banned shit will just keep growing.

  15. We’re talking about two different issues here in the two separate links. It’s one thing to deny hip and knee operations for smokers and the obese, which may be unfair but at least it isn’t going to kill them (which smoking and obesity may well do.) They can still go to the US or elsewhere and get it done, for the time being at least.
    It’s something quite different for doctors to begin to kill their patients legally, even if they are requesting it.
    Allowing someone to die without using extreme measures to keep them alive if that is their wish, makes sense to me, but that is not what has been enacted here. This is active killing by physicians and will not end well.

  16. Obesity is a MENTAL health issue, smoking is an addiction, which is a mental health issue.
    Oh, and religion is a mental health issue.

  17. BINGO! We have thread winner.
    When you pay people to kill other people via the medical profession you are no longer practicing medicine. ie you are no longer attempting to ameliorate a condition or disease.
    These folks are more commonly described as: ASSASSIN
    It used to earn you a cigarette, blind fold and firing squad or hangman’s noose…circa 1946-48.
    Now the Supreme geniuses on the court have done violence to s.7 of the Charter and pulled the ‘right to death’ out of the ‘right to life’ through their colo-rectal sphincter to redefine simple assassination as a ‘medical service’.
    Death has never been a ‘medical service’; but has a long and storied history among the purveyors of destruction.
    You are correct this will not end well…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  18. So we now have assisted dying. There is a movement to harvest organs unless you explicitly refuse. They can map your DNA. How long befor you need an implanted chip to receive medical services. Anyone else see where this may be going ?

  19. “to be honest, obesity with all it’s complications including heart disease and diabetes threaten to bankrupt any healthcare system”
    Tough shit for the forced communist system.
    You don’t get to dictate how people live just because you force them into a co-operative that they didn’t willingly join.
    Want to talk about saving healthcare money?
    Stop giving Canadian healthcare to every non-Canadian citizen that sets foot on Canadian soil.

  20. Obesity is caused by ONE THING….. stuffing to much into your cake hole! Food science is akin to climate science…both money grubbing fakes.

  21. That does not mean that it is priority 1 to keep yourself healthy.
    Incorrect. Keeping yourself healthy is priority 1.

  22. The healthy lifestyle incentive is paying your own medical bills. If people knew the cost of getting sick they would do what they needed to stay healthy.

  23. Obesity is caused by ONE THING….. stuffing to much into your cake hole!
    Odd, isn’t it, how the obesity and diabetes epidemics began when the low fat, high carb, processed foods official recommendations came into effect? Even children, nowadays, are getting what used to be called adult onset diabetes.
    The crazy people are running the asylum…the dumbasses think all calories affect the body the same…as the above quote suggests.

  24. Totally correct. Health Canada caused the obesity epidemic by pushing the high carb diet and falsely demonizing animal fats and proteins as a bad diet.

  25. Trudeau Juniors liberal government can use this new humaine law to get rid of 50,000 Canadians and bring in more european refugees.
    If you are an old sick conservative voter move on and make room for the new liberals..
    It is regretful that you only have one life to give for Canada.

  26. Oh pardon me oh enlightened one. Riddle me this. Here in the US, Obamacare is failing. Healthy people, especially healthy young people DO NOT want to pay for unhealthy people. They are not signing up for Obamacare for that reason, among others. So Canadians WANT to pay for unhealthy people putting a burden on the system? So how does this work again?

  27. “So Canadians WANT to pay for unhealthy people putting a burden on the system?”
    If they want a universal health care system for all Canadians then it’s universal, for Canadians.
    Are you advocating for a opt out? Private healthcare on the side for those who opt out. No. You want to tell people how to live their lives.
    You’re advocating for regulations that dictate lifestyle options. You want to tell people what they can and can’t do with their lives.
    Dangerous lifestyle choices?
    How about skiing, skydiving, motorcycle riding, bicycle riding, skateboarding, swimming in lakes and rivers, hiking in the wilderness, rock climbing, homosexual practice, multiple sexual partners outside of marriage…etc?
    Healthcare is either universal, for Canadian citizens only, or it isn’t.
    Let’s stop the cash drain that giving healthcare to non-Canadian citizens.
    Really, let’s stop the cash drain from foreign aid, period. Lots of places to start saving money before even thinking about dictating to Canadians how they should live.
    After all, the Federal government puts all of it’s revenues into a general slush fund.
    Slippery slope advocate, that’s what you are.

  28. In every western country they have been talking of the burden of an “ageing population”.
    And this is the inevitable start of its solution. When you can wipe the aged out there is then no problem. Pensions are no problem etc.
    Soon there will be talk of “fair” or “equal” life spans.
    Watch for discrete gas chambers in your neighborhood soon.

  29. “Here in the US, Obamacare is failing. Healthy people, especially healthy young people DO NOT want to pay for unhealthy people.”
    What a crock. Healthy young Americans overwhelmingly voted for Obama and his ObamaCare even though they were told that(and this was a major selling point) Obamacare was going to cover 20(low number) million ILLEGALS who weren’t required to sign up and didn’t pay taxes.
    And why? A little because they thought it was FAIR, like any SJW with no life experience would judge it to be.
    The Big Reason? They were told it would be paid for with OPM, Other People’s Money.
    When they found out it cost them, personally, then these A-holes who voted for it are suddenly not…for it.

  30. Let’s stop the cash drain that giving healthcare to non-Canadian citizens.
    Really, let’s stop the cash drain from foreign aid, period. Lots of places to start saving money before even thinking about dictating to Canadians how they should live.

    YES !! well stated

  31. Oooz, try keeping up. Thomas LaBelle is correct, the young are not signing up as Obungles planned, and therefore the Obunglescare is swimming in negative $$$$

  32. Oooz, you don’t want to be dictated to, but would/will do so, to others, were abortion and assisted suicide is concerned. How do you justify your double standard to yourself?

  33. You do realize that Obamacare was never intended to work. Both Obama and Hildebeast have an end goal of National Healthcare. Get ready for payroll taxes, income surtaxes and a loss of services to people who can most afford to pay for them (in the name of equality).
    After all, Obamacare is failing because of corporate greed.

  34. Thomas LaBelle | September 6, 2016 11:58 AM
    But when the government promotes a low fat high carb diet in their food guide and people follow it, guess what happens, fat people with health problems!

  35. J | September 6, 2016 1:25 PM
    When the food guide presented by the government is based on bad science, then they had better cover their health.
    Low fat diets high in carbs and sugars have created this “obesity epidemic”.

  36. “After all, Obamacare is failing because of corporate greed.”
    This had a “/sarc” tag that didn’t show up. Apparently you can’t use html “>” characters and have them show up even when the contents aren’t html.

  37. the obesity and diabetes epidemics began when the low fat, high carb, processed foods official recommendations came into effect?
    Most of the poor health in our society is caused by high carb, processed foods. They’re laced with artificial chemicals that didn’t exist a generation ago. The long-term synergistic effect of these chemicals is not well understood.
    To stay healthy, eat and exercise like our grandparents did.

  38. That’s you’re straw man. I never disputed that the “youth” (over 26) weren’t signing up.
    My argument was with their motive. Learn to read and comprehend.

  39. “How do you justify your double standard to yourself?”
    Abortion and suicide are about killing innocent people.
    It devalues all human life, which is a gift from God.

  40. To add to what Oz was saying, the whole argument that unhealthy people cost the state more money is bogus. People who live healthy lives tend not to die healthy either. They live longer lives but eventually their body begins to break down, it is just that it breaks down later than for unhealthy people. The time from the beginning of the decline to death is comparable. So there is very little savings (if any). And if we want to be all Darwinian about it, then balance whatever savings the state gets from healthy lives against decades of pensions that do not need to be paid out to people who lived unhealthy lives.
    It is all about control and telling people how to live their lives.

  41. “The long-term synergistic effect of these chemicals is not well understood.”
    I love that you brought up the synergic reaction of various food chemicals.
    Mostly, synergy isn’t even tested for.
    These kinds of tests cost $Billions.
    The only way they can be afforded is with government grants if there isn’t a market payback expected.
    Unfortunately, the lion’s share of such grants goes to Gang Green…
    The era in which we live will go down in history as a time of mass insanity, if anyone can read in the Brave New Future.

  42. “but would/will do so, to others, were abortion and assisted suicide is concerned”
    Yes and we will also dictate to others that murder is forbidden. You have a right not to get pregnant but once you’re carrying a human life inside you, because you decided to carry it, you do not have a right to murder it because you changed your mind.
    As for assisted suicide, by all means kill yourself. Just don’t expect others to pay for your decision.

  43. I’m having trouble with the speed of modern goal posts…does this mean fat shaming is ok know?

  44. Additionally and historically, most people who have died unnatural deaths were killed by their own government.
    I see the justice of executing people for capital crimes. However, we live in an era where members of the government and agents of the government are not only NOT arrested for capital crimes, they are not arrested and tried for them when they are glaringly obvious.
    I would not bring back capital punishment, execution, given the unaccountable nontransparent nature of the government.
    The power to frame and execute it’s political opponents is too much power for people who will lie to you and tax you to death about CO2.
    The argument against abortion, the killing of innocent human lives for the mere convenience of the mother who had many options other than to get pregnant and chose not to because killing the innocent human baby growing in her womb was a legal option, is a horrendous decline in human values and the value of human life itself.
    Assisted suicide? The government can now kill anyone who enters a hospital for any reason.
    Additionally, hospital staff now have a monetary reason to terminate you and get their Union Thugs to demand higher compensation.
    (money goes a long way to assuage guilt, especially if you didn’t have a conscience to begin with, eh ENEMY666?)
    Is there any new power that has been given to our government that the government and it’s agents haven’t abused for their own political ends?
    That said, I expect Zoolander to bring back the death penalty, for specific cases, before his term is over.

  45. “You have to wonder when ideological conservatism will be classified in the same category as diabetes.” It is only a matter of time in an increasingly Marxist society. They are now telling us what to think, how to think, how to live and what to eat. They kill our unborn young and are beginning to kill our old or ill. The logical step is killing those who are not ideological pure. Nazism/communism by increments.
    Lev told us so, as did I. Was so where our families came from and will be here.
