56 Replies to “Assisted Death Is Your Friend, Fat Man”

  1. Well… with a bumper wheat crop I think 2017 will be a good year for polar bears.
    The ice floes will be littered with corpulent elderly Canadians awaiting their mercy.
    Effing savages! 😉

  2. A disproportionately large amount of public health care resources goes to prolonging the last six months of life for someone with a terminal illness. All the government should provide is a hospital bed and an unlimited supply of morphine, with a clear warning that pushing the button more than needed to stop pain will result in overdose and death. Someone who wants more than that can pay for it themselves.

  3. It seems to me that a set up like you have described puts an inordinate amount of trust in people who stand to benefit from a patient’s demise.
    I’ve been in the hospital. It was in the mid 1990s and it was a horrid experience.
    The nurses were stupid and lazy and all inflicted with a terminal case of Couldn’t-Give-a-Shit-Itis.
    Give those kind of people the right incentive(they’re already baby killers)and anyone under their “care” is in jeopardy.

  4. All the above and those that referenced obamacare.
    I will never forget when present obathroom announced obamacare in front of an adoring college audience in California.
    When he told them they could stay on their parents health insurance until they were 26 years old, keep their doctors and not have to worry about pre existing conditions;
    The foaming college students fell on the floors and screamed like they were in an ecstatic orgy and ‘not worthy’ to be in his presence, crying and begging him to continue speaking and spanking them with his brilliance and magnificence presence.
    They applauded and screamed as though he had created a new cure for Cancer or invented a new pain free heart transplant.
    But now that thrill is gone.
    Mom and Dad are having to throw them out of the basement because they can’t pay their own health bills, and the ‘youths’ have to give back their tax refunds or pay penalties, or lose their part time jobs, or have their wages garnished.
    Now this year they are getting a 20-40 percent rate hike to pay for those millions of poor unfortunate unhealthy souls that are not even covered by the few remaining insurance companies.
    The thrill is gone, and his obamacare orgy stinks like a New Orleans Whorehouse at high tide.

  5. “Assisted suicide” is an oxymoron of course. If you need someone’s help to kill yourself, you’re not committing suicide.
    And “universal” healthcare system that denied treatment to the citizens whose taxes fund it on the basis of their medical condition would be an outrageous contradiction and a shameful indictment of our medical system.

  6. Socialized health care means the state ultimately owns the citizenry. When you want the taxpayers to pay for health care it means that their representatives guarding the rationing system called a budget decide not only who lives and dies but how one must live. You gave up the right to unconditional life and liberty when you allowed yourself to live under such conditions. In a free system, the patient, his family, a charity, or insurer gets to make those decisions. The same decisions ultimately can’t be avoided. The only question is who makes them.
    When Canada ultimately refuses service to fatties, it will be interesting to see what happens when the first fat Indian gets rejected in front of PC media cameras. Given that Non Indians are owned by the provinces while Indians are owned by the federal government that should make for interesting jurisdictional optics.
