17 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. I guess the comparison of the Berlin wall that was intended to keep in people trying to flee for a better life to the Mexican border wall intended to keep people out that are fleeing for a better life is understandable. The former built by a totalitarian regime, the latter to be built by, well, whatever.
    However, I would not compare Trump to Reagan as though they had anything in common.

  2. Are you crossing Reagan’s speech at the Brandenburg gate with his meeting in Geneva?
    As to the “nothing in common” between Trump and Reagan, the general disdain of the elites toward them and their followers is just the slightest thing they have in common. I think in 30 years the term “Trump Democrats” will be used by many in the same way “Reagan Democrats” is used today.
    Glad to see you’re home safely Kate, and with more ribbons to boot. I hope you never lose your love of the furry little guys and gals, they sure do light up a household.

  3. A great conservative, Phyllis Schlafly. Singly responsible for killing ERA in the ’80s.
    Too bad Phyllis Schlafly had to die to get a column linked at SDA.

  4. Hillary is the next president, the deck is all aces against trump. i think trump would do alot of potential good securing the boarder , slowing or reducing or stopping immigration sorting out wall street .
    but he will lose and america is done.
    on a side not i am working right in tucson arizona and i found out that obama has actually been deporting thousands of illegals back to mexico not catch and release….but i guess thats ok if a democrat does it.

  5. Las Posadas is “ONE” of the Mexican Holidays that MOST illegal Aliens return to Mexico and MAGICALLY (ICE look the other way) return to the USA…Trump just has to enforce the Border and they will stay HOME for good (No need to mass deport)..All those entering or departing the USA must report to USA border service and have their Status recorded…Illegal Aliens are NOT in the shadows, they are upfront right in your face.
    Everyone of Trumps border (immigration) points are defined by/in existing LAW. He does not need congressional approval… It is those that don’t want the border enforced that need Immigration reform (Obama’s illegal Orders) It is time we took border control seriously
    Just allowing State Police to ask felons what status they claim would bar those that
    present themselves unlawfully from ever obtaining legal Status. Immigration Lawyers hate this because it justifys immediate deportation..
    The MSM coverage has changed and Trump is getting Presidential (professional) coverage
    IMHO Trump has already won the WH in a landslide.. It’s all down hill for the Hillary…..

  6. Ummm…its not my argument. You’re the one who linked the article.
    I will say though, it’s quite a stretch to put Trumps visit with the Mexican president on the same level as Reagan staring down the soviets, tearing down the wall, dismantling the Soviet Union, and winning the Cold War.
    It’s sorta like giving Obama a Nobel prize a week after his inauguration for all the things he said he would do during the campaign.

  7. Hey smitherenze , you are talking about a country split in 2 by a wall verses two spearate countries with a crappy wall. you are also forgeting the biggest point here ….one group of people are legal citizens of a country split up by a wall …the others are citizens of one country illegally entering another country.

  8. I agree with Phyllis Schlafly, an astonishingly amazing woman. Very much like Margaret Thatcher.
    “Reagan was more than willing to sit down with the Communist leader of the USSR in an effort to build a personal connection between the two men without sacrificing America’s vital interests in the Cold War.”
    ~Phyllis Schlafly
    It is the IDEA that both Reagan and Trump went to face the “other” leader that was an international policy adversary.
    Smitherenzes: “It’s sorta like giving Obama a Nobel prize a week after his inauguration for all the things he said he would do during the campaign.”
    Yes, but let’s pretend that there is a U.S. national Presidential race going on and Obama has transformed the American Republic like Julius Caesar transformed the Roman Republic.(Senate and Congress are now obsolete)
    All of the power is now in Caesar’s hands(except Caesar must still be elected, don’t worry that will change) and the fight is between 2 people who want to be Caesar, not American President, but American Caesar.
    So the hopeful candidate for Caesar wants to show he can “talk” to the people America has “issues” with.
    Which foreign leader who is pressuring American policy is HRC meeting with? None.
    That would mean uncontrollable foreign press coverage and she would look…wanting.(perhaps healthwise?)

  9. “I will say though, it’s quite a stretch to put Trumps visit with the Mexican president on the same level as Reagan staring down the soviets, tearing down the wall, dismantling the Soviet Union, and winning the Cold War.”
    So you knew that Reagan would have that effect in spite of all the nay sayers said about staring down the soviets? You truly are a very, very remarkable person!!!! You are almost as good as the nobel committee that gave obama a prize.

  10. Firstly, Reagan didn’t “win” the Cold War, it is still ongoing.
    The Russians are winning, thanks to people who say that we already won.
    If anyone thinks a “win” is Russia temporarily dissolving a part of their empire, then show me the Treaty or Armistice that Russia signed with us or NATO that signified the end of the spying and using proxies against us or any other formal reduction of the belligerence.
    Russia invaded the Ukraine because Ukraine wanted to join another trading block which Russia repeatedly refused to join? Why would Russia do that?
    Why wouldn’t Russia join the EU too even when it looked like it was ascending economically?
    I’ll tell you why. Because Russia was always working against the EU to bring it to wreck and disrepute.
    The Cold War never ended.
    Reagan didn’t “stare down” the Soviets.(Russia)
    Reagan sent U.S. forces and U.S. tax dollars to fight the Russians where they and their proxies threatened U.S security/interests the most.
    I lived through that era. Until Reagan, Leftwing media were publically saying it was better to be Red than Dead.
    Yeah, the Dems and their media wanted us all to surrender.
    But did Reagan “win” the Cold War? If he did, then why do we find ourselves today in a Cold War with Russia?
    So starting with Ronald-Reagan-was-not-Ronald-Reagan’s-mythical-Legend, is someone with their feet on the ground comparing Trump with the REAL Reagan so far off?
    Given that even Reagan wasn’t Reagans’s-Myth-in-the-Flesh. yeah I do see some comparisons between Trump and Reagan.
    Not much, but some.

  11. “Firstly, Reagan didn’t “win” the Cold War, it is still ongoing.
    The Russians are winning, thanks to people who say that we already won.”
    I agree – for the most part. But the Russians are winning because of the lack of a little thing called “common sense” in the west.

  12. trump said it best the other day “folks this is not going to end well” its already over hillary is president.
    i am working towards going off the grid cuz trump was right this is not going to end well the american people will not fight anymore cuz baseball season starts soon and porn is harmless.

  13. People like a winner, especially if they imagine it is them. Mythology reigns.
    It is thin gruel, but entertainment nonetheless.
    Bread and Circuses.

  14. Mexican finance minister Luis Videgaray,
    aka.. Financer of transferred money to the el presidente graft funds and ministers lined pockets;
    helped plan Donald Trump’s visit to the country, is stepping down.
    Trump’s visit was widely viewed in the nation as a public-relations disaster for President Enrique Peña Nieto.

    Mexican finance minister Luis Videgaray wanted to make an even bigger better deal, or keep the deal they have made with the next president of America.
    Mexico has made trillions of dollars from the north american economy and created new jobs under NAFTA and they can’t afford to lose those jobs and monies flowing south.
    If Trump starts building a wall there will be a Mexican drug cartel and government civil war.
    Wal Mart and Western Union money transfer stocks will take a beating, and think about all that mexican drug cartels cocaine drug trade.
    We will be begging Canada for supplies..

  15. Building a wall..

    I am now voting for Trump because all these Hollywood bastards claim they are going to leave the country if he wins.
    They must know something the normal voter doesn’t know-
    Avalanche, Landslide, 60 percent of the vote, maybe ?
    Anyway, How many of them have ever left, even after Bush won ?
    I dare the pos try and go to Mexico..
