Allahu Akbar!

Just kidding!

The owner of a car found near Notre Dame cathedral on Saturday containing several gas cylinders is on an intelligence services watchlist of people suspected of religious radicalisation, police officials say.
The Peugeot 607, which had no registration plates, contained seven gas cylinders, one of them empty on the front passenger seat. The car owner was taken into custody but later released, one judicial official said. […]
There was no detonating device present in the car, which was parked on Quai de Montebello, on the left bank of the Seine and just metres from Notre Dame cathedral, one of Paris’s many popular tourist attractions. Documents written in Arabic were found in the car.

Those crazy madcap jokers.

29 Replies to “Allahu Akbar!”

  1. A popular tourist attraction?
    It is much more than that. I am not a religious man at all and even I know that it is much more than a tourist attraction.
    It is a monument of Christianity, it is something cherished by “infidels”
    But I suppose making the target unimportant also makes the terrorist seem less of a bad guy.
    And those are the people who are responsible for keeping us informed.
    That is disinformation, that is what it is.

  2. Kate’s great line says, “Those crazy madcap jokers.”
    I couldn’t agree more.
    They are just so hilarious I can’t wait for the continuing arrival of thousands more of these comedians on our shores.
    We are going to just DIE laughing.

  3. *
    a typical guerilla war probe.
    you set up a dry run to gauge response times and your enemies tactical layout… this tells you where to place the secondary devices designed to kill the maximum number of first responders.
    with enough on-site mayhem you can continue to expand your murderous attack for as long as is feasible.
    make no mistake, the actual attackers may be dumbass expendables, but the planning for these things can be topnotch, honed by years of meticulous murder in the middle east.
    allan’s snackbar, brah.

  4. I hate that when the cops stop me and I’ve left all my gas cylinders in the back seat of my car. It makes it harder to prove that I’m just an average citizen out for a leisurely drive after my welding class.

  5. Don’t quite get your post, but I’m really sluggish today.
    If I was planning on making a statement and killing infidels, I’d choose a place like Notre Dame Cathedral. Lots of tourists, both inside and out.
    But, in 2016, is it still considered a monument to Christianity? I’ve never thought of it that way and how many in Paris do.
    Those killed would be tourists, from around the world
    If it was a dry run, how about they say, let’s make the real one the Eiffel Tower.

  6. *
    “gellen says… If it was a dry run, how about they say, let’s make the real one the Eiffel Tower.”
    the secret, as any actual counter-terror professional will tell you, is to walk a mile in your opponent’s moccasins.
    which, my friend, you just did… congrats.

  7. I know this will seem like voodoo new agey superstitious silly stuff, but take a look at the facade of the Notre Dame cathedral; it has unmistakable twin towers…
    Twin towers that represent a lot of things muslims hate or are jealous of.
    on 9/11 they targeted the Twin towers because they represent a lot of things that make muslims angry and jealous.
    The Notre Dame Cathedral does not represent only our religion ( I call it ours even if I am not religious at all , on paper I am still Catholic ) our religion that they hate with a passion, but they hate our civilization, our tremendous success…and they hate their lack of success at almost everything.
    they hate that that beautiful Cathedral was built and is a marvel of architecture, it is about the equivalent of a 12 story building and it was built without any machinery, without power tools ( little digression; it was also built without any black slaves. Sorry liberals our civilization was not built by non-whites, that is a myth. ).
    It was built right after Europe kicked muslims out of Europe, thus it indirectly represents our victory and their defeat.
    It represents our prosperity that has not stop growing for centuries, while the middle east is for the most part rotting, festering. ( if we were not buying their oil, arabic gum and a few other things they would be in an even worse state, and they hate us even more because of that )
    That beautiful Cathedral reminds muslims that although at some point in time they had a relatively advanced civilization, they have now fallen behind, far far behind, and we – the infidels – are the champions…the supreme champions. ( yes I said supreme )
    and since Notre Dame is one of the most famous Christian buildings in the world, and one of the most important, it is also the most hated by those who hate us infidels, and if muslims can destroy it it would be almost as bad as if we destroyed the mecca.
    the only target that would be “more satisfying” for angry muslims is the Vatican.
    We are so soft and so lenient with angry muslims ( terrorist or those who want to ban bacon ) that we are only making them more audacious.
    and leaders like Justimbecile Trudeau and Angela Merkel welcoming hordes of them, only emboldens them even more.
    Things are going to get very ugly in the next couple decades, there will be 10 or 20 times more acts of terror by muslims. Their targets will be bigger, more symbolic.
    Hang on tight it will be very rough soon.

  8. Maybe to the average “infidel”, now in 2016, it is only a tourist attraction, like Disneyland or Las Vegas.
    But muslims know what Notre Dame represents.
    here are a few things from Wikipedia,
    …Under a 1905 law, Notre Dame de Paris is among seventy churches in Paris built before that year that are owned by the French State. While the building itself is owned by the state, the Catholic Church is the designated beneficiary, having the exclusive right to use it for religious purpose in perpetuity.
    …1185: Heraclius of Caesarea calls for the Third Crusade from the still-incomplete cathedral.
    … The cathedral treasury contains a reliquary which houses some of Catholicism’s most important relics, including the purported Crown of Thorns, a fragment of the True Cross, and one of the Holy Nails.
    it certainly represents Christianity, and is one of the most famous Christian buildings on the planet.
    and… above I said the unmistakable twin towers of Notre Dame de Paris may have a “special” meaning or connection with the Twin Towers of 9/11 , at least in the eyes of angry muslims? well… read on,
    …6 June 1971: Philippe Petit surreptitiously strings a wire between the two towers of Notre-Dame and tight-rope walks across it. Petit later performed a similar act between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.

  9. Yes, you are right in that, but does the small group even think that way? I think they think – where to kill the most and make the biggest impact.
    For the intelligent Muslim, I concur with what you said wholeheartedly. But is there even a radical Imam, well-educated, who would think as you are doing?
    If they had, they wouldn’t have sent klutzes to pull that big a job off.

  10. Evidently the perps were coming to worship,
    they just got confused and were asking for directions to:
    Notre Dame de Montgolfiere
    (Our Lady of the Hot Air Balloons)
    They were just seeking to get sky high…
    Mad cap jokers fer sure.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  11. The key here is just how long did it take for the threat to be recognized? What was the initial response and how long did it take? Lots of interesting questions about this event. While perhaps not a dry run, it certainly looks like a probe at the security mechanisms.

  12. There are two responses to this;
    The first from a medieval abbot, allegedly Arnaud Amalric, who said “Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius – Kill them all for the Lord knoweth them that are His” (2 Tim. ii. 19)
    Other than that there’s always the Final Solution.

  13. Notre Dame also an icon of French culture. Thanks to the novel Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo interest was reborn in renovating and preserving the Gothic cathedral.
    Across the Seine there is also a peniche boat with a popular small theatre and restaurant.

  14. Documents written in Arabic?
    Well, it’s hopeless then. No way of knowing what they said.
    Peak Guardian again.

  15. i can tell you from being there that there is a statue of king charlemagne – the founder of france. he inflicted serious damage on the muslims in andalusia / iberia / spain.

  16. So you add a bunch of fire works and the 9/10ths of a bomb is a 100% bomb.
    Those evil geniuses just can’t be stopped I guess.
    Nothing we can do but wait to be killed, eh?

  17. I’ve walked that stretch along the Seine many times. An ideal spot to inflict maximum damage, I would think. What I find particularly troubling, is that in a restricted parking/stopping zone, it took the gendarmes two hours to figure out something might be wrong.

  18. Re: Gas cylinders in Peugeot in front of Notre Dame..
    Reminds me of the scene where Clouseau (of Pink Panther Fame) inflates his disguise that looks like the Hunchback of Notre Dame (Quasimodo) with Helium. Enjoy!!

  19. An empty gas cylinder in the back seat and the four-way flashers on? It sounds like the cylinder started out full with the valve open and the four-ways were to provide the spark when the right fuel air mixture was reached. Just somebody left a window open…

  20. My daughter is in Paris at the moment. Comes back tomorrow. Told her to get out before 9/11, because anniversary dates are special to some people. Hopefully her side trip to Morocco opened her eyes a bit.

  21. Passing strange for sure.
    No mention of the size or contents of the ‘gas cylinders’ but one would assume them to be propane/liquid natural gas.
    While 20lb bbq cylinder contains enough potential energy to blow a two story house to smithereens, it is for the most part pretty stable and not an ideal means of detonating to cause maximum mayhem. Liquid propane converts to 270 units of vapour that has a very narrow combustion range – 92% – 97% air/propane mix.
    Generally, only a very hot fire will cause such cylinders to rupture and ignite so the simultaneous ‘boom’ of six cylinders is not a likely scenario. My guess is that it is a very cheap way of spreading nervousness and fear amongst the population. Terrorism without having to do or spend much of anything.

  22. Yes, No Guff. Those “propane tank bombs” were tried at Columbine High School in ’99 and no booms were to be had.

  23. ” The car owner was taken into custody but later released “.
    Seriously? How stupid are the French anyway?
