29 Replies to “Asteroid, Take Us Now”

  1. A controlled population of feral cats in the urban environment isn’t such a bad thing. They keep down the rodent population, and are not nearly as filthy as stray dogs.
    If there are any coyotes in the area, a rural population of feral cats is negligibly small.

  2. I know I posted this a few years ago but I like to tell it.
    Back when trapper Dad and Mom moved into town unbeknownst to them the ‘hood’ was infested with cats.
    The cats decided the vegetable garden was a litter box. Trapper Dad took care of it. He set a few 330 Conibear body grips. Problem solved. No crosses.

  3. The headline: “Foul Play Suspected As Cats Disappear In Arlington”
    Should read “Fowl Play?” Maybe the feral parrots got them. And why crosses? Some of those cats might be Jews or Muslim.

  4. How about putting up crosses by every “bird/bat butcher” wind power tower … though the numbers will never be released .. SAD

  5. I like pussies as much as the next guy but I keep them in the house. Feral cats are just that-Feral.

  6. Just ask the guy with the skunk trap; it helped fix our towns feral cat population. Otherwise I would suggest contacting PETA since they are notorious for abducting animals.

  7. Holy smoke!!!!! NME000!!!
    Just wait until NME000 sees all those Kommunist Kats with their Kristian Krosses!! He’s going to go even nuttier that normal.

  8. Kosher Kat Klamity???
    BCer, that your meds there girl, yer head may just pop
    BTW, those were Jooish Kats, eaten by Muzzie Cheyekneemen

  9. BCer thread winner.
    As for feral cats and all the pathetic competition in the comments above on who is the toughest vermin exterminator…, in all likelihood someone does not like cats and decided to poison them. Spreading poison in public areas is generally not a good thing but something a mooselimb would do.

  10. Back in the day, our neighbours complained that our feline would perch in their tree and eye the birds they were cultivating. New bylaw: all cats to be indoors or leashed. Said neighbours were now complaining that they were overrrun by mice.
    It’s the fall: mice come in. Mum used to watch for them; lucky for her, they had a predetermined route and always ended up in one particular drawer. Which meant Mum knew where to lay the traps. No big deal for Mum (a farm girl from way back), but the mice were disposed of. They’re trying to come in to our house; we’re fighting them. Current cat somewhat okay; would really like a determined mouser.

  11. This is Arlington in Tarrant County, Texas, and not near Washington, DC. . The news report should say that!! Good ole MSN!!
    I suspect coyotes! They find their way through the city like you would not believe!!

  12. I demand a 10-year long government inquest into murdered and missing cats. Nothing less will do.

  13. Anybody that has taken care of a flower bed or garden has a good idea what is going on. I wouldn’t go there, but would confess to thoughts of felineacide.

  14. Probably bird lovers. You know, those that insist you to keep your housecat (a predator) in the house for eternity because
    hunting and eating your kill is cruel.

  15. Damned good idea!
    And in keeping with the theme,I am available to take part as a panel member,for a modest $1000/day.
    As an Inquiry chief (Dave Barrett) here in B.C. once said of his appointment at that rate,” cheap at twice the price”.
