Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

The Flight 93 Election;

If you haven’t noticed, our side has been losing consistently since 1988. We can win midterms, but we do nothing with them. Call ours Hannibalic victories. After the Carthaginian’s famous slaughter of a Roman army at Cannae, he failed to march on an undefended Rome, prompting his cavalry commander to complain: “you know how to win a victory, but not how to use one.” And, aside from 2004’s lackluster 50.7%, we can’t win the big ones at all.
Because the deck is stacked overwhelmingly against us. I will mention but three ways. First, the opinion-making elements–the universities and the media above all–are wholly corrupt and wholly opposed to everything we want, and increasingly even to our existence. (What else are the wars on “cis-genderism”–formerly known as “nature”–and on the supposed “white privilege” of broke hillbillies really about?) If it hadn’t been abundantly clear for the last 50 years, the campaign of 2015-2016 must surely have made it evident to even the meanest capacities that the intelligentsia–including all the organs through which it broadcasts its propaganda–is overwhelmingly partisan and biased. Against this onslaught, “conservative” media is a nullity, barely a whisper. It cannot be heard above the blaring of what has been aptly called “The Megaphone.”
Second, our Washington Generals self-handicap and self-censor to an absurd degree. Lenin is supposed to have said that “the best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” But with an opposition like ours, why bother? Our “leaders” and “dissenters” bend over backward to play by the self-sabotaging rules the Left sets for them. Fearful, beaten dogs have more thymos.
Third and most important, the ceaseless importation of Third World foreigners with no tradition of, taste for, or experience in liberty means that the electorate grows more left, more Democratic, less Republican, less republican, and less traditionally American with every cycle. As does, of course, the U.S. population, which only serves to reinforce the two other causes outlined above. This is the core reason why the Left, the Democrats, and the bipartisan junta (categories distinct but very much overlapping) think they are on the cusp of a permanent victory that will forever obviate the need to pretend to respect democratic and constitutional niceties. Because they are.
The sacredness of mass immigration is the mystic chord that unites America’s ruling and intellectual classes. Their reasons vary somewhat. The Left and the Democrats seek ringers to form a permanent electoral majority. They, or many of them, also believe the academic-intellectual lie that America’s inherently racist and evil nature can be expiated only through ever greater “diversity.” The junta of course craves cheaper and more docile labor. It also seeks to legitimize, and deflect unwanted attention from, its wealth and power by pretending that its open borders stance is a form of noblesse oblige. The Republicans and the “conservatives”? Both of course desperately want absolution from the charge of “racism.” For the latter, this at least makes some sense. No Washington General can take the court–much less cash his check–with that epithet dancing over his head like some Satanic Spirit. But for the former, this priestly grace comes at the direct expense of their worldly interests. Do they honestly believe that the right enterprise zone or charter school policy will arouse 50.01% of our newer voters to finally reveal their “natural conservatism” at the ballot box? It hasn’t happened anywhere yet and shows no signs that it ever will. But that doesn’t stop the Republican refrain: more, more, more! No matter how many elections they lose, how many districts tip forever blue, how rarely (if ever) their immigrant vote cracks 40%, the answer is always the same. Just like Angela Merkel after yet another rape, shooting, bombing, or machete attack. More, more, more!
This is insane. This is the mark of a party, a society, a country, a people, a civilization that wants to die. Trump, alone among candidates for high office in this or in the last seven (at least) cycles, has stood up to say: I want to live. I want my party to live. I want my country to live. I want my people to live. I want to end the insanity.

“… charge the cockpit or you die.”

57 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. I have high regard for Lincoln, he saw this coming. From his Lyceum address;
    “All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide.”

  2. “Our “leaders” and “dissenters” bend over backward to play by the self-sabotaging rules the Left sets for them. Fearful, beaten dogs have more thymos.”
    My thoughts as well, but more eloquently presented. Thanks.

  3. And yet people keep saying “it’s so important to vote for Brad Wall”. And the ne plus ultra morons of the Trump cult keep killing their own brain cells saying the same thing. What are there, 30 million employees of government at all levels in the US? And what are they, maybe 500% Democrat? Now tell me again how Trump os the great white hope, the übermensch that will conquer all.

  4. Flight 93 will no longer fly
    Dead on the ground or dead in the sky
    yes you might fail but at least you can try
    Flight 93 will no longer fly
    L. Fish see it on youtube

  5. freemen seem to have little difficulty in giving up their freedom. just look at who they elect and what those elected are doing.

  6. One is naive to think an election will fix “the problem”. Trump can’t turn it around. We’re long past that point. All that’s left is bloodshed. Lots and lots of it.

  7. You kinda wonder what will wake people up. An edict that you must eat your children? Taylor Swift becoming a Muslim?

  8. people need to recognize the flaw within, religiously “helping thy neighbor”. I’v said many times on the net, and in real life, get religion out of politics, and until that happens the so called conservatives will keep shooting themselves in the foot.

  9. Times are still too good. Indications of this include the poor owning cell phones, tablet computers, computer gaming systems and big screen TVs, that very few die due to bad weather (compared to other centuries), and how obesity is an indicator of poverty. For the average citizen, life under Trudeau or Harper or Obama or Froofie the Dog is the same. If one is dependent upon the government for getting the essentials and the little things that make civilisation fun to live in (see the above list of what even the poor have) then the governmental party that promises to keep the party going the longest will get the votes.
    It has nothing to do with sustainability. It has nothing to do with the good of the nation. It’s self interest of the voters and the art of the soundbite.

  10. What a fantastically true article. We are walking toward our destruction with an Ipad or Ipod in our hands and a full stomach, but with moral corruption at all levels.
    Trump is charging the cockpit, and many, even on here, fail to see it. Many on the right remind me of the defendants in the Stalinist show trials.
    Don and Sean, exactly. It has been mentioned here many times in the past that the US is at a crossroads or remaining a free people or becoming a Marxist cesspool.
    In Canada, we lost this battle, no, we lost the war last fall. The Conservative Party fought the battle like sheep waiting for slaughter. After the promised electoral changes are made by the left’s puppet prime minister, conservatism, even in a tepid form, will never have a chance to come back to power. Even those vying for the leadership of the Conservative Party are and will do their best to out left each other. Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler have won in Canada, and if you don’t believe that just try to speak freely in one of our universities.
    The American people have this chance to change course. It is amazing that someone with the level of corruption as Hillary has can garner 50% support. This shows how much the level of moral decline has sunk to.

  11. God, you’re thick. Religion is out of politics, and has been for three generations, which is why we’re in the mess we’re in. Humans don’t have an inherent moral compass. Religion, good or bad, has always provided that. In the absence of a civil morality that emanates from a religion, we do what we damn well please/what we can get away with, to benefit ourselves.
    You are a walking, talking example of the failure. Uncivil, rude, undisciplined, condescending, and mostly irrelevant.

  12. I guess if you’re stupid enough to fall for it..
    This has nothing to do with race or religion…it’s culture
    We have people trying to promote a inner city drug dealing violent gangster culture…and people promoting a third world barbaric oppressive culture.
    They are framing it as race and religion because those can be discriminated against..culture can not
    Stop falling for it, call it what it is, and fight back

  13. And speaking of “ne plus ultra morons” – the mirror looks back at you. You are the poster child for those who “bend over backward to play by the self-sabotaging rules the Left sets for them. Fearful, beaten dogs have more thymos.” Defeated before you start. A dhimmi of the Uniparty.

  14. Further, I reread some of the article and near the end, the third last paragraph, was the particularly poignant statement, “And if it doesn’t work, what then? We’ve established that most “conservative” anti-Trumpites are in the Orwellian sense objectively pro-Hillary. What about the rest of you? If you recognize the threat she poses, but somehow can’t stomach him, have you thought about the longer term? The possibilities would seem to be: Caesarism, secession/crack-up, collapse, or managerial Davoisie liberalism as far as the eye can see … which, since nothing human lasts forever, at some point will give way to one of the other three.”
    The author is also right when he says in the last paragraph, “The election of 2016 is a test—in my view, the final test—of whether there is any virtù left in what used to be the core of the American nation.”

  15. I have long felt that the demise of the American Republic was brought about by the wording of its founding documents where it says everyone has the right to life, liberty and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Of course happiness is not defined and as the years have gone on the nuance of the word used in the 18th century and the nuance of the word in the 20 – 21st century is not the same.

  16. “Religion is out of politics, and has been for three generations” Islam is inherently political. Increasingly Islam has an impact on our politics and our government. An argument can be made that Islam (and in my view the extremist elements — barbaric crimes and wearing a mask at the Citizenship ceremony)had a major impact on our last election.
    Canadians were manipulated into thinking that raising the issue of Canadian values was somehow “unCanadian”. I believe that Americans were balking at the notion of large numbers of Syrian refugees being settled at the same time, so the ever-opportunistic Liberals seized the opportunity to push the “Canadians-are-so-morally- superior-to-the-Americans” political button. It would be laughable if it were not so pathetic.
    Just look at the Kellie Leitch bro-ha-ha of this past week — for simply asking a question! The left is fond of referring to “dog whistle” politics whenever questions regarding immigration are raised. I think the dog whistles are all on the left — just a different pitch.

  17. Trump wants to cancel free trade deals with Canada.
    He wants to blow up the post WW2 system of alliances and destroy American credibility as an ally.
    He is a crony capitalist to the core.
    The only place where his policies mesh with conservative views is on immigration.
    If Trump is the “only hope” then the Republican party is already dead and buried.

  18. “Lets roll” (toward the cockpit) is an apt metaphor for this election. But a depressing one. Surely we sense there is no winning possible at the end of our action. We all know it, if we don’t admit it, that the absolute crazy people currently in the cockpit will simply increase the plunge angle dooming everyone on board.
    After reading, yesterday, that Obama shipped $ 1.7 billion American (cash) dollars directly to a country that refers to America as the great Satan … I am convinced our current pilot is deliberately steering us to our doom. One point seven … Billion … untraceable American dollars into the hands of a terrorist state. Stunning. Sorry for the inevitable analogy, but this is equivalent to sending Hitler all the cash needed to rebuild all the military factories we had just bombed, and paused the war to allow his retooling and rebuilding. And … the justification for this payment is that we owed it … to the deposed, Shah of Iran … plus a massive amount of interest. If this were WWII … Obama and Valerie Jarrett would already have been impeached, arrested, and tried for treason. If anyone thinks this money will be spent on Iraninan school lunches … and not on nuclear weapons delivery systems … they are suicidally deluded. This payment will inevitably lead to 9-11.2 or the complete erasure of Israel. Either of which will sadly conform to the book of Revelations.
    Yep … we are all passengers on flight 93

  19. I admire your postings here but you’re off a bit this time. Conservatism has been lost in Canada federally this past year, yes. As a people, it’s been gone in Canada a lot longer. Henry Morgantaler was allowed to keep murdering for years, Trudeau I governed for 16 years, etc. It’s only that it’s reached a climax with Trudeau II ascension this year. It’s not just the US that had a Long March Through the Institutions.

  20. It is quite likely that ’93’ was shot down.
    Author’s pen name evokes devotio yet proffers lukewarm endorsement.
    2012 was also a “final test”.
    And for crying out Pete’s sake, it’s conservativism not conservatism. Latin base requires full adjective form before noun suffix, period.

  21. Unfortunately, some problems simply cannot be “fixed.” In business terms, we would talk about bankruptcy, followed by reorganization and recapitalization. But this is geo-political in nature, and those kinds of do-overs tend to get very, very ugly.

  22. Conservatism has been dead and buried in this country for at least 75 years. Canada is as liberal as any place in Europe and would be perfectly sympatico as a member of the EU.
    Never trust or believe government and never become dependent on government.

  23. Islam, for its adherents, is not political. That’s western spin. For its adherents, Islam is all there is – religion, culture. Sharia are the rules. There is no politics in Islam – its all in, or nothing (Of course, humans don’t even buy that cf. Sunni vs Shia vs Wahabbi). The rise of progressive liberalism paralleled/promoted the rise of secularism. The rise of secularism resulted in the abandonment of (in western culture) a Judeo-Christian moral code as the basis for civil behavior, replacing it with a legal “civil” code vested in the state, with no answerable “higher authority”. The state is seen as corruptible, and therefore has no moral authority to judge.

  24. Yeah, so? NAFTA was not a good deal for Canada. If you weren’t able to grow grapes in Niagara, it’d still be a wasteland. Notice the US/Canada rate of exchange lately? Tell me how that helps Canada in the NAFTA distribution of manufacturing.
    As to NATO and the rest of the alliances – they haven’t been worth the paper they’re printed on for several decades. It is time to tear them up and start fresh.

  25. I am not sure that as a conservative there really is any point to trying to win elections in Western countries. I’d rather win my freedom. By peaceful means preferably, but if the Left won’t allow that, then war will be the remedy they have chosen, and we shall give them their remedy, … in very healthy doses.
    Why on earth would we, as conservatives, choose to rule over the Democrat benefits class for even a brief two election cycles? Why should we share our expertise, ambition, dedication and drive, not to mention our resources in the form of confiscatory taxation policy, with a bunch of low-life, scumbag ingrates who will only ever see this a temporary tactical stop-over on the long march down the road to Venezuela? There is no longer any benefit to our side in winning elections in the West.
    What we need is our own country. We need to stop playing their game, and start playing ours. Time to start planning our successor state, and how we are going to ensure that once we are thriving and kicking the economic crap out of the Democrat-run basket-cases, we guarantee that there is no chance whatsoever of a 5th column attempting to rot us out from within. I for one am very comfortable with the idea of mass graves in the forests, filled to the brim with hard-core Leftist agitators. I submit though that the end of the universal franchise (the biggest blunder in the Congressional/Parliamentary system) will mitigate a lot of the need for that, with votes going to people according not to their wealth, but to the total net amount of tax they have paid to the state over their entire lives. So pensioners kick indigent SJW asses at the polls every time! The rich will be forced to choose very directly between growing their wealth, or influencing public policy by paying massive, massive taxes (in excess of 80%). I don’t pretend it’s perfect, but it’s better than allowing the unproductive class a basic veto over economic improvement and business innovation.
    On the plus side – I’ll give the Left this: they were right about nationalism and ethnicity. It isn’t anywhere near as powerful nor important as shared ideology and cultural values. The Left are my mortal enemies. I have stopped hiring them, ceased patronising their stores, and basically tuned them out of my life. I have more in common with my Russian, Putin-loving wife and her family than with anything that passes for so-called Western free society these days.
    Nothing short of that is going to work for us conservatives. We need to begin planning our own, separate states. There is no other way to avoid the chaos. The only other choice is to live through the collapse of Venezuela all over again. I like my idea better.
    Western liberal democracy is finished. It is time to pool our energies and resources into the way forward. Time to delegitimise and dehumanise the enemy, let him win a burnt out, abandoned husk of a city, and call it a resounding victory. Our war effort should lie elsewhere. There is no future for conservatives in the current political structure. It has failed utterly.

  26. The only failing here is that the socialist, Democrats as opposed to democrats, Liberals as opposed to liberals others that need to read this, will not.
    That they dump all over it matters not, it is to be expected.
    If only to stir the mush in their skulls.

  27. I agree with the basic tenor of the article but take issue with this:
    “Third and most important, the ceaseless importation of Third World foreigners with no tradition of, taste for, or experience in liberty means that the electorate grows more left, more Democratic, less Republican, less republican, and less traditionally American with every cycle.”
    IMHO immigrants come to America precisely for her tradition of liberty. The drift left of America, while containing some immigrant communities that have naturally migrated to Democrats, is more internal than external.
    America has a serious identity politics problem. When grievance, race or otherwise, drives your public discourse, the drift left is inevitable, as statists reach for statist solution that an actual liberal would discount as incompatible with natural law or civil society.
    Additionally, the simple idea of urbanization has given a massive power base to the Democrat vote. Look at NY and CA, solidly Democrat and staying that way. City voters are less in touch with the realities of the working gears of an economy and only see the end result, so tend to favour top down solutions.
    It is those internal forces, along with a disengaged populace and unethical media, that have allowed the Dems to pull the wool over the eyes of the sheeple. When that fails, as it has now since voters are very dissatisfied with the status quo, statists are covered by the “they’re all crooks anyway” mode, sure voters will take the easy way out. That is why cabin boy is PM, not Harper. That view is the statists’ out.
    Donald Trump has broken that mould. Statists from both parties are horrified; in fact statists everywhere are horrified. Just google Mark Cuban’s ridiculous rant on Fox yesterday for evidence. But, voters are signaling they will turn strong to one POTUS candidate, the one who truly represents positive change.
    That is Trump’s challenge, especially with women. Hillary’s is to dig our of the hole she’s put herself in due to her reckless judgment.
    Meanwhile Clinton, when not having allergic reactions to Donald Trump, can’t sustain any growth in her vote. As she is bled slowly by revelations such as the FBI pooched case against her, or Julian Assange showing her knowing full well what “C” on documents mean (hint: it’s not cupcakes), as he prepares to dump on her as early as next week, her guilty mind will make her even less well and sap her energy and thus public appearances.
    For Hillary Clinton it’s do or die for the Presidency. She must have good debate performances or else Donald will take her. Her run out the clock strategy has been a disaster. She was supposed to be 8-10% ahead, instead she is within polling error margins.
    2/3 of voters indicate they will vote this time. If that happens, that means a lot of new voters from across all demographics will turn out. Independents break 2:1 for Trump. Hillary is dead candidate walking right now. She needs something to change or she will lose, despite the mediocracy masquerade.

  28. You guys seriously think BLM, the public sector unions, and the Democrat welfare class are going to allow Trump to actually govern? Yeah, watch the nightly riots, shootings, mass random attacks on whites if Trump wins.

  29. ” Latin base requires full adjective form before noun suffix, period. ”
    I have a corn cob removal tool if you need to borrow it.

  30. Dano; I am a Canadian Senior and recognize Canada is dependent for Canada to remain Free with a poulation roughly TEN % of the U.S.A. and arguably retain Sovereignty.
    I do believe Donald Trump will be able to bring Reality forward, at least for awhile. At his age and forgoing the comfort and approbation he will earn by throttling the Corruption of The Sleaze which always move to Tax-payer Proximity, Donald Trump will forego a Second Term for Pence.
    Standing as a Past-President will remain an efective Conscience with Clout.

  31. I guess you didn’t bother to read the article, or you’re a Democrat. FYI, the anti-Trumpers couldn’t win a bathtub race in the present electoral mood.
    Americans are stuck with Dems and Hillary, that’s the best they can do? Funny how Trump the crony capitalist didn’t need GM type bailouts.
    No, that’s the best the Dems can do. If the GOP dies, it is her snooty establishment that will do it. What’s needed is government by getting out of the way.
    Is anyone so naïve to think the Dems and the media allies wouldn’t have branded Cruz, Rubio, or any GOP candidate as a racist unfit by temperament to lead the country? Carson would just be an Oreo.
    The GOP establishment bums had zero chance of beating the Clinton Dem machine, including in Congressional races.
    So instead of buying into the best game in town for the good of the American body politic, the elephant snobs self-fulfill a left lurching GOP defeat.
    In doing so they would allow more proliferation of statism to replace liberty, to protect their careers. They’re already dead and don’t know it.
    Thank God it’s not working. Holy crap man, give your head a shake.

  32. Skip …all of your comments on this thread are spot on and several others….I can say it now Hillary will win no doubt in a land slide….though the left and right will say it’s because of trump it is not . It is all of the things the article points out , universities colleges media even tv shows pushing the leftist narrative everywhere it’s full throttle liberalism Marxism socialism and ultimately evil . It’s the devil if that offends you to bad . Only a devil could push this type of craziness .

  33. I agree. Perhaps I should have been clearer. One Conservative battle after another was lost to the Liberals over the decades, and the last battle and the war was lost last fall. The leftist controlled media and the educational system has done its job well of undermining conservative thinking.

  34. Nightly riots? What you missed was the KENT U body bags… A real President that protects Americans will shut down the screaming looters full stop. Law & order has only one meaning.
    These chicken little, sky is falling, pulling hair out propaganda articles are intended to suppress the Republican Vote..Don’t bother to Vote..Waste of time
    How about an article that targets Blacks and how their Democrat vote has destroyed their inner city neighborhoods. How The local home boys are locked up on drug charges by the Democrat leadership that does so to protect the favored Drug cartel’s territory. The Baltimore prosecutor “Mosby” instructed the police to remove the local Drug dealers in her neighborhood, including Freddie Gray, to protect her & her Husband territory. When Freddie Gray died she charged the police with Murder to cover her own butt…How many Blacks are killed or in Jail because of Drug cartel Democrat enforcement.. Don’t bother to Vote

  35. rd,,,Rush broke it!
    He’s spent the first 2 hours of his show talking about this exact article. Hour three just gonna start.

  36. The article raises a number of excellent points, but misses one very big one: a major reason for the failure of conservatives to consistently win political victories is their failure to articulate convincing narratives that appeal to the broad masses of people. By narratives, I don’t mean articles on political philosophy or economics, but movies, art, novels, plays, television shows etc. Leftists have always sought to dominate these fields because they know that mediums like these are what the average person will have the most exposure to over their lives. What’s the proportion of leftist themed movies to conservative themed ones these days? Probably ten to one. That proportion hasn’t shifted much in decades, so is it any wonder that the masses continue to vote for collectivists like Hillary? Most movies they see these days portray businessmen not as heroic idealists, but as wicked, immoral thugs. That’s the real root of the problem conservatives face today.

  37. People had to have a ruler over them…got what they wanted good and hard.
    Conservatives mostly argue about the degree of rulership over them. Kinda like the woman who would sell herself for a million dollars, but not ten…
    Jer 17:5 Thus saith the LORD; “Cursed be the strong man that confideth in man, and maketh flesh his arm (power), and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

  38. “By narratives, I don’t mean articles on political philosophy or economics, but movies, art, novels, plays, television shows etc. Leftists have always sought to dominate these fields because they know that mediums like these are what the average person will have the most exposure to over their lives.”
    Absolutely correct. You would think professed conservatives would understand that politics is downstream from culture but they generally don’t (or they don’t care). And, in fact, it’s worse than that because many conservatives (and I find this true in particular of a lot of US right leaners) are not only ignorant of the culture around them but are happy to be so and want nothing to do with it while, at the same time, they spend all their resources trying to elect politicians in a society that is shaped and formed by the culture of which they are ignorant or wholly dismissive.
    You can’t win the political war without winning the cultural battles ahead of it and conservatives (in Canada and the US) are not only losing, they are barely bothering to fight.

  39. “Trump, alone among candidates for high office in this or in the last seven (at least) cycles, has stood up to say: I want to live. I want my party to live. I want my country to live. I want my people to live. I want to end the insanity.”
    True. But he couldn’t/didn’t stick to that, did he? No, he spouted off like the camera-hungry buffoon that he is, and by so doing, he has given a Truly Evil Bitch the chance to be leader of the US, and to accelerate the free world’s rush to the bottom.

  40. “Trump wants to blow up the post WW2 system of alliances and destroy American credibility as an ally.”
    When has the US been a credible ally since 1945? It hasn’t. I don’t know that Trump would be worse than Hillary.

  41. I agree with that entirely. I grew up watching the early 50s movies … (tv had not yet arrived in northern Ontario) … Those movies had people like Alan Ladd in ‘Shane’. Robert Mitchum and John Wayne in western and war movies along with many others of that day. The lessons in those movies were based on the American morality of that time. Self reliance, personal generosity, curiosity. responsibility, family values, educational values … unlike today, being a dumb shit or acting like one, didn’t get you laid back then. it got you the label of idiot to be avoided. It was shortly after WW2 and we were winners so we weren’t shy about promoting or western (not the kind where you give away other people’s money)Christian values. Those values were conservative. That is gone now. I do not feel that this is my planet any more. The values of today’s generation is completely alien to me and I cringe a lot these days. I am glad I am old. The current generations will pay a high price for their misguide liberal values.
    However, I must blame Boomer generation for the mess we are in. They are the ones who brought us all this marxist rot and they are the ones who are anchoring the news, teaching in the classrooms and dominating the public service. We have no chance outside of civil war.

  42. Enjoyed the stirring article but I agree with C Miner. We still have it too good to rebel and storm the cockpit. Those of us in the US who want to keep our good jobs in corporations will say nothing to our fellow leftist colleagues who have always been more free and safe than us to rant about their views … We’ll just quietly vote for Trump. But he won’t win. Too many leftists have too much power, and our children will suffer for our quiet surrender as we go gently into the night. In a decade or two, America will be gone. Quality of life for everyone but the elites will be drastically reduced, and there will be oppression … much of it.
    I was once fiery, but gave up after the 2012 election. The tide has turned. Sorry, next generation. Maybe, somewhere in the world, the flame will be lit again.
    Thanks for fighting, Kate.

  43. “You can’t win the political war without winning the cultural battles ahead of it and conservatives (in Canada and the US) are not only losing, they are barely bothering to fight.” Exactly, especially “barely bothering to fight”. In Canada, in fact the Conservative Party leadership hopefuls are busy beating on each other over Kellie Leitch’s survey question, and the media is gleefully instigating it.
