31 Replies to “What’s The Opposite of Diversity?”

  1. If an activist is ‘sanctioned’, are they really an activist?
    I mean, presumably, at that point the elites already support you.

  2. A sanctioned activist sounds like an enforcer to me.
    which is what they are,
    Enforcer ; the member of a group, especially of a gang, charged with keeping dissident members obedient.
    Yep the left are the new Gestapo.

  3. Ken-Barbie and his puppetmaster Butts have already proven that the Canadian people aren’t serious about debt — and now we see that they don’t even want to be reminded. The Trudeau family formula: We’ll make you feel good, even virtuous about yourselves. Plus, it won’t even cost you anything!

  4. Is there anywhere online that shows Canadian federal and provincial debts similar to usdebtclock? I’ve looked before without any success.
    I’d like to think one of Ontario’s 400,000 civil servants making more than $100,000 a year might be able to put something together.
    Thanks in advance.

  5. The Little Red Potato and his friends think the the debt will reset itself to $0 once
    it reaches $999,999,999,999.99. All freshman university students need to take a refresher course on the fable of the Little Red Hen.

  6. Universities have their ‘safe’ zones. Don’t offend the poor little muffins with the facts. And did they not present the ‘trigger’ warnings?

  7. With household debt at an all time high, it isn’t any wonder that the Canadian people don’t care about government debt.
    I couldn’t sleep at night if I had the debt levels that most of my neighbours have, yet it doesn’t bother them or stop their profligate borrowing and spending.
    What we have here is a failure of the imagination.
    People cannot imagine the big crash, some Chicken Little’s have been clucking about it for so long that most people think it will never come and can’t imagine anyway what the result would be even if it did.

  8. quebec debt counter can be found at iedm.org (economic institute of montreal)
    the rate of debt accumulation has been slowed by $80 a second and is now down to $220 a second.
    quebec is running a debt almost equal to ontario’s but with half of ontario’s population – it is bleak.
    quebec is paying close to 10 billion a year to maintain this stupidity.
    max bernier (candidate for conservative leadership) says he can fix this. i believe him.

  9. The Little Red Hen was obviously a greedy 1%’er who didn’t care about the oppressed masses.

  10. The snowflake sense of entitlement even extends to student debt.
    A few years ago, I had some dental work done at the university clinic. The student who was in charge was close to graduating and would start looking for a job. She told me that once she went into practice, she would have to charge more because she had to pay off all her student loans. (Huh?)
    I wasn’t going to disappoint her by telling her that I didn’t think that’s how things work.
    When I was a student, I could use my tuition as a deduction. (Since I never had to borrow money to go to university, I wasn’t so sure about loans.) However, once she started working, she could charge her clientele enough to cover her business expenses plus a bit more to make a reasonable profit and still keep within the mandated fee schedule. Her loans wouldn’t have been part of her operating costs.
    I figured that if she tried that stunt, she would either need to lead a charmed life or be prepared to tell a tax auditor some very interesting stories.

  11. “quebec is paying close to 10 billion a year to maintain this stupidity. ”
    Which they are getting from Sask and Alta.

  12. How about the military set up a ROTC Recruiting Centre and staff it with masked JTF2 members.
    That would be sure to intimidate those pussies on campus. I’m guessing the ladies might like that too. It’s not too often that they get to see, let alone meet, someone who can take care of himself in a fight.

  13. Turdo will just print THE money & provide it secretly to Ontario & Quebec (Federal line of credit)….All the Socialist countries keep printing money until it is worthless
    What do you think Obama is doing, he converts SS/Medicare Bonds into Cash. The country is flooded with NEW cash.. The next President will have a bad day when they try to find all the missing funds…..The thieves include the DOJ, IRS, FBI, and the WH, Jarrett wants a Mansion in Iran. Obama wants an NBA team (Bulls)… Who says NO

  14. The debt clock on campus? That’s hate speech! It’s threatening and as all progressives know it isn’t real, not like our “known” threats like CAGW and transgender transition impedimentalism from white privilege aggressors (a thesis topic, no doubt)…….

  15. They shoulda made it a student loan debt clock, but the L.E.D. bulbs would’ve fried from spinning so fast.
    Heaven forfend anyone being exposed to the bitter realities awaiting them once they graduate.
    To the Safe Space, everyone!

  16. quebec debt update:
    here is the exact location of the quebec debt clock; when i tried to find the clock off the main menu it was not as intuitive as I thought it would/should be.
    i noticed at taxpayer.com the debt is showing at 189 billion and at the iedm it is showing 279 billion
    ????? the iedm takes into account all debt ie institutions

  17. Thank you johnnyonline and neo!
    I’ve saved these to my favorites….after throwing up in my mouth a little bit.
    Ontario is so screwed. On the plus side, if Greece and Venezuela have shown us anything, at some point, even the civil servants suffer.

  18. Should not surprise you, this is standard behaviour of socialists, fascists and other such ‘ists.
    It is incumbent on those that wanted to show their stuff to persuade the socialist idiots that they are dictators.

  19. The above does nor sound right at the end.
    Should say:
    It is incumbent on those that wanted to show their stuff to persuade the socialist idiots that the socialists have totalitarian manners.

  20. If you think Bernier or for that matter anyone in the CPC Party can fix this, have I got a bridge for you and a couple of thousand acres of prime vacation rental property just outside of the Tuk. By the time Lil Tater and the rest of the Liberal minions get through their term of office even God Almighty will have given up!!!!!!!

  21. Well, if these brain-trusts would rather not know how much of the national debt they have to pay off with their Star Bucks earnings, so be it.
    Universities are playgrounds for pansified brownshirts.

  22. Why did you leave. Better than speaking truth to power, is punching the face of power, knocking power to the ground, kicking power in the ribs. Next time, just tell yourself “they aren’t human” and act accordingly. Never again sumbit to a single one of their demands, requests, or pleas.

  23. We need a class action suit. Since Ontario and Quebec block all pipelines nationwide, no one in Sk/Alta should ever again pay federal tax. When the SC shuts us down, Brad Wall should then make open carry a requirement for all of us. Government issued AR 15s to every citizen should cause enough mental anguish that all progressives in the country drop dead at the same time. We also need to kick the RCMP out; they are part of the enemy. Funny how they can’t muster enough staff to properly police a single city block, but 50k troops show up in High River to steal all the guns they can find….

  24. We need a class action suit. Since Ontario and Quebec block all pipelines nationwide, no one in Sk/Alta should ever again pay federal tax. When the SC shuts us down, Brad Wall should then make open carry a requirement for all of us. Government issued AR 15s to every citizen should cause enough mental anguish that all progressives in the country drop dead at the same time. We also need to kick the RCMP out; they are part of the enemy. Funny how they can’t muster enough staff to properly police a single city block, but 50k troops show up in High River to steal all the guns they can find….

  25. Exiled Maritimer!
    Thank you! That’s another great link.
    I once visited usdebtclock every day for about a year watching the debt climb from $14 Trillion to $15 Trillion, jotting down the dates when the clock hit another $100 Billion or ran up another full point of GDP.
    Very sobering.
