32 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Canadian values do matter. Only not to the radical left who own the media.
    Immigrants have been screened for decades, economically and otherwise, to ensure they will succeed and contribute to Canada.
    Immigrants are screened for health issues, criminal records and security concerns and are expected to understand their obligation to live according to this country’s laws and constitution.

  2. @mjmignacca
    Huma reminded her before: “Did u take your earpiece or do I need to get it?” #HillarysEarPiece pic.twitter.com/rVgrcWZq9F

  3. Huma reminded her before: “Did u take your earpiece or do I need to get it?” #HillarysEarPiece pic.twitter.com/rVgrcWZq9F @mjmignacca

  4. The ear piece is used by RESEARCH Producers from the production deck to provide correct answers.. The Hillary parts were also rehearsed & edited.. A total fraud that NBC has done for Democrats for years…The normal Talking heads can follow the ear-piece verbatim without understanding a word they said..
    Trump better get some expert help for the debates & have the FCC verify lip-sync (sound to Video) all across America….The corruption is where you find it…

  5. Ontario’s premier Wynne lost a byelection and has concluded she better look into doing something about soaring hydro costs. Very clever little observation but that’s only one problem of many,she needs to work on her arrogance, losing a seat may be a start on that front. Hydro rates are the highest in North America. She might want to take a look at root causes like wind turbines that work sporadically giving power we can’t use and the surplus is given away. The solar scheme is another rip off. Those who can afford to set up that system get paid, the money all comes from one source, we are getting royally screwed.

  6. And the contracts the Ontario Liberal government signed are for at least 20 years so we have only begun to feel the pain of monumentally high Hydro rates. You can do your ironing and dishwasher at off peak hours but they get you with the on peak heating and huge delivery charge. Going to the considerable expense of switching to gas heating was only a temporary help if you could afford it as the government is raising charges for gas.

  7. I am paying 13.6 cents per kwh in b.c. which I believe is more expensive than Ontario. Not defending this moron just saying.

  8. The government always approve any proposed hikes in natural gas, they grab a chunk of that too. It’s getting closer to freezing in the dark, people just can’t handle the spiraling costs of all utilities and everything else we need to survive.

  9. Mao* Strong Report.
    “Trudeau’s false equivalence on Chinese human rights” (g-m)
    “Ghost town: how China emptied Hangzhou to guarantee ‘perfect’ G20”
    “Third of city’s 6m people were ‘convinced’ to leave as week-long public holiday was declared, factories were shut and dissidents put under house arrest”
    *Mao: Liberal Justine’s favourite dictator.

  10. H/T B.O’Narcissist, CIC.
    “Ten new wars that could be unleashed as a result of the U.S.-led one against ISIL” (NP)
    “Russian fighter comes ‘extremely close’ to U.S. Navy jet, intercepting the aircraft over the Black Sea”
    “One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans (1888).”
    ― Otto von Bismarck

  11. What Today’s Cuckservatives Had to Say About Obama in 2009

    Obama sprang coatless from his limousine and headed up the steps of Will’s yellow clapboard house.He was greeted by Will, Michael Barone, David Brooks, Charles Krauthammer, William Kristol, Lawrence Kudlow, Rich Lowry, and Peggy Noonan. They were Reaganites all, yet some had paid tribute to Obama during the campaign. Lowry, who is the editor of the National Review, called Obama “the only presidential candidate from either party about whom there is a palpable excitement.” Krauthammer, an intellectual and ornery voice on Fox News and in the pages of the Washington Post, had written that Obama would be “a president with the political intelligence of a Bill Clinton harnessed to the steely self-discipline of a Vladimir Putin,” who would “bestride the political stage as largely as did Reagan.” And Kristol, the editor of the Weekly Standard and a former aide to Dan Quayle, wrote, “I look forward to Obama’s inauguration with a surprising degree of hope and good cheer.”

    via American Digest

  12. Appears the loss of the byelection has Wynne running scared, woke a few people up in Ontario. She has prorogued the Legislature. She’s decided she should do something about the soaring hydro rates…rich that!
    Time to put away the arrogance and listen? Yeah, right, especially there are record numbers of people in arrears on hydro bills. Too late Kathleen, resign!

  13. No matter, her answers on the emails were incomprehensible.
    Because something isn’t “marked classified” it isn’t? Yes it is, the content decides the classification, as does the originator, Hillary.
    She is either a complete idiot – who doesn’t understand when one refers to time sensitive classified information, that discussion is classified and safeguarding must overrach, that is up to the “owning agency,” not her to decide – or she is an utter liar searching for some way out.
    Her nonsense about what “C” means is non sequitur anyway. The problem was not how she handled eight confidential email chains but 44 Secret/TS/SAP email chains including information on drones and intelligence operatives in the field, which she outed btw.
    Trying to drill down to one straw man incident (confidential information) and pretend that is the salient issue is the progressive way.
    Maybe Comey, who apparently did only conduct a security review after all, didn’t feel this rose to the level of criminality. But he did later say there should be at least administrative consequences for Hillary and her crew.
    The American voters will have the final say and they don’t seem amused by her political rope a dope. As her credibility and popularity fades further, look for a tearful Huma Abedin press conference admitting she removed the “classified markings.”
    Of course that will not change the fact Hillary discussed highly sensitive and highest classified matters in the open in an unclassified system.
    It will all be about the “C,” with the master of slime himself looking for another what the meaning of “is” is moment.

  14. PET Cemetery Report: A’flotsam’R’us Liberal liberals.
    “At least we could (probably) invade New Zealand: How small is the Royal Canadian Navy, really?” (NP)
    “Canada to take leadership role in UN peacekeeping operations and host upcoming summit, Sajjan says”
    “Youth in Africa have to be provided with economic opportunity, he said.”

  15. Dinosaur Death Watch.
    “The Globe and Mail offers voluntary severance package to employees” (G-M)
    “Researchers name a new species of reptile from 212 million years ago”
    “The name of the new species came from Lessner. Vivaron haydeni is named for a famed, monstrous snake – 30 feet long – of Ghost Ranch lore, a story passed around campfires more than a century ago, and John Hayden, a hiker who in 2002 discovered the New Mexico quarry from which the fossils were collected.”

  16. I pay 9.845 cents/kwh in the Okanagan. I believe they ramp it up to 13 cents in peak times.
    If subsequent politicians had followed WAC Bennett’s plan, we’d still be paying the lowest rates in the developed world.
