15 Replies to “How the 9/11 Attacks Would Have Been Reported Today”

  1. American-made steel girders, glass window walls, and burning furniture used to murder highly trained Islamic airline pilots ! This jingoistic Islamophobia has got to stop ! Obama’s Attorney General is going to New York City to examine the legality of erecting two gigantic towers of capitalism right in the middle of an Islamic flyway. Shame on the NYC developers who create these skyscraping monstrosities !

  2. Actually a lot of idiots were saying just that then, and continue today. For example:
    “Terrorist attacks on the United States cannot be used to coerce Canadian women into backing a U.S. foreign policy that is “soaked in blood,” a women’s conference heard yesterday.”There will be no emancipation for women anywhere on this planet until the western domination of this planet is ended,” Sunera Thobani told about 500 delegates at the Women’s Resistance Conference.”
    “From Chile to El Salvador to Nicaragua to Iraq, the path of U.S. foreign policy is soaked in blood,” she said, during a speech that repeatedly brought most of the hall to its feet in applause. Thobani, a university professor and former president of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women, was among opening speakers at the three-day conference addressing the issue of women and the justice system. The Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies arranged the conference.”
    “Today in the world the United States is the most dangerous and the most powerful global force unleashing horrific levels of violence,” Thobani said. Opposition parties yesterday lambasted Multiculturalism Minister Hedy Fry, who attended the conference, accusing her of failing to condemn Thobani’s remarks.”
    Fry is no stranger to controversy, having been forced to publicly apologize this spring after claiming that crosses were being burned in Prince George.”
    Actually they’re quite deplorable. What we need right now is Sharia law, that’ll be better for women, no longer stuck under the yolk of prosperity.
    Isn’t capitalism, I mean climate change, the real threat? 15 years later, not a gd thing learned, now these fringe paradoxes represent mainstream opinion.

  3. “Isn’t capitalism, I mean climate change, the real threat? 15 years later, not a gd thing learned, now these fringe paradoxes represent mainstream opinion.”
    Nothing will change until Obamummmer is taken out and shot for treason. Oh My. Is that a too barbaric thought? Only to pussies, who bow down to the cult of pieces.

  4. justinkeling, obungles ain’t the problemo, George the Joo sora$$ is, shoot him and a lot of bodies will drop

  5. Each of them was a lone wolf who just happened to be on the same airplanes as other lone wolf.
    Nothing to see, move along.

  6. Reading a new book called ” Clio’s Bastards ” by Curtis McManus a Canadian historian. His premise is there is no left and right anymore. Just soc/pros and Traditionalists. The war between them started in the sixties paused in the seventies and eighties and accelerated when they took over our universities etc.
    The war has been lost for now. He uses Greek history to support his belief. Best book I have read in a long time. His research is absolutely impeccable.

  7. The twin towers building manager showed a shocking lack of concern for the ‘mentally ill’ Islamic passengers.

  8. It’s the new normal to learn how to take off and fly but not to land.
    The instructor: Gee, no, I didn’t see anything unusual in that.

  9. “Nothing will change until Obamummmer is taken out and shot for treason. Oh My. Is that a too barbaric thought?”
    Oh, calm down.
    The Obama presidency will be over forever in 128 days. That’s 87 US work days.
    Then you’ll have a new occupant in the Oval Office to fret over.

  10. That sounds like a good book, as he has it right. When society degrades enough it might just turn around on its own, but not likely, as history does not support that. Rather, societies totally collapse and someone else rebuilds it. Hopefully it is not the goat herders that rebuild ours, because we all know what that will mean.
    The link uses the BBC, but it could be just as easy CBC, CTV, Global, CNN, et al.
