Renegade Regulator

Fellow travellers;

Have you ever wondered why aerospace companies have such routine access to so much taxpayer money? Have you pondered how they can default on 94% of their Federal loans without penalty? Or how they can get away with seemingly anything and suffer no consequences, not even investigations?
Have you wondered how the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) gets away with all that they’ve been caught doing?

19 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. In the Construction Industry (non-governmental, free-market construction) … Construction Management Firms are hired as third-party regulators to control project cost, time-management, and quality. Their first task is usually to value-engineer (VE) the entire project. This type of consultant should be mandatory for every government job … and their payment should be based entirely upon bonuses paid for meeting project budget and time goals.

  2. The PCO runs Canada. I have invested great effort trying to see into the black box with almost zero success. The only meaningful understanding I have acquired is that regardless of who sits in the PM’s chair, certain policies will continue. Those policies benefit specific companies, individuals and beliefs.
    There is an entire background agenda, charted by technocrats selected for their tunnel vision, skill and mind set, that only “fools” seek to upset.
    Those “fools” are what honest people consider to be decent men and women committed to representative government. Whether elected or appointed “senior officials” who rock the boat find their careers in ruins.
    While the diagnosis of the disease is relatively straight forward once one acquires the necessary information and understanding, the cure is very elusive.
    “Destroying” what we have will only makes thing worse. Maintaining it as it is will assure our collective destruction. As JRR Tolkien’s character Gandalf said in Lord of The Rings, “Even the wise can not foresee all ends”.
    There is much that is terrific about our system of governance. We need to be certain we don’t throw out the baby with the bath water when we are considering change.

  3. “”Destroying” what we have will only makes thing worse.
    Not necessarily. The French had a word for it….guillotine. Seemed to work at the time :):)

  4. “Have you ever wondered why aerospace companies have such routine access to so much taxpayer money?”
    It’s no mystery to me. Many of these companies have a huge presence in Quebec and this money is used to keep Quebec happy.
    It’s also the reason the government blocked the Canadian Air Lines/Onex merger. There was nothing in it for Quebec, as the bulk of Canadian’s maintenance was headquartered in the West.

  5. Why do people even wonder how politicians go into office with no real assets and leave millionaires? At least the Americans are above board enough to actually state that it is not illegal for senator and congressman to benefit from insider trading.
    Bombardier has been living off the government tit for as long as I remember. First I remember was a $800 million ‘loan’ to finance NYC buying LRT train cars. Most Canadians never realized that debt was ‘written off’ a few years later.

  6. About a month ago a guy in Saskatchewan got arrested for speaking (typing) out loud what should happen to a corrupt government. Everything that guy was saying should happen. I feel nothing for whatever happens to corrupt government officials in their daily lives, good or bad.
    Here is another link to the restorecsa site regarding an PS Knight Co. litigation update about their court battles with this renegade regulator. Read that and see the corruption involved with government, any government because this crap was going on Conservatives and will continue under Liberals.

  7. The same thing happened in 1986 when Canadair was awarded the CF-18 maintenance contract, even though the bid by Bristol Aerospace in Winnipeg was generally believed to be better.
    Mulroney simply gave it to a Quebec firm in order to buy Quebec votes. The fact that it was Canadair was hardly surprising. It was a government sinkhole for years before it was privatized.

  8. “Mulroney simply gave it to a Quebec firm in order to buy Quebec votes. The fact that it was Canadair was hardly surprising. It was a government sinkhole for years before it was privatized.”
    Ahhhhhhh…..privatized is simply a fools term. The gubermint still finances them through the back door. Butt buddies all around,and the common Joe/Jane Blow still get screwed by them, and think it’s all AOK. Ignorance can be changed, however stupid is forever.

  9. Don’t get me wrong I dislike what bomb-ba-deer pulls off as much as the next guy and the disingenuous politicos who support the scam.
    Show me one country that has an aero space industry that doesn’t engage in exactly the same practice.

  10. I’ve worked for firms that had some rather cozy relations with government agencies. Officially, whenever there was a contract for an upcoming project, those agencies called for bids and, presumably, they received several of them each time. However, it was almost always the same companies that won.
    Oh, and don’t believe that there is such a thing as a fixed-cost contract. Officially, they are, but there always seem to be ways around that, so that they end up being cost-plus. No wonder government work always seems to be going over budget.
    Of course, the taxpayer isn’t supposed to know this. It wouldn’t look good to cancel a project and then have the public find out that its tax money was wasted with nothing to show for it.

  11. “Why do people even wonder how politicians go into office with no real assets and leave millionaires?” Yes, I do, and two former prime ministers come to mind. They are from the same province.
    And to think, the western nations denigrate Putin because of the oligarchs. It is no different here in Canada and the US. Think GE, George S, Warren B. Bombardier.

  12. I would be very interested in finding YOUR source for your 94% default number. Of course, whatever number you come up with can be reduced to zero default as maybe you can defend Canada and the United States with your paint ball guns. I know why Turdo is importing so many Arabs in Canada. They will need all those camel drivers for transportation after socialist/communists like you reduce Canada to a third world country. I read pukes like you and I think of the farmers that tell you not to complain with your mouth full. I would suggest that until you can design, build, maintain and fly an aircraft, you stop critcizing aerospace companies.

  13. Not sure where your going here OCB, and I can’t build design or fly an aircraft but I get to pay for all that as a taxpayer. So that gives me the right to criticize.

  14. Where did the 94% default come from. Typical of libruls. Shop for a number or pull a number out of the air. He who can does. He who can’t is either a librul, a social justice thug,or a teacher.

  15. I’ve asked this question before, however, have never seen an answer. What has happened to the hundreds of million of dollars that CSA has made over the years? (tax free) There are no shareholders to whom dividends are distributed, there is no way that their expenditures are more than a fraction of their revenues, so the surplus monies that have accumulated must be enormous.

  16. I think it is. Look at their annual reports. Every year they buy several foreign corporations. That’s where the money goes.
