55 Replies to “A&W: The “A” Is For Anti-Canadian”

  1. If you want to slowly destroy your gut by eating mostly gluten from any of the fast food chains go ahead…I know I can’t. Anymore.
    Most of the meal from a typical order contains mostly bread. The sugary phosphorous Pop you wash it down with does not help either.
    Bread (Gluten) destroys your health, your gut and eventually your immune system is compromised.
    Meat and fat are good for you. Veggies, fruit and nuts too.
    That said, A&W should smarten up but until this issue goes mainstream like the French brand Ketchup/Leamington grown tomato issue, they might not be “compelled” to buy Canadian beef for their Canadian restaurants.

  2. Burger King was importing (meat) from Australia in the 80’s that was free of all additives. It was Kangaroo Meat. I don’t think Sewer Rats or Puppy meat is drugged up..
    A&W may have just found the source of cheap meat…

  3. poor journalism. Plate has estrogen, so meat can have estrogen?!? say what? the A&W add said nothing about antibiotics. They source hormone and steroid free beef. With a family wracked with cancer, with the modern medicine of very little help in this field, I’m sick of journalists who twist facts and know nothing about the workings of the human body. If I would eat fast food, it would be from A&W. FYI I was raised on a meat producing farm.

  4. poor journalism. Plate has estrogen, so meat can have estrogen?!? say what?
    Yeah, she’s just repeating what’s she’s been told…if the hormones given cattle were exactly the same as natural, they couldn’t be patented. No money in them if they can’t be patented.
    And the FDA and WHO lie to us all the time, lied to us for years that animal fats are bad for us. Not that A&W has anything but crap, anyway. The stuff makes me feel ill. Probably from the industrial vegetable oils they fry it in, instead of healthy animal fat, like they used too.

  5. Here’s an idea for the Canadian Beef producers ! Advertise your beef as totally Gluten-Free ! That’ll get all the whack-job non-GMO idgiots buying your beef again.

  6. I just go to Prarie Meats. After my first beefalo steak burger, I cannot go back to regular hamburgers. The ground chuck burgers Sobeys is making are a close second.

  7. Two quick comments: Me; ” So your chicken hasn’t been treated with hormones?” A&W; Yessir, completely free of antibiotics.” Me; “So can you guarantee that this chicken didn’t die from some infectious disease?” “By the way have you considered the irony of having to “Cure” your pork before you can serve it?” A&W: Wha???

  8. I quit eating A&W years ago when I realized that every time I ate their burgers they gave me acid indigestion.
    I’ll sign the petition anyway.
    Oh, and about that apology the lady in the vid was talking about? An apology could be the basis of a class action defamation law suite, so it won’t happen.

  9. Hey, thanks for interacting. Manure pile? nope. Just a pit with concrete slats. Meat producing? yup.Pigs. Farrow-selling weanlings. Saw it all from “conception” to birth, to teeth clipping and tail docking, to scours, to shipping. Listening to the noon hour farm prices to see if they were any higher. Reading the Co-Operator, or at least the comics on each page. Ahh, the fresh scent of the spreading of the aforementioned pit contents. Pa added bees to the farm to supplement income in the lean years. That was beneficial until aerial crop spraying killed off the little honey gathers. Ahh, the sweet smell of bees wax. Takes me back. Thanks for spurring me to reminisce.

  10. I was in Costco a few months back and a woman was handing out samples.
    They were red peppers stuffed with ricotta and she was touting them as being “Gluten Free”.
    I said, “But there isn’t any gluten in red peppers or ricotta in any case!”
    The French woman standing next to me burst out laughing.
    The implication was that their competitors put gluten in their stuffed peppers.

  11. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees: freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom of expression. Both sides of the viewpoint can express their misconceptions and we are free to take it or leave it.
    About 80% of the antibiotics produced are used by the industrial meat business, mostly for pig and poultry CAFOs.

  12. “Secondly, antibiotic feed additives are easily imported for your own use.”
    Perhaps a bit of education is in order. While giving antibiotics to very young calves can prevent disease and aid in growth, routine use of antibiotics, once their digestive tract starts functioning, is counterproductive. Cattle eat plant matter and it is consumed by bacteria in their first stomach. The animal then digests dead and living bacteria.
    If you fed antibiotics routinely, you would kill the bugs and shut down the bovine’s digestive system to some degree. Nobody has or ever will routinely feed antibiotics to cattle. The fat little prick builds a straw man and then beats the crap out of him.

  13. Teen burgers are on for $3.50 a pop right now. As soon as that deal’s done I will become principled.

  14. After educating everyone, I look up Rumensin and some people consider it an antibiotic. If it is an antibiotic it is a very atypical antibiotic.

  15. Good for you. We were in Costco last week and I noticed that their Kirklands Maple Sugar containers touted being “organic”. Interesting, as, as far as I know maple sugar is harvested by tapping wild maple trees in the forest in the spring and then processed in a sugar shack. I don’t recall ever reading that the trees are given fertilizers or sprayed with chemicals. In other words, bovine feces to gull the gullible who are on the idiotic organic bandwagon, and guess who is paying a premium for the bs.
    We haven’t been in an A & W for two years either in protest to the misinformation advertising.
    scar @ 5:28, exactly. One of my sons-in-law and his father have raised beef cattle for decades and they operate precisely as you say. Only sick cattle get antibiotics under veterinary supervision after the calf stage.

  16. I try to avoid fast food places, always look for the independent business wherever I go. Found a great little burger joint here where they actually make the burger fresh and serve it with real potato fries.Great food reasonable price,and staffed by the owners.
    Intercourse the big chain FF guys who usually have either a tattooed geek or a person who can’t understand English. Been to a few Big Chain pizza places where the kids were so stoned they took my order,then forgot to put it in the oven.
    The Little Fat Guy doing the ads for A&W is becoming as irritating as the bald guy doing the Fountain Tire commercials,I avoid both places like the plague.

  17. They’re not ‘slandering’ cdn beef as far as I know. That’s just cheep journalism.
    What they have done is pander to the usual crowd of histerical pseudo-scientific hoey-pushing anti-vaxer lefty types you find… well, not usually at a burger joint.
    This is more of a case of needing to fire your head of marketing. I’m sure no one has given a second thought to cdn farmers nor tried to slander them. You give the Madison age ladies too much credit to assume they’ve thought that much about the issue.

  18. We have an area grocery chain, Reasor’s. They have been on a health kick, an organic kick and an anti gluten kick for some time now. I suspect that their ad people are graduates of one of our local snow flake agricultural universities. Everything in the store not containing flour is labeled “Gluten Free!” and marked up. I really enjoy the gluten free popcorn and corn oil. They so concentrate on these “healthful” foods they provide, they forget to check the dates on their dairy products. Since we live in farm country, they DO go lightly on “poisoned” beef announcements.

  19. Referencing WHO and FDA to validate ones point is like quoting the Fruitfly in a climate change argument.

  20. Sigh. My old iPhone has illegible 2pt font so I miss the spell check doing wonky things..
    Replace ‘Madison age’ with ‘Madison Ave’

  21. Good for you. We were in Costco last week and I noticed that their Kirklands Maple Sugar containers touted being “organic”. Interesting, as, as far as I know maple sugar is harvested by tapping wild maple trees in the forest in the spring and then processed in a sugar shack. I don’t recall ever reading that the trees are given fertilizers or sprayed with chemicals. In other words, bovine feces to gull the gullible who are on the idiotic organic bandwagon, and guess who is paying a premium for the bs.”
    Good for you also,Ken. I was in Sobey’s/Safeway just yesterday,and some flunky was in the aisle with gluten free crap for a sample. I asked her if she knew what gluten is. Deer in headlights. Asked what she was having for lunch. Sandwich. Oh. And where did you find the gluten free wheat for your bread? Big deer in headlights!! Call them out every chance you get.
    And BTW,EVERY thing comes from organic sources. It’s called the Earth and Mother Nature. Organic means carbon based. Opppppssss. That nasty carbon word/sarc.

  22. I haven’t darkened A&W’s doors since they started their campaign of fear. I’ve talked to their Canadian Marketing Manager to no effect and I have posted so often on their Facebook page that I’ve been banned (just politely asked them what percentage of their meat was Canadian sourced – over and over and over mind you because they never did answer the question). As I told the marketing manager this kind of advertising is the lowest form – it’s fear based pandering. They may not miss me but I sure miss the occasional teenburger. I never ate many fast food burgers but when I did it was always a teenburger. I suppose in a way the slimy campaign has improved my diet.

  23. Nobody has or ever will routinely feed antibiotics to cattle.
    Heh, maybe you should go ‘educate’ Eli Lily…
    They want to use it to reduce cow farts 🙂
    Or maybe the Cattleman’s Assoc
    The majority of the antimicrobials used for feed efficiency belong to a class of antimicrobials known as ionophores, and are not used in human medicine.
    In addition to being an important and necessary tool in protecting animal health and well-being, antimicrobials may also be added to the feed of food producing animals to increase feed efficiency, as well as preventing infections.
    After educating everyone, I look up Rumensin and some people consider it an antibiotic. If it is an antibiotic it is a very atypical antibiotic.
    Heh, leftist word parsing…it’s an antibiotic, get over it.

  24. I used to think the “fat little prick” was ok when he played a simple store manager hyping his products and sales in a friendly and occasionally amusing way. When he “graduated” to moral busybody I quickly tuned him out. I was an occasional customer before, but it’s easy to walk away when there are so many other choices out there.

  25. While I agree with the Rebel I believe that boycotting is too passive a form of protest. It would make more sense to have 15,000 people email A&W explaining why they object to the adds and asking them to use exclusively Canadian beef in Canada.
    I sure hope Mary Brown’s doesn’t screw up. That would test my allegiance to SDA.
    I found myself eating at McDonald’s two days ago, the first time in 4-5 years. For the last two days I have felt the urge to give birth to a geologist. Not sure what they put in their food but literally “holly crap”.

  26. I emailed A & W directly after I noticed their misinforming ads and I also signed Sheila’s petition. Of course I got no reply from A & W and we haven’t darkened their doors since.
    What did you mean by Mary Brown screwing up? No capeche.

  27. If anyone is really concerned about the environmental impact of the hamburger they are eating then they should really forgo the burger and eat a salad. A&W has the best tasting burgers of among the large chains in Canada. I go for taste. You may not like their campaign but their same store sales have been experiencing great growth. And they have the best mascot.

  28. I have been a devoted teen burger fan since I was that age. It was my go to comfort food. Since pudgy started those commercials I ordered one and felt ill after two bites. Never coming back. Had no idea what I was eating.

  29. It gets a little suspicious when you find Canadian restaurant chains
    that find it helpful to change course on where they source their raw
    materials now (across international borders for nebulous reasons)
    while trying to virtue signal that they are “doing it all for you.”
    Don’t eat that.

  30. Doesn’t help the beef producers for the media types to lie about the facts, and then claim to be on our side. Until she corrects herself, her credibility is shot. People will always wonder what else she lies about.
    Rumensin, and other brand names of the antibiotic monensin, are commonly used as feed additives in feedlots right up to slaughter day. Dairies also commonly use it. And it’s certainly not illegal to use it that way,
    it’s right on the label.
    She complains about A&W giving half the story, while she does the same thing. The growth hormones are not exactly the same as natural hormones, or they couldn’t be patented.
    Not saying it’s a good thing, or not, but don’t lie about it. Ruins our credibility.

  31. “Doesn’t help the beef producers for the media types to lie about the facts, and then claim to be on our side”
    Reading your comments and the links you provide prove that there is no way you are on ‘our side’ or certainly not my side when it comes to food issues.
    Simply put, you are a food paranoiac who finds any flimsy evidence you can find and post, that will bring the safety of our food supply into question.

  32. Heh, you use the typical leftist strategy of insulting the messenger…hoping to derail the message.
    My links were to Eli Lilly and the Canadian Cattlemen’s Assoc, and what’s her name used the same tactics as you, insults and telling half the story. To the detriment of the credibility of real cattlemen everywhere.
    Btw, the first steroid (growth hormone) to be used in cattle was diethylstilbestrol. Took over 30 years to figure out that wasn’t such a good idea. The arrogance of people who think they know everything, eh?

  33. I apologize if you took that as an insult. On other occasions you’ve linked to stuff that is a bit outside the realm of common thinking on some of these issues. There is nobody here or anywhere else who will be able to derail your message.
    OT but I can think of a couple of countries where the average person isn’t very concerned right now about the way their food was raised or grown. They just wish there was more of it.

  34. well now strad, it’s comical that one who bangs his gums about a god he can not produce, or prove it’s existence, calling out some one who is not telling the truth. Let me know when you can prove your dog…emr god, and then we can move forward from that point!!!

  35. I’m curious if they will use cattle that have consumed their root beer as it contains an antimicrobial used to cure Hoof & Mouth Disease.

  36. Hey NIMMY, the difference is I’m not interfering with someone’s livelihood and credibility.
    Only your blood pressure, which is fine by me 🙂

  37. Well. despite ‘the little fat prick’ doing what he’s hired to do, he’s still a little fat prick spouting the corporate and populist line.
    But, being that as it may, A&W will always be my favorite. From the 60’s university days with the sexy car hops and 45 cent Papa Burgers and fifteen cent rootbeers, and the most happening place in the city, I still prefer them to the competition, even though I seldom frequent them these days.
    Sometimes these issues are tough to take sides on as the local franchisees are stuck with toeing the corporate line or suffering the consequences of public backlash. Gone are the days of a business succumbing to poor product or service. Now they also need to combat enviroMENTAL, social justice whackos at every turn.

  38. Might be time to start a grassroots boycott.
    Duct tape and Bristol Board, on your tailgate… easy.

  39. My TV screen blocks all advertising. I ignore ads; they are all bogus. Any intelligent person would do the same.
    A&W burgers taste better than the other food chain options here. Anyway I don’t eat much ‘fast food’.
