17 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. If you want Islamic Sharia, I agree. May I suggest Somalia, NW Pakistan, or the ISIS Caliphate?
    And if you are in the Twin Cities area, I’ll be happy to help you pack, and even contribute a few bucks to your kickstarter to boot. It is the Christian thing to do.

  2. Minnesotans get on your hind legs and kick this treasonous pos out.Don’t even get me started on Al freaking Franken.

  3. Andrew Cuomo is looking ahead because Hillary will be beaten & He will run in 2020.
    If Obama found himself One-on-One with an Islamic Terrorist… what does he do?
    A) If he kills the terrorist.. The terrorist will get 72 virgins & wins his dream
    B) If he lets the terrorist kill Him.. Does he get 72 virgins & Win, or does he realize that he is a christian and will end up in purgatory with a bunch of dead A-holes.

  4. When Jews in Minnesota hear the governor, how do they feel? Are they as nervous as the rest of us? And let’s not go thru the “they voted Democrat and get what they deserve” routine. As reported on http://www.investigativeproject.org/5288/islamic-university-of-minnesota-a-hotbed# The Minneapolis-based Islamic University of Minnesota (IUM) has an extremism problem.
    It is run by a man who used a recent sermon to invoke a Hadith commonly espoused by Muslim terrorists to kill Jews for causing “corruption in the land.” Waleed Idris al-Meneesey also has written that Muslims should place sharia law above “man-made” law.
    During a November sermon, al-Meneesy referred to the Hadith, a saying from Islam’s prophet Muhammad, describing how Jews had been punished by God repeatedly for “corruption.”
    “When the Children of Israel returned to cause corruption in the time of our Prophet Muhammad,” al-Meneesy said in a translation by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, “and they disbelieved him, God destroyed him at his hand. In any case, God Almighty has promised them destruction whenever they cause corruption.”
    History will repeat itself, he said.
    “The Prophet related that in the Last Days his Umma [people] would fight the Jews, the Muslims East of the Jordan River, and they [the Jews] west of [the Jordan River] … Even trees and stones will say: O Muslim, this is a Jew behind me, kill him, except for Gharqad trees, the trees of the Jews. Because of this they plant many of them…”
    Church leaders should be advising their members to vote Trump – the Sunday before the election, then it’s too late to remove their tax status. They’ve got to speak up as boldly.

  5. “Leave your own State you worthless piece of Citizens you!
    In line with Sweden telling the women:
    “Wear the hijab so to make them feel more at home”
    I am praying to God that this insanity is at it’s swansong; The sane world (Via the Internet, the sword sent from above) must stay united in ridding ourselves of the evil doers currently assembled in their Mosque called the UN.
    TRUMP 2016.
    Canada, wake the @#$&^ up!

  6. Just wait governor, once enough of those sub humans arrive, a lot of people will indeed leave Minnesota because muslim wogs from Somalia and other cesspools of the Allah variety, do not coexist with others … They are totally and completely intolerant of anyone who is not them. Sort of like Liberal leftists.

  7. I personally don’t think preachers should be advising their congregation whom to vote for, just to vote their consciences. I don’t think it’s appropriate.
    As for the governor’s sentiment, no problem here. Now if he had stated if people come to Minnesota and don’t like her citizens’ decadent lifestyle, they should go to another state, then there would be a big problem. Any politician that lets CAIR anywhere near them is suffering from common sensaphobia.

  8. “I personally don’t think preachers should be advising their congregation whom to vote for, just to vote their consciences. I don’t think it’s appropriate.”
    I agree with you in principle. The problem is since 1954 (A then senator LBJ initiative BTW) a law was pass to prevent preachers from politicking but guess what?…Only Right wing preachers were silenced. To a point that Trump has promised the clergy to repeal the 1954 law and that’s the best way because the problem will never go away, only the conservatives will continue loosing their charitable status…That’s how powerful the left wing forces are.
    Trump has got huge support from the Evangelicals and Christian orgs right now because of this promise.

  9. I personally don’t think preachers should be advising their congregation whom to vote for, just to vote their consciences. I don’t think it’s appropriate.
    Don’t need too if the parishioners believe scripture…
    Joh 21:6 And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.

  10. I thought you were going to refer to Eccl 10:2
    2A wise man’s heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man’s heart directs him toward the left.
