Beat the spread

Exceed expectations. Ding. Ding.
Monday will be the defining day, but thanks to our friends in the media, the expectations for Trump are very low. Canadians would be well to remember the 2015 debates. Trudeau never ‘won’ any. Due to the Trump effect, I expect it will be the largest debate audience in decades. If either screws up, it could be the end.
Via Drudge

10 Replies to “Beat the spread”

  1. John Batchelor discussed this on his show last night. He and his guests covered the preparations of Trump and the Beast, as well as her weaknesses.
    Watch for her working hard to stifle any coughs or betray any physical infirmities. He, on the other hand, needs to play it straight and restrained.

  2. I don’t know.
    It plays both ways doesn’t it.
    And no one can have high expectations for Hillary.
    She has to meet the expectations everyone has for her.

  3. Yeah, sounds like an exciting contest to me….. Trump must look presidential and Clinton must not keel over.

  4. Trump must avoid at all costs saying dear, sweetheart or any other condescending term to Hillary. He must not criticize her stamina. And he doesn’t need to go into the Bill Clinton’s war on women. He has plenty of ammunition without letting the Democrats say he is attacking Hillary because she is a woman. If she goes there he should say he attacked Jeb Bush for his lack of energy and attacked Ted Cruz on the birther issue.

  5. “She has to meet the expectations everyone has for her. ”
    The Great American Election Myth. No, she doesn’t. Her voting base doesn’t have any expectations of her. None. It’s enough that she’s a progressive Democrat. To the Democrat voting base, it only matters that she return the Democrats to power, and they really don’t care if she is president from the hereafter or not. This debate is about the independents and the fence sitters, about the state and municipal Democrats who see their grip on local politics slipping away. About the NGOs and rent seekers who profit from the Democratic bus ride… This debate is for Donald to convince the middles that he’s just crazy enough to pull it off successfully, to give them a rationale for nt voting for Hillary…

  6. Different times…Different election…
    Because of Trump, politics, at least American, have changed forever. Blame it on the last 4 Presidents which includes the current Manchurian POS.
    Of course the MSM will decree Hillary the winner because “she showed she has stamina and all the rumors have been put to rest”.
    Won’t work because the MSM do not control the narrative anymore…They are still collectively in stupor of what is happening to them…I tune in to their crap to for the comedy…payback time!

  7. Vote Hope and Change. Vote Trump.
    I believe this is what the debate will boil down to. And Hillary has nothing to offer.

  8. You want to know how petrified (there’s a double entendres) Hillary is about the debates ? She is inviting a famous attacker of referees, and successful opposing players … Mark Cuban … to sit in the front row. She’s bringing her own surrogate heckler! She won’t have to attack Donald Trump or register any displeasure with him. She (her handlers) has instructed Cuban to do it. I cannot WAIT to see/hear Cuban jump up and call Trump a LIAR! Or RACIST! or make rubber-face reactions to Trumps comments. It is promising to blaze new trails in presidential debate history.
    Of course, Globalist, Statist, Cuban wants to keep YOUR tax dollars flowing into his enterprises, and cheap H1b visa holders displacing “high paid” American workers. He is petrified that Trump will upset his Democrat sponsored gravy train. I expect Cuban to go all out in disrupting Trump.
