The Sound Of Settled Science

The Inevitable Evolution of Bad Science

Over time, and across many simulations, the virtual labs inexorably slid towards less effort, poorer methods, and almost entirely unreliable results. And here’s the important thing: Unlike the hypothetical researcher I conjured up earlier, none of these simulated scientists are actively trying to cheat. They used no strategy, and they behaved with integrity. And yet, the community naturally slid towards poorer methods. What the model shows is that a world that rewards scientists for publications above all else–a world not unlike this one–naturally selects for weak science.

h/t Jean

19 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. A famous saying from the early days of computing certainly applies here: “Garbage in, garbage out.”

  2. “I don’t want to be overly pessimistic,” says Smaldino. “There are a lot of really high-quality scientists who strive to do high-quality work. There are tons of individuals realize that quality matters. I just “hope” that sentiment prevails.”
    It would seem that “HOPE” plays a huge role in the science of idiots

  3. Good lord! Science by the honor system?
    Science today is about as reliable as advertising,and actually, as they are usually selling something, have about as much integrity.
    Maybe “science” should be represented by the annoying Little Fat Guy of A&W infamy.

  4. Scientific methodology was the singularly most perfect tool for discerning the truth of the world around us….. at least until man picked it up.
    I now treat most scientific results with the same level of caution and skepticism I usually reserve for media reports.

  5. “Maybe “science” should be represented by the annoying Little Fat Guy of A&W infamy.”
    You do realize the A&W guy is just an actor.

  6. Of course I realize the guy is an actor,and one who’s just gotten the “gig” of his life! My niece is an actor, once did a FF gig.
    My point is the alleged science being peddled by various interested organizations are as credible as the LFG’s scripted comments on beef and hormones,as in another thread here a few days ago.

  7. Yeah, it seems that some folks think advertising is reality. Their discussion of the A&W fantasy went on for over 50 mostly inane comments that showed an unbelievable perception that truth and advertising were the same. What passes for ‘science’ in the lamestream media is much the same.
    That’s why so many get conned into buying stuff they don’t need with money they don’t have and sink even deeper into debt. Some actually believe that since they will likely be in debt for all their lives, it doesn’t matter how deep the hole is… they’ll never climb out.

  8. Government workers never worry about TWO things 1) Productivity, and 2) Ever getting fired. Most science (certainly climate science) is funded by government grants. All one needs to do is “demonstrate the preferred results” i.e. “The planet is warming” The ONLY incentive is to feed the approved narrative. Then the scientist will be rewarded with more grant $$$ and bonus $$$ for providing a foundation for higher taxes, fees, and penalties.
    I wonder what these scientists would “find” or “prove” … if they were to be paid … even IF … they produced results that run counter to a “preferred narrative” … counter to the “preferred outcome”. The grant allocating bureaucrats are skewing scientific results with their bias in grant allocation. Bureaucrats are skewing the results. Bureaucrats with a political agenda.

  9. Yes he’s just an actor but watching the propaganda style commercials that they run he reminds me of suzuki for some reason.

  10. I don’t know why a model was needed. What a complete and utter waste of money.
    This happens to ALL professions in a manner that is unique to them.
    All that SCIENCE has to do is (1) admit that they are just as FLAWED, because they are human, as are all other professions and (2) look at other professions to understand how those professions might be flawed.
    It is ARROGANCE that stops SCIENCE from realizing that it might, just might, be flawed.
    What other professions have done – e.g., engineering, I/T – is put in checks and balances and testing. Engineers, for example, don’t build a bridge based on what they truly think is a good idea. They test strengths of materials and they use standard formulae. I/T, for example, have separate teams that test their applications.
    Just because you’re smart doesn’t mean you’re immune to greed or selfishness.

  11. Good science must include a primary goal of disproving the hypothesis and assumptions that can oversimplify. The idea is to save the baby from the bath water. Not invent one after its’ been tossed – either accidentally or otherwise.

  12. I worked in print media and advertising and I enjoy commercials. I wasn’t complaining, just an observation about the style of the ads and they really do remind me of the Eco-left style of advertising.

  13. they really do remind me of the Eco-left style of advertising
    That’s true, and it’s obviously the demographic they want to buy their burgers. The same sort of misinformation propaganda beamed to the same demographic got JT elected as Petit Pomme de Terre. Their knowledge of any subject is miles wide and millimeters deep.

  14. ‘they really do remind me of the Eco-left style of advertising
    That’s true, and it’s obviously the demographic they want to buy their burgers.”
    Exactly, and that is why we no longer patronize their establishments. We began patronizing A&W when it first opened, but they no longer want our money. And all based on bad science. Pity.

  15. I don’t see their advertising and A&W burgers taste better than the others. On the rare occasions I’m in a restaurant, I’m not there to eat their advertising.

  16. Jean, Ken:
    This sort of advertising was common in the late 1960s when “pollution” became a buzzword. You may remember that there were ads for things such as phosphate-free laundry detergent. After that panic faded into obscurity (or the environmental concerns that prompted those commercials were properly dealt with), we were beaten over the head with ads for products that didn’t hurt the ozone layer.
    As long as there are sheeple who’ll buy any codswallop without thinking, there will be commercials/propaganda based on whatever problem, real or imagined, happens to be popular.
