11 Replies to ““Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?””

  1. When I saw this at first I thought it was a SNL skit. She honestly looks unhinged. I just wonder if the moderator is going to “help” her out if she goes off the deep end.

  2. People just don’t like Hillary. It’s all about money for her.
    She is unlikeable. I’d be surprised if she had any friends.

  3. Benghazi is a huge black mark against Clinton and Obama. I’m glad someone is reminding the American public. The Republicans should be shouting it from the rooftops.

  4. She was talking by video to a union meeting of some sort. She was trying to sound union-boss-like; just as she found a southern negro twang when talking in Alabama or somewhere.
    I suspect, apart from the debates, she will restrict herself to video presences in the future.

  5. Didn’t find the video at first (not at the link for me) but I perservered and finally found it at vidmax.com. It was funny at first but then I started thinking about mental illness. Then I discovered she has a blog and I read about her latest dating failure. Then I really started thinking about mental illness and the effect it will have on her son …. the one she was on the way to pick up from school. Then I started feeling bad, for him.
    The rant reminded me of the Hough Mougus video that was up about a week ago. Like the woman in that one, she posted the video herself and was no doubt shocked when she discovered that she was the one who was mocked and ridiculed.
    Of course she is going to support Hillary! She’s mentally ill.

  6. If Trump does not totally destroy her he may be in trouble…The MSM is nudging him to under perform….Hillary is the one that just needs to survive and she will have slayed the dragon
    I have two questions that I hope Trump asks Hillary
    1. Why was she not able to speak to America, sending Susan Rice (UN ambassador)) out to all the Sunday talk shows….Did she resign at the time, was she medicated…
    2. Why did she lie to the families of those killed in Benghazi.

  7. I’d be surprised if she had any friends.
    if you will permit a suggested correction to your comment …
    I’d be surprised if she EVER had any friends.

  8. Off topic, but I am left with the same questions after seeing the post 9/11 fainting postures, the FOX news interview with Chris Wallace, the Between the Ferns comedy interview and this video.
    Ive had 5 babies, and in the week after delivery you have basically no working trunk muscles and you tend to prop yourself up when sitting. What is physically happening that Hillary cannot support herself, even when sitting? That is not pneumonia. There is a definite weakness happening. I assume Clinton has arranged a sit down style debate, as I cannot see her standing through a debate, but now I wonder how she will even sit through a debate and not look affected by something. Even propping pillows now seem ineffective, as she seems stiff and oddly straight through the midsection (back brace)?

  9. No bathroom breaks allowed. She will have to keep on debating in her saturated Depends.
