18 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Why is she not ahead?
    Didn’t she ask what difference those deaths in Bengazi made at this point?
    Dereliction of duty disqualies one for the office of Commander in Chief…thats why.

  2. That was wonderfully written, bringing the process to its recent roots. I am sure he will be mocked and ridiculed for such honesty.

  3. Sounds like a speech. While I agree with his assessment of the modern day democrat and to an extent Trump I do not share his rosy opinion of either Kennedy. Yes Hillary will be a disaster in magnitudes greater than the now place holder of worst president in US history – Obama.

  4. An outstanding piece that brings real clarity to the central issues in this election. The piece is eloquent and heartfelt. Some might disagree with it, but I can’t imagine anyone mocking the author for expressing his views. Hope it precipitates thoughtful discussion and reflection — a relief from the pettiness that seems dominant at the moment.

  5. “Finally, our president has told us we must lower our voices… The elites of opinion and government have not hesitated to offer us instruction, from the heights of their power and eminence. These are the people who have led us into useless foreign war and limitless domestic disaster. This president tells us that we must now spend another trillion dollars on new nuclear weapons systems, and when we ask who will be the target for these world-destroying weapons, says only, “There can be no business as usual with Russia.”
    Surely he must have misspoken, for anyone can see we are on a course of madness. We simply cannot fight the entire world, Russia and China and all the nations of the Mideast, and fight a war at home all at the same time.”
    I can’t really add or put a sharper edge to that.

  6. When Obama took office Putin was shocked at his feckless perfidy regarding America. Obama in turn sees Putin as an example of patriotism and competence. Obama hates Putin for being everything he himself should be.

  7. Many people do not wish to vote for her because they fear the direction the Democratic Party as taken with Supreme Court appointments. They feel the senate and congress can keep Trump in check if necessary . It seems to me many of the “Deplorables ” have a much more in depth process tha the elite would have you believe .

  8. If you caught 60 Minutes last week, you saw a piece about Nuclear War … a new Cold War (presumably with Putin) … and how the POTUS finger is on the button of Nuclear annihilation of humankind. I literally LAUGHED through the entire piece. It was such a transparent ATTACK on Trump, as to be utterly laughable. The implication was that the world cannot afford an “unstable” POTUS with his finger on the button. Yet it is Hillary who provoked Putin by calling him “Hitler”. And Hillary whose “reset” button with Russian relations actually made things worse. And Hillary who cackled (about the murder of Ghadaffi); “we came, we saw, he died!” with a lunatics enthusiasm. 60 Minutes should rethink their implied conclusion that POTUS Trump would be a loose nuke. Not even close. Hillary would be the mentally-unstable LOON with a bony finger on the button … just waiting to “get even” with Putin.

  9. In no way can the USA be ‘friends’ with the Russians. I sat in on a talk by James Moore, Minister of State(?) at the time. The Harper government was probably one of the most vocal countries speaking against Russian actions in the Ukraine. Moore referred to Putin and his top aides as thugs and murderers. No punches pulled.
    Russian strength has to be met with strength. If the boycotts enforced since Crimea do not led to Russian curtailment they at least reduce the money Putin can spend on his military. Since I consider the Russian society based on much dishonesty any engagement has to have serious oversight with a knife ready to sever such ties. IMO the Russians respect this more than not.
    The Russians are active in Western societies with agents who influence education, unions, media and even political parties. These efforts have been highly successful and ultimately much cheaper than military conflict.
    China is a different cat. Many of the same traits as Russia but like Turdeau I kinda admire their ability to create wealth and improve their society. If the debt problem talked about in China is true then one might have to change that opinion. Their economy might end up being the greatest Ponzi’ scheme ever conducted.
    The West has had a largely free ride at USA expense for decades and that will likely be ending. Hillary is old school but the Donald has publicly campaigned on allies paying their share. Good for him!

  10. “Only one American candidate has pointed out how senseless it is to seek confrontation with Russia and China, at the same time that we are trying to suppress the very jihadist movements that they also are attacking.”
    Re: Trump and Putin
    The man from New York and the man from St. Petersburg share many characteristics, three of which are:
    •They are both non ideological. That is to say: they both tend to be pragmatic.
    •They are both interested in nation building. They are both patriots but I don’t see either one as chauvinistic or xenophobic.
    •They both believe in wealth creation as a means to power, both personally and nationally. I would call both of them non-dogmatic capitalists.
    Since the militaristic wing of Islam is an existential threat to both Russia and the U.S. there is an opportunity for a joint venture, so to speak. And this is the kind of deal that Trump could make work if he were to become president.
    “It must also be said: Mr. Trump is an imperfect candidate, and he would surely be an imperfect president. He is crude, often vulgar. He has areas of great ignorance. He insults people and inflicts unnecessary harm.”
    Rough men do disagreeable things on behalf of gentle people so that they may sleep safely in their beds at night.
    Donald Trump is one of those rough men and thank God that we have him.
    I, for one, do not question his methods.

  11. Spoken like a true liberal, not the progressive morphed bs liberalism of today. Yes, America should expect regional powers to clean up their own messes.
    But, where citizens’ security is in question, their country must act decisively, destroy the threat unilaterally if necessary, and exit.
    Concerns for China and Russian imperialism are not off the table, but we can work with both nations for the common interest of destroying terrorists wherever they are. As the article states, we worked with both communist regimes for the higher goal of defeating Nazism and Japanese fascism.
    This cannot mean an isolationism mode, or the disengagement of Bill Clinton. It can mean the end to progressive ethnocentrism, letting the world be.
    But, with an ear to the train track for upcoming threats, rather than waiting for visual confirmation.
    Trump is emerging similar to Stephen Harper, fusing libertarianism and conservatism, with hope for salvation from the clutches of leviathan statism.
    Trudeau defeated that here because of his mediocracy friends’ fabrication he was a populist. Inexcusably, Harper allowed it. I doubt Trump will.

  12. Rough men do disagreeable things on behalf of gentle people so that they may sleep safely in their beds at night.
    Wow ! If only all the American snowflake voters heard this repeated over and over and over … they might get-over their aversion to STRONG men. There ! I said it ! MEN ! STRONG … MEN !

  13. You are right CT, there is no need for Russia and the USA to be friends. Superpowers don’t have friends, they have interests. If it is in US interests to work with Russian and China on this or that issue, then that it what she should do. Just don’t let Russia use cooperation as an excuse for expansionism.
    While I cannot be sure on Trump, I am sure Hillary does not have the ability to manage this cooperation. Her reckless judgment has obviated that imho.
    The problems of the past have been the definition of interests has cast too wide a net. But, inconsistency from the Dems – who wish to deny the means to promote security, fossil fuel self-sufficiency, then promote a phony air war that can never supplant ISIS unless the US intervenes or in the highly unlikely event the local powers will move against ISIS, unwilling now by fear or concern for their interests – sabotages any chances for peace, fleeting as they are.
    Get the US out of the duplicitous political culture that is the ME, arm Israel to the teeth, but do not intervene unless US interests are directly threatened.
    Yes, Israel could be the fly in the ointment, should local powers receive “help” from China or Russia. Is that really in their interests to act so recklessly?
    With US weaponry, Israel defeated enemies armed with Russian & Chinese weaponry, so it’s reasonable that’ll continue, with her nuclear deterrent.
    Collective security is still a good thing, but all must contribute. The US shouldn’t have to maintain obscenely expensive military international forces.
    The US military remains by far the world’s most powerful. Modernizing nuclear forces, except under the most exigent circumstances, is too provocative.
    Are China and Russia nice? Of course they’re not, but deter them as in the Cold War, without wasting money maintaining large standing forces.

  14. The Europeans are afraid Trump will leave them hanging, with Putin looking at them like they are food.
    Then they might have to start having THEIR sons stand up for their country, instead of some hillbillies from Arkansas.
    And gee, maybe Canada might have to have an actual Army, instead of the feeble joke we have now. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the balls?

  15. Well said Blackfox and Shamrock.
    Russia looks out for Russia and at the moment Putin is Russia. I suspect that the 60 some percent approval among the people is not a fabrication, as finally the political situation in the country and in the economy, while weak at the moment because of the oil price, has been quite stable. The Democrats under Obama and Hillary, if elected, are too focused on spreading the progressive version of modern Marxism in the world rather than focusing on the real threat to western civilization.
    I think, hopefully correctly so, that Trump will focus on confronting militant Islam and rebuilding the economy, rather than destroying the economy with fraudulent green sh*t.
    Btw, Ontario and Alberta are doing their best to destroy the economy and just wait until the World Wildlife Fund puppet shakes his pretty head on our economy.

  16. I’m reasonably certain that both Trump and Putin put their trousers on one leg at a time. Of course, so did Hitler.

  17. You forgot Hillary’s gigantic pant suits … shim puts one leg at a time in those as well … most likely, with the help of a couple Attendants …

  18. Here is the reason that I will not vote for nor give money to Donald Trump.
    I am a Canadian.
    For you big Trump supporters, …I hope that Mr. Trump wins and he is everything you’d hoped he would be.
