38 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Somehow, I doubt that she’ll resign. Even if she did, her resignation wouldn’t be accepted. After all, look what happened to Francis Fox when he tried to quit after the scandal of his extramarital affair became public. He offered his resignation, PET said “thanks, but no thanks”, and moved him off into the background.
    There’s nothing like honour and integrity in a Liberal cabinet minister, is there?

  2. Earlier this evening I asked my niece and nephew, ages 4 and 6 if they knew what country they lived in… they answered quickly and assuredly, Canada they said. Perhaps my 4 year old nephew and his 6 year old sister should be appointed Ministers of the Crown in charge of changing Canadas voting system as they are clearly smarter than Monsef. Monsef is a liar and IMHO not right in the head, perhaps retarded, blaming her Mother is weak and doesn’t pass the smell test, which for Libranos is a pretty low threshold of stink. Monsef lied, she should stop the “I didn’t know, I’m just a victim” bullshit and resign. Was I born in Canada? “I believe I was”… Who says that? There is something seriously wrong with this woman.

  3. Monsef’s story is simply unbelievable but nothing will be done about it by Trudeau and his cabal. She looks vacant, lost at sea, not fit to be sitting as a Cabinet Minister out to change our voting system in this country. It’s outrageous.

  4. Pollster Nick Nanos says the scandalous moving expenses by Butts and Telford will not affect the Liberals because they dealt with it quickly! What kind of bias is that coming from a pollster? They are dealing with it after they got caught!! Does he think we all fell off a turnip wagon?

  5. Since so many voted for the Shiny Pony on looks alone we have to assume they’ll all be distracted from the Liberal scandals by the sudden news of Angelina Jolie divorcing Brad Pitt.

  6. My earliest memories go back to when I was about 3 years. She’s about half my age and she can’t remember where she was when she was 10 or 11?
    Was that a unicorn that just flew by my window?

  7. “Does he think we all fell off a turnip wagon?”
    In a word, yes. Pollsters and politicians act as though voters can’t remember anything more than 6 weeks ago.

  8. I’m not surprised. All the members of the federal cabinet act like they’re a few beers short of a sixpack. The Lustrous Spud has a lot of company, the Minister of Gerrymandering a typical example.

  9. I think we’ve proven them right, voters do have short memories. There’s no other explanation unless it’s rampant stupidity.

  10. And you thought Animal Farm was fiction. Not in Ontario and England:
    Ban conscientious objection by Canadian doctors, urge ethicists in volatile commentary.
    “Authorities should bar doctors from refusing to provide such services as abortion and assisted death on moral grounds, and screen out potential medical students who might impose their values on patients, leading Canadian and British bioethicists argue in a provocative new commentary…
    “If this leads to feelings of guilty remorse or them dropping out of the profession, so be it,” says the bluntly worded piece.”
    This fits well with the left’s idea to legislate or litigate contrary opinions out of existence. If you believe that your Hippocratic oath of “do no harm” means you cannot snuff out the life of an unborn baby, too bad for you and your “conservative” set of ethics.
    Combine this with Sharia law coming to Ontario, does this mean that doctors will soon be obligated to perform clitorectomies?

  11. I think this is a profound violation of individual rights. When will those supporting leftist views on many issues recognize that they are heading towards totalitarianism?

  12. Liz
    Craig Howliver used the same illogic to excuse Le Dauphin and his cabal.
    They dealt with it quickly. Of course, never mentioned, is the ethical question of doing it in the first place. Pathetic partisans masquerading as, well, nothing, but partisans.
    I was expecting Howliver to be dead by now. What a senile old ufck.
    BTW, watching that show was a mistake, just flipping thru the channels, and there he was, still alive, or at least crawled out of his coffin for a few daylight hours

  13. “Saudis offer oil cut for OPEC deal if Iran freezes output: sources” (FP)
    “Canada is pumping so much oil to the U.S. there are not enough pipelines to carry it”
    “Canada is sending a record amount of oil to the U.S., filling pipelines to capacity and threatening to push more crude into rail cars.”
    “… oil-sands output continues to grow as projects initiated before the 2014 oil rout are completed.”

  14. actually B, if you read up on behavioral psychology you’ll find that the mind changes the memory to suit the character’s emotional needs. I tend to give the woman some slack on this. I have seen in real life were, over time, individuals will insert or extract themselves from certain events, thus repeating a memory altered narrative.

  15. Baloney. I’ve never known anybody who couldn’t remember where they came from or where they spent their early childhoods unless they *deliberately* did so.
    She could argue that it was during wartime in Afghanistan. Again, I say baloney. Both of my parents were on the receiving end of WW II and they knew exactly what they were doing and where they were before, during, and after hostilities started. I have other relatives who can do the same.
    A proper investigation of her background would have turned up any inconsistencies and she would have had to explain them or be rejected. She either lied about her early life or someone conveniently ignored those details or decided they weren’t important–possibly both.
    I have first-hand experience in being vetted for clearance. Such details *are* checked and verified. She’s a federal cabinet minister and, therefore, would have access to some high-level classified material.
    Something about this story doesn’t make sense.

  16. Her excuse of blaming it on her mother is just a version of “my dog ate my birth certificate”.

  17. “When will those supporting leftist views on many issues recognize that they are heading towards totalitarianism?”
    As soon as hell freezes over.
    Paul Harvey Pg2, “Ban conscientious objection by Canadian doctors, urge ethicists in volatile commentary.”
    There may well have been a test case in Saskatchewan for enforcing this communistic forcing of everyone to submit to their progressive ideology. A few years ago, when the gay marriage issue was front and center, Saskatchewan marriage commissioners were told to perform gay marriages even if they in conscience opposed it, and if they didn’t like it they were forced to resign.
    Reeducation labour camps coming soon for Christians and anyone of conscience or moral objections to progressive ideology.

  18. Fildebrandt: Western Feedlots closure the last straw for NDP
    “The closure of Western Feedlots will not only impact people directly employed there, but ranchers who do businesses there and hundreds of businesses indirectly supported by the economic activity that it generates.
    Western Feedlots president and CEO Dave Plett said that while the cattle industry faces challenging market conditions, NDP policy decisions like Bill 6 and the carbon tax are making the business unprofitable, calling it a “poor political and economic environment”.”

  19. It seems that the Dippers want us to eat Soylent Green, so when will the company that makes it go public and can I buy shares in it?
    (sarcasm = off)

  20. Under “Respondent Identification” (I didn’t think we had to self identify),
    “Do you self-identify as:
    You may check all that apply.
    Individual with a disability
    New Canadian
    A resident of a rural or remote community”
    RURAL or REMOTE??????????? What the hell?????? Lib’s trying to garner support outside the major cities?????

  21. The Ballad of the Little Potato That Could
    “Mirror, mirror on the wall
    Who’s the fairest of them all?
    And my wishes to fulfill,
    Stick taxpayers with the bill”
    Is there nothing that he won’t make we, The Great Unwashed, pay for? I mean, $600,000 a year just to see that idiotic smirk on the Internet…..

  22. PET Cemetery Report.
    Better red Liberal than dead Liberal.
    “Birthers, hands off Maryam Monsef: Mallick” (TORedStar)
    “Monsef could face consequences, immigration lawyers warn”
    ““It’s extraordinarily serious,” Toronto immigration lawyer Guidy Mamann said. “From a strictly legal point of view – and I’m assuming cabinet ministers want to observe the law – she is a person right now who has citizenship through fraud. It may be intentional or unintentional, but her citizenship in Canada right now is open to attack.””

  23. Didn’t Harper deal with Duffy quickly and insist on payback? Of course the incident went on and on because the Liberals and the media would not let go. Harper did the right thing, but there is a double standard in play. If a Liberal abuses the public purse, that is quickly overlooked.

  24. Knowing Lieberals, it’ll either be swept under the rug because she’s a cabinet minister or the law will be changed retroactively to make what she did legal.

  25. It is called developing the Cult of Personality and should serve him well for the next half dozen elections.
