57,500 non-citizens got voter ID cards, they think

The bureaucrat that heads up Elections Canada will be out talking about his report calling for voter ID cards to be used as ID for voting. Remember 57,500 non-citizens got voter ID cards last election. Or at least that is what the guesstimate. Plus dead people and other problems. Watch this and please share it around.

22 Replies to “57,500 non-citizens got voter ID cards, they think”

  1. There is a simple solution; at least regarding dead people voting – have funeral homes send a copy of the death certificate to the voter registration just as they do now to Revenue Canada etc.

  2. Soros has done a masterful job paying the dead to vote in the USA, he’s just getting started here in Canada. Canadian conservatives are dearly underestimating the degree to which our Canadian elections are being influenced by “out of country” money.
    Harper was truly bothersome to them, him who was bring in Christian refugees, not getting on board with climate change, not showing up at homosexual pride parades & not allowing men to enter Female washrooms because of their state of mind, wanting to build pipelines, for God’s sake,,, for not laughing at all obama’s jokes and being concerned about human right’s under the leadership of the Chicom’s. All these things irked Soror’s, so he had to lobby the dead to vote for Just in.

  3. The number 57,500 is the equivalent of the population size of many ridings in the country.
    Now that the Liberals are back in power not forgetting to vote and voting often will be back in vogue.

  4. If this has come to light then how can the election results be valid? This is not a third world dictatorship as far as we know…..this stuff has to be dealt with or we are no better.

  5. Mayrand is an incompetent who has no problem with voter fraud, unless he thinks it is done by the CPC.
    Where is the media outrage over these numbers, where are the Ottawa Citizen Bobbsy twins who wrote unceasingly on illegal voting last time around?
    The point is in the mandate Mayrand and his Liberal backers interpret for Elections Canada. That is to maximize voter turnout at any cost, even if people are non-citizens or have already voted. Poll workers are instructed always to error on the side of the waiting voter.
    If the government really desired a strict, rigorous voter ID requirement, something as proposed by the CPC it could easily be achieved. How difficult is it for Mayrand and his staff to ensure only citizens vote?
    Not very, but that would mean getting serious with urban polls and turning large numbers away, something they cannot think of doing.

  6. Bet a lot of the non-citizen registration stems from the T1 tax return. There’s a question on it asking if the taxpayer wants his/her info passed on to Elections Canada, as well as one asking if the taxpayer is a citizen. At least one tax preparation company has the default as “yes” for both queries. If the T1 isn’t reviewed properly, then incorrect info goes to Elections Canada.
    At least they’re now asking if the taxpayer is a citizen. As originally formulated, the query was merely if one wanted CRA to pass certain info on to Elections Canada, no mention of citizenship. But it still remains an easy way for a non-citizen to get on the voters’ list.

  7. We can honk on, nothing will be done about it, no investigation, no reporting on it, ergo it didn’t happen so move along.

  8. elections canada is a wholly owned subsidiary of the liberal party so mayrand will do nothing, he will also do nothing about the peterborough MP whose family lied on their citizenship application. liberals are untouchable. in any event this is nothing new liberals allowed non citizens to vote for decades all you had to show was a utility bill with your name on it.

  9. Not allowing the dead to vote….. wait for the human rights lawsuit to start.
    I can just imagine what Juthtin’th going to say: “Not allowing the dead to vote? Thatth dithguthting!”

  10. Wally correct, and like the Liberals Mayrand is fond of stratifying the electorate into various camps. These include aboriginals, new Canadians, students, elderly and so on; each group is accorded a designated rank of victim hood. But unexplained is why? The answer is because Liberals say it is so, listen to the Minister of incorrect passport paperwork tell it.
    Ont recently reissued new health cards, and the absolute requirement was a passport, or birth certificate and at least 2 other piece of specified ID. No substitutes and no sales bill from Walmart. People with a wallet full of ID and a current Health card were shown no mercy, produce the required documents or do without a card.
    Something similar yet not as draconian is very easy to achieve. The onus should be on the citizen to ensure they are registered and have some valid ID to vote.
    Bus loads of new Canadians showing up to vote should be rigorously checked to prove they are citizens and do live in the riding.
    As for making it easier to vote via cell phone and so on, this is a sure recipe for voter fraud, in wonder which party favours it?

  11. Borders ? Sovereignty ? … the LEFT is erasing these as fast as possible. Illegally. And with -0- opposition by conservatives who are sitting on their hands. There are numerous government bureaucrats in both the USA and CANADA who are ignoring LAW and facilitating the importation of an unlimited number of ILLEGALS. These people should be immediately FIRED, and tried for sedition. Where are our representatives ?

  12. “… have funeral homes send a copy of the death certificate to the voter registration just as they do now to Revenue Canada etc.”
    In the US, IRS forwards the info to the DNC. More names on the permanent voters list.

  13. it should not be difficult for a Canadian to prove his citizenship along with the voter card. no proof of citizenship, no vote.

  14. peterj – I just (15:30 MDT Sep 29/16) did the survey and they claimed there were only 5 votes cast. Seems low. Do you think they might clear it periodically when it does not show what they want/expect?

  15. peterj – I just (15:30 MDT Sep 29/16) did the survey and they claimed there were only 5 votes cast. Seems low. Do you think they might clear it periodically when it does not show what they want/expect?
