26 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Trump used the debate as a method of getting his message out to millions of voters. He declined the old style political debate style used in past debates. Trump made sure everybody understood he had a plan and the intent to implement it. He provided a vivid contrast to Clinton who was trying to score gotchas with the collaboration of the moderator. Clinton had no plan and no vision of the future. This was glaringly obvious as the evening progressed.
    The media was confused, they came to see a debate and were unable to see beyond their preconceived biases. They were trying to judge a boxing match with only one boxer in the ring. Trump was selling his product to a mass audience and Clinton was trying to please the media.

  2. Scott Adams has this one all wrong – what “victim” is going to disagree with someone that points out they are a victim?
    It’s like agreeing with a hypochondriac that they have a brain tumor.

  3. I strongly recommend against people on this site forming their own opinion of last night’s debate until it has been properly explained by a licensed journalist!
    I watched CBC and CTV news tonight and it is a consensus (just like Global Warming): Honest Hillary wiped the floor with Trump!

  4. I strongly recommend against people on this site forming their own opinion of last night’s debate until it has been properly explained by a licensed journalist!
    HAHA! Good one 🙂

  5. Let’s not get too confident people. The DNC will try to steal this election BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. As Hugh Hewitt says – if it ain’t close they can’t cheat. GET OUT AND VOTE.

  6. Trump knows Hillary is highly unlikable. He showed her reluctant supporters that he’s not someone to be afraid of.

  7. Interesting take. Trump is so smart he doesn’t need to score debating points against a better prepared opponent. I still hope he’s better prepared next time for what was nothing less than an ambush by the moderator and Clinton.
    Where was the ill and wobbly Hillary or was that just more Clinton BS? I think Trump was unprepared for her aggressive approach.

  8. Trump has to win by a landslide. If it’s a close election, the democrat vote fraud will carry the day for Hillary.

  9. I never watched the debate but judging from first impressions from Americans, Trump won. That is before they were told who really won by the media. That said, the expectations on Trump were low and he would win short of gunning down a black teenager on the stage. And every Clinton talking point made her look all that much bitchier. Trump simply has to appear to be human to counter the tales of evil that the media are constantly spinning.

  10. I’d like to see Trump win if only to watch the MSM go nuts and to see a wall go up but I really don’t see him getting the female vote….at all.

  11. How many voters are actually going to “reflect” or “go over the transcripts”? Most will watch, and wait to be told by the MSM how they should feel (not think) about the well-prepared Hillary vs the constantly interrupting, rude, sniffling buffoon. And yes, those are statements that voters have told me, based on MSM and posts they had seen on Facebook. Democracy can only survive if the voters care enough to think about issues, and the conduit (media) keeps the focus on issues.

  12. I look for veiled perception and strategy from Trump and either he is very clever hiding it or more likely it is not there. A graduate from the Whorton School of Business suggests more introspection combined with analytical approach. The idea that he could not do a better job of ‘schooling’ Clinton on topics that obviously escape her is disappointing to say the least. Over clever strategist might suggest that he does not want to talk ‘above’ his core. I would think it would appeal myself.
    No matter what the debate results it always comes down to the vote and people in the booth weighing ‘more of the same’ or taking a risk on a obviously volatile alternative for ‘some kind of change’. If a part time trauma teacher can be elected in Canada then no one should rule out the same happening in the USA whether Trump or Sanders. The establishment is not delivering for the fading middle class and hopefully it bites Clinton. IMHO the unease/desperation over the existing situation will outweigh fear over what Trump might do.

  13. The next debate moderator, Anderson Cooper, showing his professionalism:
    Donald Trump is unfit to be president because he weight shamed Miss Universe. How does Anderson know, well Hillary told him of course.
    Now OK this woman did threaten to kill a DA when her boyfriend was arrested, but hey people are entitled to move on, just ask CNN.
    Except for the Donald of course, innuendo or otherwise. Moderators have given up any pretense of objectivity and are now third debaters.
    Chris Wallace of Fox is the third moderator. Before anyone gets too excited, he really let Hillary off the hook in her only interview on that network.
    Then again this time, there can be no conditions, but he is still a softie, that’s why the “commission” picked him.

  14. The analysis of Donald Trump’s debate performance reminds me of people trying to interpret the lyrics of a Beatles song. Hey maaaaan, that song was about heroin … right maaaaan ? When asked about it, Lennon shrugged and said … ” I don’t know ? I just liked the sound of the word” … “I wasn’t singing about drugs at all”
    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar … which reminds me that Trump didn’t bring up the deplorable use of a cigar on the spread legs of a 19yo intern on the carpet of the Oval Office. When Bill Clinton was reported to have fornicated a very young woman with a cigar. How despicable and disgusting. Tobacco should be banned ! not used to probe a girls vag. What a misogynist thing to do with BIG tobacco !
    So that must mean Trump is waiting to bring that (cigar) up in the next debate, right ? Who knows … maybe it just slipped his mind.

  15. https://www.yahoo.com/news/the-surprising-agreement-between-trump-and-clinton-on-gun-control-020212914.html
    The surprising agreement between Trump and Clinton on gun control
    After the San Bernardino shooting in December, Trump told CBS’s “Face the Nation” that he is “very strongly into the whole thing with the Second Amendment. But if you can’t fly, and if you have got some really bad — I would certainly look at that very hard.”
    “We have to be looking at a lot of different things,” Trump added in the interview. “But we can’t do anything to hurt the Second Amendment. People need their weapons to protect themselves. And you see that now more than ever before.”
    The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

  16. Who are you going to believe?
    1. The beauty queen who hangs with drug kingpins, drove the getaway car when her boyfriend shot at someone and threatened to kill a judge.
    2. The guy who said mean things about her?

  17. … or 3. The candidate whose coronation has been jeopardized by an electorate who is weary (and wary) of her deplorable LIES ?

  18. The Hillary monkeys are guaranteeing Philly 100% for Hillary… They sent the ringer in to close the deals….Strange that a certain black man is making the rounds of Smoken Joe’s fans for Trump… Who has the most Juice? Don King, or the wife of a Chicago punk?
    Rumor has it that the usual South Philly activists have been paid by Hillary to collect names from grave yards Etc…but this time those dead folks may be voting Trump.

  19. Lots of women show up at his rallies. He does not have the hard core feminist vote, but he has the support of many other women. I am not sure where younger women are, but Hillary is not exactly what you would call inspiring.

  20. This went well over your and Scott Adams heads.
    “In case you are wondering, this is a known persuasion technique. You agree with someone harder than they agree with themselves, and it forces them to argue against their own point.”
    Tell me – where in the media, they haven’t sh*t on the state of relations and blamed it on cops, racist, Trump, etc. and just once … have said it that it wasn’t as bad as outlined. Just once, show me the signs cognitive dissonance in the press or individuals … please.

  21. Just once, show me the signs cognitive dissonance = Just once, show me the *lack of* signs cognitive dissonance
