39 Replies to “Jim Prentice, RIP”

  1. So sad, he was a good and honest man. The despicable media creeps attacked him relentlessly when he said maths hard to a moron, and Albertans should look in the mirror, about the fact that people rely on government handouts for everything and should be more self reliant. Now you will see that same despicable media, the hacks like the pipsqueak in the failing herald go on and on about how great Jim was, the same pipsqueak who ran to his keypad every day a couple years back to squeal about how Jim was a blah blah blah, yeah get at it presstitutes you know you will.

  2. Everyone has family and freinds and they are suffering terribly today.
    I doubt I will read anything negative in the media about Prentice. I have my doubts I would be able to say the same thing if it were Stephen Harper.
    Left will use this opportunity to sugar coat his career, which in my opinion is distasteful as is muckraking.
    It is possible to give a full accounting of an individual on their death without muckraking.

  3. He has definitely changed the history / future of Alberta, but I won’t speak ill of the dead.
    RIP, and may your families (of all the victims) find comfort soon.

  4. Notley led the NDP to government in Alberta, but under Prentice the PCs continued a course that herded Albertans to the NDP. Too bad he won’t get to do anything more to redress that.

  5. CTV pundits using his death to promote moderate conservatives. He reached out to the other parties, he loved the indians, he listened to the other side – in other words he wasn’t Harper. Unfortunately reaching out to Wildrose by stealing members was a big mistake.
    CTV also said his French wasn’t good enough to be the federal leader but I always found his french was excellent if not native. A sad end for a man who gave so many years to public service.

  6. He was never my kind of conservative but he was a decent human and I hope his family and the families of the others killed in the same crash can find peace in a very troubling time.

  7. Come Jan 1st the media can add “RIP Alberta” to the List of Big NDP
    Accomplishments following Prentice’s gamble to kill the Wildrose.

  8. Rhetorical Question: Can anyone name a politician from the left that ever “reaches out to other parties” or “listens to the other side”?

  9. I was deeply saddened by his death. Even more saddened when I see people drag politics into such a tragedy. We’re Conservatives, we’re should be a cut above the rest.
    May God keep his soul!!

  10. (Corrected.) I was deeply saddened by his death. Even more saddened when I see people drag politics into such a tragedy. We’re Conservatives, we should be a cut above the rest.
    May God keep his soul!!

  11. Only way I knew him was by his politics…Kinda like Tommy Douglas…not dead enough.

  12. Photos of the crash site look like the plane went straight in, indicating catastrophic failure. The “boom” quoted in the story would seem to support this. Sad for all.

  13. Socialist Shimon Peres died. And now another socialist is no longer here to promote statism.
    “Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth.”
    General George S. Patton

  14. CTV pundits using his death to promote moderate conservatives. He reached out to the other parties, he loved the indians, he listened to the other side – in other words he wasn’t Harper. Unfortunately reaching out to Wildrose by stealing members was a big mistake.
    CTV also said his French wasn’t good enough to be the federal leader but I always found his french was excellent if not native. A sad end for a man who gave so many years to public service.

  15. Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie (September 9, 1941 – c. October 12, 2011)[2][3][4][5] was an American computer scientist.[2] He created the C programming language and, with long-time colleague Ken Thompson, the Unix operating system.[2] Ritchie and Thompson received the Turing Award from the ACM in 1983, the Hamming Medal from the IEEE in 1990 and the National Medal of Technology from President Bill Clinton in 1999. Ritchie was the head of Lucent Technologies System Software Research Department when he retired in 2007. He was the “R” in K&R C, and commonly known by his username dmr.

  16. This is me not speaking ill of the dead.
    “he was a good and honest man”
    What a crock.

  17. Four people were killed today by a plane crash. One of them, Jim Prentice, was a former Premier of Alberta who also served Canada as a federal MP. I knew of him only through his public persona.
    My sincere condolences to his family and to the families of the others who died. May God have mercy on their souls.

  18. “Even more saddened when I see people drag politics into such a tragedy.”
    a) This is a political blog, not the obituary column
    b) Lots more people than Jim Prentice died today, all death is tragic
    c) We wouldn’t even know of Prentice’s existence if he weren’t a politician
    Grow up and get a grip on reality.

  19. What’s unfortunate is that many people believe the substance of ones character is defined by their occupation.

  20. Well, I have to agree with you Strad. He was in the same league as Tommy Douglas in my opinion. But, we should let the this day pass without comment. There will be plenty of opportunities as we enjoy the decline into serfdom.

  21. What’s unfortunate is that many people believe the substance of ones character is defined by their occupation.
    It’s what they do in their occupation that defines their character.

  22. RIP Jim Prentice.
    I have to echo Joe’s comment at 4:12. Condolences to the families of all that died in this crash.
    I would not have supported him if he would have decided to run for the leadership of the federal CPC. Too progressive.

  23. Oz, out of respect for Prentice’s passing I’ll side with bartinsky today.
    Prentice knew how to ride the decline into socialism at just the right speed.
    Tomorrow I’ll agree with you.

  24. Jim Prentice was a lieberal in everything but name and a shyster. I met him in 2004 didn’t like him then, didn’t like him yesterday and I won’t pretend to like him now that he’s dead.
    I never met anyone who worked on his campaigns that truly enjoyed it. Him and Lee Richardson the red machine politicians. He was very much a snob and very elitist.
    He purposely put his name JIM in Red on campaign signs and refused to use the Conservative party brand. He was a terrible cabinet minister and was only there to plunge the knife into Stephen Harper and left to hide among his cronies to bide for the leadership.
    The PC Government defeat to the NDP was foreshadowed in 1986 when he couldn’t even hold the PC Seat against Bob Hawkesworth
    Sorry that he’s dead, but that’s his legacy.

  25. RE: Not so wise comments of Oz and Stradivarius.
    Interesting to note along with your comment that it was 41% of the people of Alberta who voted for Rachael Notley, and not Jim Prentice. There were only 58% of Albertans who voted, thus it was a cake walk for the left. Even the CBC, CTV and many Sask. radio stations (that always lean to the left) had good things to say about Mr. Prentice. And yes Oz, this is a Conservative Blog, not an obit. I agree. One more reason to want to be civil.

  26. “Even the CBC, CTV and many Sask. radio stations (that always lean to the left) had good things to say about Mr. Prentice.”
    And why wouldn’t they?
    He was one of theirs, not a Conservative, a Leftist who joined and pulled the only available Conservative parties Left.

  27. He was returning from a golfing trip when the plane he was in, crashed. Being a Friday I was at work. I have been at work for over forty years, bone crushing, back breaking work. I guess I should have been a lawyer working for the government.
    I am also one of those he said “should look in the mirror”. I don’t golf and even if I did, I wouldn’t on a weekday, in the middle of October. I am too busy trying to secure a pension for my old age, all the while being ripped off by an onerous tax regime to support the leeches and “my betters”.
    Approximately 270,000 Canadians will pass this year, of that about 25,000 will be Albertans. May they all rest in peace.
    Today a politician died. May the man rest in peace, may the politician rot in the ground.

  28. Well said Greg.
    One of the biggest slaps in the face that the Federal Conservatives did to the mining industry in BC was when they shot down the Prosperity Project near Williams Lake after the project had been given the provincial go ahead. This decision came from Prentice himself and was meant to appease the indians and activists, but also for petty political reasons after the BC provincial Liberals were ramping up their own rhetoric concerning pipelines.
    I lost all respect for Prentice and the Conservative Government that day. That decisions cost me and the industry i work in countless investment dollars and untold unemployment.
    As you said; May he rot in the ground.

  29. When he couldn’t get his own way Prentice took his marbles and ran away-twice
    CTV could only get Redford to crawl out of her hole to retch some words about him
