11 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. It’s a travesty that the CSA situation was ignored throughout the Harper years. The liklihood of correcting it would appear to be even more remote with the current federal government.

  2. Unrelated: According to La Presse (Montreal French daily newspaper), Jim Prentice has died in a plane crash. Anyone know if this has been substantiated? I didn’t see any mention on CBC news website.

  3. Another loose end tied up.
    I dare say Hillary and Justin are looking forward to working together. I dare say they may already be doing so. Knowledge transfer, if you like.

  4. The only possible way to clean up the False Narrative the Liberal Party & Bloc Quebecois conflict must remain at the Top of the Political Agenda requiring Canadian -especially R.O.C. – Tax Payer Funding is to let the Quebecois do what they want regarding Soverineity.
    If the Quebec desires Greater Government Bureaucratic control of their lives, then it behoves All Canadians to allow these premise to stand on it’s own Merit. Distinct and Clear demarcations between Provincial Jourisdictions.
    The contributions between the Tax-Dollars gathered to explicitly fund the various lifestyles expected of the Culture and Geography of the Province, and the Expectations of the Canadian Culture as a whole for the funding of Tax-Dollars. The Tax payer funding for the Federal Jurisdiction takes precedence over the Tax-payer funding of the Provincial Jurisdiction.
    Immigration of People seeking Canadian Citizenship must accept the Expectations of the Provinicial Tax-payer funding. Relocation to another of the Provinces restricted until Canadian Citizenship is Gained.
    Regionalization will be discontinued as a Concept of One Province contributing to the success and succour of Another Province. It will be the Federal Jurisdiction responsibility to Directly Fund the rehabilitation of any single Province. The Funding of such a Rehabilatation programme will be through a Special Bond offer.
    The guarantee for Return on the Special Provincial Rehabilatation Bond will be limited to Canadian Citizens without recourse for any Derivative using the Rehabilatation Bond as Security.
    Consolation and Re-naming of any Province(s) with another will be encouraged and funded through a Bond Fund administered by the Canadian Federal jusrisdiction. The guarantee for Return on the Special Consolidation Bond will be limited to Canadan Citizens without recourese for any derivative using the Rehabilitation Bond as Security.
    This is obviously a limitation on the actions of the Federal Government’s Present approach to the administration of Tax-payer Funds delivered to the Government of Canada. However it will immediately provide a Solution to the Conflict of Wording and/or Presentation of Section 36. sub paragraph (1) & Section 36. sub paragraph (2).
    This Conflict has been Grossly inadvertantly Or Conveniently Set -Aside the long term Decline of some Provinces Economic Succes describe as an Obligation to Citizens of the same generally defined Provinces through ignorance of the specific Requirements on the Federal Government of Section 36. sub paragraph (1) sub-sub- paragraph (a) and Section 36. sub paragraph (1) sub-sub paragraph (2).
    There is nothing in Section 36. sub paragraph (1) sub-sub paragraph (3) which ties the requirements of Section 36. (1) & to either Section 36. sub-sub section (3) and/or Section 36. sub paragraph (2).
    At a minimum the Misuse in fulfilling the expectations of all past Equalization Funding paid into Funding of the Coloqually described and officially described “have-not” Provinces must be resolved Prior to any attempt to destroy the consistancy of Election practices with the Original Use at the Resolution of the Constitution of Canada on December 2, 1981.
    The Resolution of the Constitutions of Canada occuring shortly after at December 8, 1981.

  5. Harpo was just GWB north, sold the CWB to the Saudis, left C-68 in place, doubled muzz immigration, helped Obama and Hillary hand Libya to jihadists on my dime, funded all sorts of BS like “Encouraging women to become truckers”…
    We haven’t had a conservative government in many, many decades. Enjoy what few crumbs your betters throw you, peons!

  6. I am sure I am the only living conservative in Canada, that is if being conservative means small government, less regulation, lower taxes and getting civil servants the he ll out of my life.

  7. Oh, there are many of us, especially in rural Canada. Ottawa considers us “the enemy”, even as they court our votes.
