6 Replies to “The Children Are Our Future”

  1. *
    “According to a study from a University of British Columbia scholar,
    pumpkins aren’t just vegetables, they’re a racial issue, and pumpkin
    spice lattes are an example of white privilege.”

    sweet baby jebus… isn’t this the school where p’tit p’tat got his drama

  2. Can you IMAGINE the head-explosions … if I decided to carve a watermelon into a toothy grin and put a torch in it for illumination ??!! I would be appropriating black culture AND flaunting my white privilege … simultaneously !
    The rulebook is getting complicated. Is it any wonder the typical college Freshman requires one year of remedial education ?

  3. Reminds me of my first halloween. My mother dressed me as a “Chinaman”. She then taught me to say ” Chinky Chinky Chinaman sitting on a fence, trying to make a quarter out of fifteen cents.” The neighbors thought it was hilarious. Ah, the good old days.

  4. We will be offended by the Trump masks and costumes but they will be seen as acceptable.
