Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

Laws are for the little people.

Trump is an unknown. But, to channel Donald Rumsfeld, Hillary is the most known known in the history of knowns. And what we know of her is that she’s stinkingly corrupt, above the law, and able to suborn entire government agencies in the cause of her corruption. Where do you think we’re gonna be after eight years of that?
Oh, and it will be eight years.

More: Outrage or genius?

35 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. I watched the debate with great skepticism and was not disappointed. Trump had a message that he could not deliver. Clinton looked like she could keel over at anytime. Voters should be spending some time about what her VP stands for as he might become POTUS within 4 years.
    Clinton is the queen of crookedness and likely Trump is not far behind. Not 20 yeasr ago these two would have been laughed out of any serious debate about the USA’s future. The underlying reality is the schism that has evolved in the “American dream’. The Trump and Sanders supporters are sending a message that a substantial number of middle class voters are being shunted to the side lines. The split in USA society will only be solidified on Nov.8th.

  2. I still can’t shake the feeling Obama ain’t leaving the Whitehouse. Still got the feeling the USA has already had its last election.

  3. It would appear that the Democrats have taken lessons from Hugo Chavez. The corruption within the U.S. is enormous and will bring the country to its knees. Stock up on toilet paper.

  4. There is a two month interregnum period in which a national emergency can be fabricated. For a party that is already guilty of fabricating riots, and coercing voters, advocating against law enforcement, corrupting the FBI, IRS, and the DOJ, then it would be child’s play to implement a scenario in which the outgoing president can retain power for an unspecified time. Factor in the deterioration of global affairs with respect to the ME and Russia and the growing movement in America that is calling for the revocation of the 22 Amendment and your fear may not be unfounded.

  5. Neo:
    Right, Gore is a great one to lecture about accepting election results. The stark reason he didn’t win the WH in 2000 was that his neighbours in Tennessee refused to vote for him. This despite decades of family hold on the Senate seat and 8 years as VP. Those who knew him best, rejected him, as did his next door neighbours in Arkansas. Simple carrying of his home state would have put him over the top, never mind Fla.
    Another election worth remembering is 1960, Much has been written of Democrat voting fraud in Illinois and other states, and advisors to Richard Nixon urging him to contest the counts. Nixon refused, not wishing to put the country through the turmoil of a contested election. Democrats, especially Gore do not hold themselves to quite the same standard.

  6. Just another stupid question that required a stupid answer. It was also another opportunity for Hillary to get dramatically horrified.

  7. Al Gore is still a blubbering baby when the results of the 2000 election is discussed. He still doesn’t accept the results.

  8. “I still can’t shake the feeling Obama ain’t leaving the Whitehouse. Still got the feeling the USA has already had its last election”
    Nonsense Kevin… Obama is shaking in his boots because the Wikileaks are not coming from Russia, one stupid move by him & someone will take care of that pile of dung…He is gone back to the streets of Chicago where he belongs….

  9. Al Gore,a real puke inducer, the stench that refuses to go away. If ever there were an example of a phony, he fills the bill. He knows nothing of what he speaks, is arrogant to the core, never takes any questions.
    I’ll take Trump over that bloated hunk of flotsam.

  10. No,that “fear” is certainly unfounded.It maintains the myth that the President actually runs the Country.
    Every Country on the planet,with the exception of a few dictatorships, is run by the minions of the Power Elite with nice,regular elections held to placate the masses, and maintain the illusion.
    The Yankee Billionaires Club can accept anyone as President as long as he/she understands the rules,which is why they are so upset at the thought of Trump,who seems to think that he,as President,can re-make the rules.
    Should (by a true miracle) he win,Trump needs a trip to the American equivalent of Irving’s Lodge,so the American establishment can explain to him the facts of life,just as that trip has done for so many Canadian PM’s.
    This fantasy that “Obama won’t go” was parroted by the Left when G.W. Bush was leaving Office, let’s not succumb to the same hysteria as them.

  11. The latest supposed gaffe by Trump is simply the means to keep Democrats from having to defend their message on immigration primarily but also the economy and security. Trump simply doesn’t have the political moxie to stickhandle around the plethora of grenades flying his way.
    He should have asked if Al Gore accepted the 2000 results, & moved on to the nonsense around “car-ing” in voters and Dems inciting violence.
    All he should do is hammer on open borders, a common market as she espouses, and what that actually means, for which she provided no answer.
    Her reduced the deficit by 2/3 was a joke. Where are the fact checkers on that? Obama took an already record ridiculous last Bush deficit of $400b and turned it into $1.3t out the budget gate. Then by the end of his mandate will have it back to previously record ridiculous.
    Triple the debt, then reduce it by 2/3. Rich. Not really. Trump should not have missed that one; or that she will increases taxes by $1t.
    The public will pay in further frustration with mandarin government because they didn’t bother to inform themselves on important issues.
    Instead they chose to rely on the incestuous clown media, with their clear proof Trump lost the debate; the pro Clinton “analysts” all said so.
    Now they know they have you. The people let Obama drive America into radical leftism, now Hillary will add open border and globalist standards.
    Yes, giant corrupt government and people reeking of poverty, while their leaders live high off the hog. Apparently that’s “what America wants.”

  12. Trump “Election Fraud effecting results ”
    Wallace”So will you accept election results?”
    Trump,diplomatically says”I will see how election plays out”
    Media “Trump hates Democracy.”
    Kind of hard to avoid coming to same conclusion as Trump voters, the fix is in,is obvious but falling apart.
    Democrats and the Presstitutes do not act or sound like people who are winning,running away with the voter support.
    I am seeing desperation, they have both blown their covers in their desperate attempt to maintain the status quo.
    The anyone but Trump RINO’s are so obvious.
    The corporate Uniparty has been exposed by Trumps Presidential Run, the fear of an angry citizenry is rampant throughout the “natural ruling parties.
    Nevermind if Trump accepts the results of a corrupt election, what about the citizens?
    The real frightening unknown, for those who control, is are the citizens dumbed down enough to act complacently while their power is stolen?
    No good to steal the election and then be burned in Washington..where’s the profit in that?
    Such a simple election..Rule of Law or surrender to the Kleptocracy.

  13. No matter what he said in that debate a media outrage was going to be produced. The DNC talking points outrage memo was flashed to all media personnel within minutes and they gleefully ran with it as always. We really have to figure out how to counter their tactics. To some extent Harper’s plan of never talking to them helped I’d say but then they got him on being a cold hearted dictator or whatever.

  14. Hillary is the most known known in the history of knowns. And what we know of her is that she’s stinkingly corrupt, above the law, and able to suborn entire government agencies in the cause of her corruption. Where do you think we’re gonna be after eight years of that?
    As usual Mark Steyn’s command of the English language allows him to get to the heart of the matter. In this case, how the tentacles of corruption go FAR beyond the head of the Hydra. A Hillary win will ensure that NOAA publish ever-more dire “statistics” to demand the destruction of all carbon-based fuels. A Hillary win will unleash HUD to overwrite local zoning regulations and relocate every American ghetto into suburbia. A Hillary win will ensure that the department of Interior will expand the purchase of private property for the State. A Hillary win will extend and expand INS invitation to illegal immigrants. A Hillary win will cause the weaponization of not only the IRS, but our entire Judicial system. A Hillary win will extend the scope of infection beyond any and all antibiotic actions by a Republican Congress. A Hillary win … and Mao’s purge of the opposition will appear child’s play.

  15. What the media should be concerned about is the possibility of the elections being rigged. Like many other things in this election, Trump forces them to look at reality. Why would anyone accept the results of a rigged election? Given the current rumours, Trump is right to hold off committing on this — but they keep putting the question out there to taunt him. If there appears to be blatant cheating, he should challenge the results. If it seems to be a fair election with no apparent rigging, he should (and probably will) accept the results.

  16. And every time some presstitute asks Mr. Trump about the fraud claims, he has an opportunity to bring up James O’keefe and Project Veritas’ excellent journalism exposing the DNC as crooks.

  17. If the election was run fair and honest Trump would definitely accept the results of the vote. But if there’s evidence of voter fraud and even more importantly a winner who really should be disqualified why should anyone? It’s not reasonable to ask anyone to accept the results if rules are blatantly broken and the opponent’s campaign is perpetrating illegal violent causing acts of subversion.

  18. To the average non-liberal, it is shocking that the most corrupt politician ever might become the President of the USA.
    To the average liberal it is the opposite, to htem it is a great thing, because corrupt as Hillary and her gang is, it will only help the left obtain whatever the hell they want.
    They want right wing blogs shut down? with Hillary it can be done.
    They want it to be illegal to say you are against immigration or you wish there were less muslims around? Hillary can impose that.
    they want to suppress your dissent? with Hilary it can be done easily
    there is a little tyrannical dictator in every liberal, and the average liberal loves the immense power that a criminal like Hillary who has no shame, no remorse, no conscience has.

  19. And the fact that the Creamer creep has visited the White House no less that THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY TWO times.
    Dem Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times
    A key operative in a Democratic scheme to send agitators to cause unrest at Donald Trump’s rallies has visited the White House 342 times since 2009, White House records show.
    Robert Creamer, who acted as a middle man between the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee and “protesters” who tried — and succeeded — to provoke violence at Trump rallies met with President Obama during 47 of those 342 visits, according to White House records. Creamer’s last visit was in June 2016.
    So a guy who openly plots violence, bussing in bogus voters, etc. and openly leads the DNC criminal disruption tricks section should be trusted to run an ‘honest and fair’ election?
    Research commissioned by the Pew Center
    on the States highlights the extent of the
    Approximately 24 million—one of
    every eight—voter registrations in the
    United States are no longer valid or
    are significantly inaccurate.
    More than 1.8 million deceased
    individuals are listed as voters.
    Approximately 2.75 million people
    have registrations in more than one
    One case in Texas involved an individual who had died in 1944, according to Adams.
    In 2012, the Pew Charitable Trust released a report that showed over 4.5 million people were illegally registered to vote, 40% of which were dead, with the remainder being registered to vote in multiple states.
    And they’re busting Trumps chops for the outright erosion and destruction of the electoral process?
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  20. “there is a little tyrannical dictator in every liberal,”
    There is more than a little tyrannical dictator in every liberal!
    Fixed that for you.

  21. And despite all the obvious rigging you still have the following poll:
    The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online White House Watch survey finds Trump with 43% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 40%. Six percent (6%) still prefer Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, and three percent (3%) favor Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Another three percent (3%) like some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.
    Nearly half of all voters still say their choice this presidential election will be the lesser of two evils, although Trump supporters feel that way more strongly than Clinton voters do. Fortunately for both major party candidates who have been beset with questions about their honesty and integrity, most voters put their policy positions ahead of their character.
    Voters aren’t buying the story that the Russians are trying to manipulate the election for Trump but think the U.S. media is trying to swing things for Clinton.

    So the “Deplorables” and the “Irredeemable” who live somewhere ‘beyond Hope’ aren’t buying the corporate presstitute line.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  22. Lets go the other way. If Trump says yes he will accept the outcome, he then will have conceded his right to protest the outcome should the (unquestionably going to occur) shennanigans take place. And media would have held him to that answer.
    So essentially this was a “do you still beat your wife” setup by sneaky Liberal Chris Wallace.

    Research commissioned by the Pew Center
    on the States highlights the extent of the
    Approximately 24 million—one of
    every eight—voter registrations in the
    United States are no longer valid or
    are significantly inaccurate.
    More than 1.8 million deceased
    individuals are listed as voters.
    Approximately 2.75 million people
    have registrations in more than one
    One case in Texas involved an individual who had died in 1944, according to Adams.
    1944! They were still fighting a real dictator HI*LER…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  24. There was a correct answer, something like “Of course he would accept a fair and decisive result with no evidence of fraudulent voting” and then shut up. It’s too late now, but he should have mastered the concise emphatic answer,something she is a master at. Had he been sharp enough he would have brought up 2000 and maybe 1960, but that is for hindsight. I don’t think he was expecting the question, but a better response was certainly possible; and would have saved him a pile of criticism. Of course the criticism would just take a different form and maybe that is what he was thinking.

  25. Starting to look like the Yanks have a choice between Hildebeast or Bill II. A pig-weasel, or a pig.

  26. If I remember both exchanges where Trump accused the sleazy Dems of conspiring and acting to disrupt his rallies, Hillary offered very weak rebuttals.
    You would think any journalist with an ounce of integrity would find that newsworthy the next day. I guess they probably do, which will be why the media will work like dogs to bury it. That and apparently they believe wikileaks are only read by criminals.

  27. Not quite, Linda. Much of the media is concerned only if there’s a ‘wrong’ result from the election. If the Dems have to cheat to win, then that’s fine with a lot of them.

  28. Martin, Martin, Martin … LOGIC and REASON no longer exist. Now in the fully-realized era of Political Correctitude … any statement that one makes, which can be summarily rotated 180 deg. to imply disenfranchisement of (name them) “underserved”, “minority” will be thrown at the speaker until the simple LOGIC of the original statement is completely lost.
    The corrupt media is actually demonstrating the very REASON Trump would hesitate to accept the outcome … they are aggressively TWISTING his statement to mean something completely different than what was intended. The media is acting CORRUPT, and RIGGED … just as they DEMAND Trump accept their RIGGING and CORRUPTION.
    Sadly, we have bred and imported a vast underclass of simpletons who cannot THINK. They cannot see the whole chess board. They will NEVER see the blade that comes down on their own heads after gloating over all those “bad” people (insert conservative groups here) getting guillotined.

  29. Joe does tend to clutch his “pearls” every once in a while. Like the weather … wait till tomorrow. He is what’s wrong with the media. They tout him as a conservative to counter commie Mila … there “fair and balanced” news. Fox had that mantra and aside from a few diehards see how pink they have become. Take it all as faux news and have a giggle. That’s all it’s good for these days.
    Why didn’t Harper drive a stake into the CBC when he had a chance?

  30. It is so sad that these two are the main party candidates. And the two leading independents are idiots too. C’mon America, this is pathetic. But Hillary is going to win, given the incompetence of Trump and the others. If Trump did win, he likely would not last a term, being felled by impeachment or a projectile.

  31. While I was teaching at a post-secondary institution, I had a class in which several students cheated on one of their exams and got away with it. Several weeks later, I talked to one of them. Her justification was that if she hadn’t cheated, she wouldn’t have passed the course.
    With similar logic, would it surprise anyone if HRC won by less than honourable means?

  32. Trump is *NOT* a “main party candidate”; he is a movement candidate and a big “Fvck You” to the uniparty that has ruled far to long.
    To call him a “main party candidate” is a slur, or at the very least, profoundly misunderstand what is really going on.
    He is the giant middle-finger to the uniparty and all of us here know it.
    That’s why we love him.
