31 Replies to “Pollspotting!”

  1. 75% of this poll (so far) agrees with Brad Wall.
    Yet all my socialist friends (Libs–NDP) are trying to convince me that most Saskatchewan residents are siding with Trudeau. Keeping in mind that Liberals will side with Trudeau, as will Dippers because they feel at home. . Like hello people, the large majority of Saskatchewan are with Mr. Wall!!
    This is the real plan!!

  2. To begin with, it is extremely unlikely that carbon dioxide has any effect on the climate. It has been shown that it is likely that increased concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere follows global warming instead of preceding or causing it. Premier Wall’s proposal to prepare for climate change ( which is happening and unstoppable) makes a lot of sense. A reasonable approach would be monitoring climate change and making educated predictions based on science, not panic stricken emotion. Now here comes the but : but his plan to have 50% of Saskatchewan’s energy come from wind/solar by anytime, let alone 2030 makes no sense at all. This could only happen with the use of government subsidies which would have disastrous results, higher power bills being only a part of it. Look at Ontario. If private investors want to try it, that’s fine. Let them have a go at it, but if even one cent of government money goes into such an endeavor I would consider that to be an enormous let down to the people of Saskatchewan. It is also my opinion that the Carbon Capture and Storage plan is unlikely to produce much if any benefit. I fully support our Premier in his bid to stop any kind of tax on any form of carbon.

  3. TVA’s Watts Bar Unit 2 Achieves Commercial Operation. Nuclear, Hydro and Gas are the only reasonable energy options.
    TVAs-Watts-Bar-Unit-2-Achieves-Commercial-Operation (38,21)

  4. Why not have everyone in Sask take $1000 cash and Flush it down the Toilet… You are all $1000 poorer & your Sask economy has lost that Money…The Globalists don’t want you to flush the money, but they want you to send the money to them..you are in the same condition, but UN & Brussels are richer.
    Hillary Clinton made a statement at tonight’s debate about her vision of Globalism involved a Power Grid from South America, what was she talking about? Why would we in the USA need to import power from SA… She quickly dropped the subject in mid-sentence…

  5. In an unexpected twist of fate, scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a process to turn carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into ethanol fuel …
    That discovery, which occurred in 2014 and has been replicated multiple times since then in the nanotechnology lab Oak Ridge, Tennessee, is explained in full in a new study published in ChemistrySelect.

    Specifically, the team says it used a catalyst made of carbon, copper and nitrogen and applied voltage to trigger a complex chemical reaction that essentially reverses the combustion process. With the help of the nanotechnology-based catalyst, the solution of carbon dioxide, dissolved in water, becomes ethanol.

    The implications are exciting. The technique uses low-cost materials and operates at room temperature in water, meaning it can conceivably be scaled up for all kinds of industrial applications.

  6. we cannot change the climate, only a fool could possibly think we can. if I could you would be calling me god.

  7. any and all efforts to control the climate are silly. we are fools to think that any government agency or private for that matter, has any answer that will prevent the climate form doing exactly what it has always done.

  8. Old Grump and Slap Shot – don’t forget that after flushing the $1000, you would need to hold a lottery for how many pensioners to shoot. To get the full UK experience, I estimate (WAG) that 600 elderly Saskatchewinians would die each year because of the higher energy costs.
    I’m sure Ottawa would be willing to determine the annual list. And that the “lucky” winners come from Conservative or Separatist ridings (coming soon, I’m sure) will be co-incidental.

  9. We can’t change the climate, but we can change phone service providers. Vote no to the carbon tax by dumping Telus and encourage everyone else to do the same. This is the “poll” that businesses and politicians are paying attention to.

  10. In an unexpected twist of fate, scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a process to turn carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into ethanol fuel …

    Why don’t they find a way to change it to wine?

  11. sorry, I mis-spoke. The lottery isn’t for how many pensioners to shoot, it’s about which pensioners to shoot.

  12. It has never actually has been about changing the climate or stopping climate change. That is only a smokescreen or obfuscation to hide the real agenda of de-industrializing the west and redistributing wealth. The people behind this are a coalition of disaffected Soviet sympathizers and Luddites with a dash of Malthusians thrown in.
    Unfortunately this gigantic fraud has taken such a hold, thanks to the progressive media, that a leader like Wall has to pay lip service to the fraud while attempting to mitigate the financial disaster for Canada that a carbon tax would bring.

  13. Who’s the brainiac who came up with a new way to screw the taxpayer???
    A carbon tax? LMAO!!! LOL!!!
    We will be taxed until we are poor. Some are already in Ontariowe…

  14. Support for Wall’s approach is over 80% now. Which may show that those in Saskatchewan are smarter than most of the rest of the country.
    Wall’s approach is entirely correct from a technical standpoint. If you want to reduce CO2 emissions, for whatever reason, introduction of new technology is the only way it will be achieved. Sunshine’s comment above about Watts Bar 2 is entirely correct. Because of Saskatchewan’s small size, conventional large nuclear plants cannot be used by the province, but look for Saskatchewan to start serious work on small modular reactors over the next 10 years.

  15. It used to be that to be a successful politician, one had to be seen going to a Church once in a while. Even Marxists assholes like Trudeau (His Spawn prefers Mosques) and Obama have done so. It is now more important to prostrate their minds to the altar of “climate change” which is progressive code for CAGW. This happens not so much for the benefit of the mass of the electorate but in order to avoid the inquisition from the media. These inquisitors are the enforcers of all things progressive. Their methods vary from continual narrative reinforcement to direct political action as in the case of the Canadian media guild. Wall bows to the altar too but argues on implementation.

  16. Just remember though, any actions taken to cut services to Telus, in large numbers, will result in employees taking the brunt of any cutbacks and unemployment (management and BU staff).
    If you think you are hurting the CEO or any executive or vice-president, you are sadly mistaken.
    Last year, Telus cut 1500 staff (management and BU) due to the slowdown in Alberta. I don’t recall the CEO stepping aside or taking a pay cut.
    Sometimes boycotts hurt the people that you don’t intend to, and misses the target you think you are aiming for.
    I agree with Ezra on MANY things, but on this, he is way off the mark. Just because the CEO and/or executive has taken positions on Glowbull Warming, Gay Pride, etc, doesn’t mean the majority of staff has, quite the contrary…….

  17. John Galt;
    Wow! That reminds me of the rumour of a ‘new steel’ invented in a Tibetan monastery. Old man Gore smiles down from his eco throne with benevolent comprehension.

  18. I for one am looking forward to the carbon tax and the cap and trade tax coming to Ontario. Just think, with our ability to control the weather through these new taxes, it will so much easier to plan outdoor outings. Just imagine being able to arrange golf tournaments, garden parties, outdoor weddings, vacation, long weekends etc without fear of the weather ruining the plans. the added benefit is that we will probably be able to employ probably another 2 to 3 thousand new civil servants. A win win for all.

  19. Anyone else notice the absolute silence about the economic impacts (risk) and the amount global temperatures will be altered (benefit) by Canada’s mandatory federal carbon tax by progressive politicians and the economist party. Evidence based policy, my arse. Evidence based policy only when it aligns with chattering class bias is more accurate.
    Britain looks to be going after development of small nuclear reactors (SMR) quite aggressively. If you’re actually concerned about GHG’s and not just increasing government tax revenue (revenue neutral is a fairy tale) while keeping electricity reliable and affordable then nuclear is the only option available at this time. It still will not alter temps by any significant degree but it’ll be better than the all pain, no gain policies that are all the rage right now. A gradual transition to nuclear as fossil fuel plants have reached their full span and are retired would have minimal negative economic impacts. Since AGW is real but not anywhere near as catastrophic as the apocalyptic predictions of alarmusts it’s the kinder, more rational way forward.

  20. “any and all efforts to control the climate are silly”
    The globalist elite is not trying to control the environment. They are trying to control human beings. Environment control has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with control.

  21. Trudeaus plan has nothing to do with saving the planet, reducing C02, or any other fine noble cause but a lot to do with the UN agenda of becoming some type of global government and Trudeau’s desire to get himself some cushy life long job as part of it. He also wants to out do his father in some way. As rizwan said the “globalist elite is not trying to control the environment, they’re trying to control human beings” and trudeau wants to be part of this future no matter what the cost to Canada.

  22. “UN agenda of becoming some type of global government” Rob
    Yes! the worst kind of Crony Capitalist elite that will rule the colony of worthless piss-ant morons….Try the Fabian policy that hands out crumbs to the underclass…The feeble minded followers think it is socialism. What can go wrong again..and again

  23. Do you believe that Tibetan monks have the same technical credibility as scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory?

  24. Wasn’t there some New Age slogan like: “If you dream it, you can do it”?
    Maybe that’s how they did it. Who needs facilities or skills when the only thing one really needs is an imagination?

  25. ….Trudeau’s desire to get himself some cushy life long job as part of it.
    And once he gets it, Soapy will become even more annoying and insufferable.

  26. I have to admit that I voted in the poll … despite the fact that I had NO IDEA who Premier Wall was or what position he had taken. I voted FOR him based entirely on his appearance. He appeared to be an adult. He was well turned-out and had a nice haircut. That fact alone suggested, with 90% accuracy, that his position was reasoned, thoughtful, and closest to my own belief on the topic.
    On the other hand, I learned everything I ever needed to know … just by looking at a shirtless pic. of Boy-Trudeau

  27. “Last year, Telus cut 1500 staff (management and BU) due to the slowdown in Alberta.”
    That’s going to seem like small potatoes once the carbon tax kicks into high gear. You should get yourself a job at a better company than Telus. Try Bell or Rogers. Do you think Bombardier should get a billion dollars to keep a thousand people on their payroll?
