33 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Of course she does. The Clinton camp is calculating that by demanding the FBI to release the emails, demonstrates that she has nothing to hide, and did nothing wrong, that the revelations and fallout will come after the election 9 days from now.

  2. Beautiful, you could see the twat shrink up and hug himself defensively. My hat is off to Trump.

  3. Best morning laugh I’ve had in months. The Donald just gave the Lib media a lil payback. More to come I’m sure.

  4. I hate that little twerp. I’ll never forget that contraception question Obama’s White House had him ask Mitt Romney in 2012. Which launched the “War on Women” meme for that whole cycle. Probably the single worst example of media bias/Dem collusion in recorded history. I wish Wikileaks had worked their magic then so they could have dug into that.

  5. Snuffeleupagus doesn’t regret donating to the Clinton Foundation. He regrets that it became public knowledge. Progressives masquerading as objective media aren’t guilt ridden. These nasty little maggots are proud partisans for the cause. Pontificating about a bias media is about as newsworthy as discovering that it gets light in the morning. I don’t know anyone who would watch these “journalists” other than hopeless progressives, masochists, or people collecting evidence to prove the blatantly obvious.
    Good retort by Trump.

  6. In related news for Guido the Don demanded the FBI and other police agencies immediately release their evidence, and thus entire case against him.
    Sure that makes sense. No doubt something will be forthcoming soon, but not according to Clinton and Dems desperate please to change the channel.
    So Hillary finds it quite disconcerting, that we”deserve to know the facts.” Yes we do, along with the details of her questionable conduct. She and her team have stonewalled investigators, destroyed evidence and obstructed justice from day one, when not taking the 5th or having memory lapses.
    Oh it’s Comey’s and the Republicans’ fault. They’re the “problem,” not her reprehensible and illegal conduct.
    Does anybody seriously think Comey would have gone to these lengths because Huma might have broke the law. The Dems hope this will be only about her, but that is unlikely. It makes no sense that Comey would cause this much furor to go after Huma.
    This could have waited until after the election and if it got leaked before, so what? Then again, as seems the case, new evidence against Clinton would be a different story, where the FBI rank and file, already befuddled over her escape from indictment, would not tolerate another whitewash.
    Or is it Whitewater? It’s so confusing to try to keep all her investigations straight.

  7. Democrats demands that FBI release the evidence on HC before she can be indicted is breathtaking in its gall.What prosecutor in any criminal case releases the evidence before the perp can be charged? Sure she would like to know which messages they are going to focus on, so her lawyers can conjure up a defense. Americans have watched enough TV cop shows to know the DA never revealsROAD all they know until court time. Let her twist and worry about which of her crimes they are investigating.

  8. Comey had no choice. The evidence was found by real FBI Agents from NY. They were looking into convicting Perv-boy Anthony Wiener for sexting a fifteen year old girl. They found the emails and reported them. Comey could not hush them up, and McCabe could not whitewash them away like he tried with the original investigation.
    Someone in NY said reopen the investigation or we go public. We didn’t sign any stupid and dangerous non disclosure agreement! My bet is that they told fellow FBI agents in other states and Comey faced a total revolt.

  9. Comey is an old Giuliani prosecutor. I think when Comey gave the Clintons a pass he mighta got a call from Rudy who reminded him who he is/was. If Trump wins Comey a career bureaucrat with a clean reputation is toast.
    Knowing that and probably after getting a call from his old boss Comey has had a change of heart. He was handed a second chance and now is running with it. Unfortunately they have run out the clock. If she wins it’s president Tim Kaine

  10. Beauty!
    And here’s what the “Windy City” Tribune has to say:
    “Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside”
    The US is going through a ‘cluster-vote’.
    Imagine a president-elect being indicted before taking office.
    It’s kinda like those rabid Islamic protesters holding up signs:
    “Democracy go to Hell!”
    One could make a reasonable argument, that democracy is already there.
    Here is something for Hillary Inc. crime syndicate to consider:
    Luke 19:8 And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have defrauded any one of anything, I restore it fourfold.”
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  11. Can anyone please suggest a work-around so I can see the videos on my Windows 7 system? I keep getting “the media could not be played”. In this case…there seems to be hidden material that “lies” under the screen…it flashes on then disappears.

  12. Oh Donald.
    You Inglorious Basterd!
    I’m gonna have a smile on my face all day long, Stephen Alphabet walked right into that one!

  13. Just a few guesses here.
    Install/update your flash player.
    Certain files have to be “matched” to programs, to run.
    Hard to know excatly, but go to youtube, LiveLeak (as this video is) and ensure you can play them a their sites first.
    Also, try right clicking, copy the url, and paste into your browser, to play them. That should give you some clues to play them correctly.
    The NEW Captcha SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. ROTFL …
    One thing that should scare the hell out of all the leftist Progs in America is just how fast Trump is learning the game. I believe that Trump has already passed the 10,000 hour rule, and he is on his way to mastering the narrative. He will soon become immune to presstitute attacks. He will inject them with a killer dose of penicillin prose.

  15. From wnd.com
    In an article for Britain’s Daily Mail, bestselling author Ed Klein reports some of Comey’s top deputies were in on the mutiny, according to a source close to the director.
    “The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn’t recommend an indictment against Hillary,” said the source, who Klein says has known Comey for nearly 20 years, goes to Catholic mass with him each week, and spends family outings together.
    “Some people, including department heads, stopped talking to Jim, and even ignored his greetings when they passed him in the hall,” said the source. “They felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting Hillary off with a slap on the wrist.”

  16. Comeys brother does the Clintigula’s taxes Ivv’e read on Breitbart. Incestuous swamp is’nt it, there will be a lot of toothless alligators looking for cover and a new swamp and hopefully this smug little creep is one looking for employment.

  17. Thanks for this.
    According to the stuff I’ve read Comey has always been a guy of integrity.
    Conscience man – the stuff of character. If you got it, it wont EVER let you get away with anything

  18. The Media want it to be about new Emails because they can Spin that for 6 months…BULL SH*t… The FBI just needs to make sure the messages are related to Hillary & her server
    The FBI has enough of Hillary’s emails to prove that she had TOP Secret documents on her server….They only needed ONE
    This is now about obstruction of Justice by members of the administration…..Time to pull the trigger
    Huma… failure to turn over all Emails & lying to the FBI
    Hillary & Bill… corrupt to the core
    Lynch… turned DOJ into Justice for sale

  19. The FBI needs to do no more than say they have reopened the investigation.
    Hillary wants to know what info Comey has so she knows what spin to instruct the media to use.
    No info, no spin, media is free to make its own story line, and Hillary is not in charge of the narrative.
    This is a stand off.
    But by demanding Comey release the info she is taking the risk that whatever it is isn’t new or something she cant spin.

  20. Martin, you nailed it. If the FBI released this information it would compromise the investigation and any resulting prosecution.

  21. That Breitbart story is …. unfrickinreal.
    Of course I’m sharing it… shocking my friends as well.
    A twofer…
