20 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. For some it may well be, “Given the freedom to choose, people choose freedom.”

  2. “There seems to be a big shift in mainstream-media punditry this week. I wonder what it means?”
    It means the MSM, after letting it all hang out for the Criminal Progressives(Clinton, Vote Fraud, politicized Federal Departments and Agencies, Biased Everything) and after taking the mask off, have read the writing on the wall(NFL, rejecting the U.S. National Anthem) and are trying to walk it back to a level where they still have a modicum of influence and economic solvency after Trump wins the election.

  3. Shift in the MSM? No, this is the MSM ensuring that Dem voters get out to vote.
    As a motivator, “Maybe Trump will win…. ” is better than “HRC has this locked… ”

  4. Oz is right. After the Trumpslide, they still have to have some people paying attention. After a decade plus of Chimpy McBushhitler and fellating Barack, the reckoning is here. They fear the lampposts more than Mentally Hill.

  5. The Hill Shills of the media make “Die Reichspropagandaleitung der NSDAP” look like it’s balanced reporting.
    When CNN is openly mocked as the ‘Clinton News Network’ they’ve completely lost contact with ordinary voting folks. Essentially they are talking to themselves.
    Silo thinking gone wild…primping and fluffing for an indictable candidate.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  6. In a legit election I’d say DJT has a really good chance of winning. But the Democrats will cheat like their lives depend on it and challenge in the courts any close states with armies of lawyers, backed up of course in their efforts by our despicable media. These people do not concede or surrender – ever – unless there are commanding Repub leads.

  7. It’s becoming clearer by the day for those who wish to see it, Trump is the best choice for POTUS.

  8. Their lives do depend on it. Of course I don’t mean they’ll be killed if Trump wins, but the lives they are living, the way they live them, won’t be the same if they don’t cheat and win.

  9. People hate the MSM and that won’t change anytime soon.
    Journalists are despised more than the politicians that own them.
    There will be many casualties once Trump wins the Presidency.

  10. Exactly! The Democrats and crooked Shrillary are fighting like cornered rats, and believe me, I know from experience that a cornered rat will lunge at you and I can still remember and hear the scream. Btw, this happened in a wooden granary and I had a piece of 2 x 4 with me and I hit a home run. The scream ended abruptly. Hopefully the Donald has a piece of 2 x 4.

  11. From the Prez himself. (She will say anything and change nothing. Hillary can’t be trusted and isn’t qualified to be President.”
    Senator Barack Obama, 2008)
    How fitting, isn’t it.

  12. How many dead voters does Pew say are on the rolls? How many registered to vote in multiple places? I think vote fraud has already carried this for the Dems. Trump literally never had a chance. Fortunately, the NRA has been protecting the only right Americans will need for what is clearly coming.

  13. Oz, hat off to you, agree with others, you nailed it!!!
    Even here in Canada the Trump-hating National Post writers seem to be walking it back a bit the last few days. Who would have thought that even the National Post would become an anti-Trump rag – how that once great paper has fallen.
    What is particularly delightful is seeing how these fools are trying to walk back as carefully as they can, as if the ordinary people will not notice. It is as if they have encountered a mamma bear in the wild – if we just walk back slowly maybe she will not notice. Ha! Do they think we are fools?!
    If Trump does indeed win, the consequences for the MSM both in the US and yes, in Canada too, will be profound. Many of these lying, crooked, dishonest outlets will be seen as irrelevant.

  14. “Many of these lying, crooked, dishonest outlets will be seen as irrelevant.”
    Will be? That ship has sailed. Watching CTV/GLOBAL/CBC news requires a numb mind.

  15. The MSM has forever lost credibility. They made their choices from within a deafening echo chamber of hardcore Socialism. They STILL won’t admit their complicity in pushing Obamakkare by parroting every false promise issued by a LYING president. They NEVER ran the simple numbers to reveal the deception of the Fraudkkare medical system. And they STILL won’t accurately and fully report on its collapse. The ONLY way the MSM survives is by issuing a series of mea-culpa apologies to the American people, and swearing to return to truly independent status. Not. going. to. happen. Nor will the MSM ever return to objective, fact-based reporting. Their calculus is that no less than HALF (and rising) of the American public agree with them, and want America to become fully Socialist. They’ve chosen their half, regardless of who becomes president. Have we already forgotten Bush Derangement Syndrome? No, the MSM is still in the tank for HER.
