16 Replies to “R.I.P Dave Broadfoot”

  1. Dave Broadfoot, parliamentarian for Kicking Horse Pass has better odds for winning the presidency of the United States of America than Hillary ‘dead in the water’ Clinton.
    But I always thought his riding was “Kicking Ass Pass”; despite his great horse sense.
    God Bless Dave Broadfoot picked a great day fer an exit, ALL SAINTS DAY!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. Sorry to hear of Dave’s passing,hadn’t heard anything of him in a long time. 90 years old isn’t as old as it used to be, many live to 100 and over if they reach that 90 milestone so we ask had he been ill?

  3. Air Farce, back in the days when there we targets on all sides for CBC comedy. Granted, it was leaflet campaigns versus the Left and 2000 lb bombs for the Right, but at least they could laugh at both.
    RIP Mr. Broadfoot, you brought a younger me a lot of laughs.

  4. When I regained consciousness I found I was in my lonely log cabin on the the thirteenth floor of Mounty headquarters, my incredible dog Cuddles was licking my face then it struck me face – dog – headquarters – thirteen – it had to be…
    Rest In Peace Good Sir enjoy your new posting.

  5. I agree. Next to Red Skelton, Dave Broadfoot was my favourite comedian. Like Red, he laughed at his own jokes and that made them even funnier. The bonus was that he was a Canadian.
    R.I.P. Dave, many of us will miss your infectious laughter.

  6. I agree. Next to Red Skelton, Dave Broadfoot was my favourite comedian. Like Red, he laughed at his own jokes and that made them even funnier. The bonus was that he was a Canadian.
    R.I.P. Dave, many of us will miss your infectious laughter.

  7. What will become of hockey without Bobby Clobber?
    Why isn’t he in the Hall Of Fame?
    RIP Dave, who truly was a funny man, and, decent, As said above, when Ceeb comedians took shots at ALL, unlike today, where they protect their LIEberal masters

  8. One of the great comedians and one of my personal favorites. In a time when foul language or insulting ideas / people that you disagree with seems to pass for humour Dave’s humour ranks up there with the work of Wayne & Schuster, Red Skelton, Harvey Korman, Tim Conway, Bob Newhart & Carol Burnette.
    Rest in Peace Dave.

  9. Ninety? Wow! Means I’m old.
    I never could see the slightest bit of humour in the gentleman. I never could stand Wayne and Shuster either. He was as bad as Lorne Michaels before he ran off to the States. In the day Canadian comedy didn’t sell outside Canada because it was no good. They used to blast the laugh tracks during punctuation. The first Canadian comedy I could stomach was SCTV.

  10. Ken, and to others who find they are making double posts: something I found interesting/curious-
    When I make a posting on my laptop, it seems take a long time before it updates and you don’t know if it’s gone through or if there is a problem. What I found was if you check SDA on your smart phone you’ll see the comment gets posted almost immediately, but it’ll take awhile to show up on the laptop. Why….? dunno. Just thought I’d mention it.

  11. For the most part cbc comedy is cbc funny. You have to be an ‘insider’ to get the joke.
    Canada has produced many excellent comedians. The cbc variety is not among that group.

  12. A sad loss for real Canadians. Dave dates back to an era of Canadian congruency when we actually listened to and watched CBC and felt good about ourselves and the future – what a dream that was.
    RIP Dave, your wit and wisdom will be missed.

  13. O.T.
    1. when commenting do it in a new tab (I have that set in my browser defaults)
    2. after hitting submit wait 10-ish seconds
    3. go back to the SDA tab and open an additional comments tab (the same one you were posting to)
    Fixes everything for me. Doing that posts the comment. The first comment tab will spin for eternity and then post a 504 so I just close it. I currently use Firefox.
    (it usually has made the post but there’s no way of knowing it.,,Hence the double post)
    I hate to presume, but this may be helpful on the administrator’s side
    See “Fixing 504 Errors on Your Own Site”
    Dave reminded me of Bob Newhart
