Your Failure To Submit Is An Act Of Aggression

Melissa Fabello, our feminist publishing powerhouse, is once again assailed by the life-threatening outrage that is People Who Disagree With Her:

So let’s be clear. When “straight, white, cis men” disagree with feminists and those who imagine themselves “marginalised,” and therefore pious, this is an evil act, a “desperate attempt at domination.”

Oh, there’s more.

13 Replies to “Your Failure To Submit Is An Act Of Aggression”

  1. This is what happens when passion rules reason, Feelings over logic. Submissions to their passion and feeling or you are being an oppressor. Where she can articulate only her feeling and passion but has no facts or logic to her argument. Just submission! We as a society have allowed these inmates to have a voice and power to influence the general public.

  2. I blame the Supreme Court of Canada. They are the ones who judged that putting crazy people in asylums was somehow against their human rights. Now society reaps the benefits of these unglued minds, who, in small doses, seem cogent and sane.

  3. That mewling and puking 20-something brat brags about her “lived experience”. Yeah, right.
    If she wants to know about lived experiences, she should talk to anyone who’s gone through a war. Last night, I watched PBS’s presentation of a documentary about the battle for the Chosin Reservoir on The American Experience. The soldiers and civilians on both sides endured conditions far harsher than she could ever imagine.
    I myself heard lots of stories from my parents about what they went through in Berlin during WW II. By the time they were in their mid-20s, they each had lived a full life.
    SJWS like that young lady are nothing more than over-educated, privileged, spoiled brats who haven’t grown up yet.
    By comparison, people like my parents, or those in Korea I mentioned earlier, can say and do whatever they like. They’ve earned that right. She, however, hasn’t.

  4. The only women I have ever seen truly “marginalized” are fat, ugly, women. Sorry. But that is my empirical observation. Funny thing … the very same is true for men. Fat, ugly, men are marginalized. Oh … and there’s one more group of people who are truly marginalized … anyone with a toxic personality … like this strident “feminist”. It doesn’t matter how much one wants to whine and moan about it … it is a human truth. Best to rehabilitate your image and personality if you want to be taken serious.

  5. “Progressives… believe their mediocre opinions to be of actual intellectual consequence, and then attempt to force their misconceptions onto everyone else to the benefit of (who else?) their damn selves… I have never known another group of people to be so unskilled, overall, at legitimate debating.”
    There, fixed that for her.

  6. Not to sound impolite, but she looks like a backstreet Vegas hooker, at least to me anyhow.

  7. How would this neurotic fool label those of us who are so thoroughly disinterested in the morbid self-pity and tantrum-taking attention whores, that we avoid them like a dose of mental clap.
    I get a visual of this woman screaming at the heavens for social relevance from a puddle of her own urine.

  8. I said this in another venue but it bears repeating here.
    My great-grandmother raised 17 children. They did not have running water or electricity.
    Suck it up, princess.

  9. As an old work colleague of mine said many years ago, “I’d f**k her, but I’d wanna hurt her”.

  10. I would like to point out one minor geographic oversight in an earlier comment:
    “By comparison, people like my parents, or those in Korea I mentioned earlier, can say and do whatever they like.”
    Civilians still living near the Chosun Reservoir live in North Korea and can only do or say what the North Korean regime allows them to do.
    Yes, they have earned those rights in our American eyes, but since we didn’t fully win that war, they are stuck.

  11. I would like to point out one minor geographic oversight in B Deplorable’s earlier comment:
    “By comparison, people like my parents, or those in Korea I mentioned earlier, can say and do whatever they like.”
    Civilians still living near the Chosin Reservoir live in North Korea and can only do or say what the North Korean regime allows them to say or do.
    Yes, they have earned those rights in our American eyes, but since we didn’t fully win that war, they are stuck.
