53 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Too bad one of more of the MSM stations couldn’t grow a conscience.
    That piece of human waste ‘Crooked Hillary” would not even be in the running
    Unless she was running around the Crow Bar hotel trying to stay alive.

  2. The first thing I thought when I heard that video was Adam Corolla’s advice; “don’t vote for the guy who says I will fight for you”.

  3. I didn’t come into this as a trumpster but I gotta say if he pulls this off I’ll be smiling ear to ear. I want everyone to change their Facebook profile pic to a Trump picture. I’ve had enough of this shit. I’ve bitten my tongue for too long. This is about defeating the man, the dnc and the establishment.

  4. Notice how the tone of his arguments changed after the Billy Bush tape was dropped?
    The timid GOP establishment members clutched their pearls and said, “I never!” They joined the other never trumpers in abandoning Trump, and freed him to go full on populist. Rather than just making the usual political arguments that he will do a better job, Trump was able to re-make his campaign into “Drain the Swamp” of Washington DC.
    That is a winning platform amongst the Republican Voters that gave the GOP establishment both the House and Senate and didn’t get much in return.

  5. This is prayer time, from now till the election.
    No one running for President has had so many prayers said over him personally. You can see the change in Trump since he said how much he regretted things he had said and done in his life.
    We’ve never seen either Hillary or Bill have a Damascus road experience; they just get worse and worse, even when you think it isn’t possible.
    I’ve been listening to Lou Dobbs the past few nights and all Americans should be as shocked as he is.

  6. One of my jobs where I work is writing and producing corporate marketing videos. Nothing fancy, just typical corporate stuff (https://vimeo.com/169597854) I do have enough of a background to really admire what’s going on in this video. Everything from the writing, to the sound editing, to the editing and color grading is just masterful.

  7. Here’s hoping that enough people get out to help Trump drain the swamp (actually more like a cesspool) of US politics. Going to be interesting.
    Has been interesting watching a straw poll located at:
    Right now there appears to be a shortage of deplorables from Canada voting. Strongest international support for Trump coming from Russia and, not surprisingly, the Hilderbeast is being strongly supported in China, Saudi Arabia and India.

  8. After a marathon ‘dreck-fest’ not only does he have a polished positive message as a closer, the man has heart…
    Parents Of Pro-Trump Son Killed In Auto Accident Speak At Rally: Vote For Trump In Riley’s Honor (see video)
    which is why he may well take Pennsylvania.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  9. I hope Trump can pull this off… The world needs a freedom loving America not another top down corrupt to the core oligarchical Canada… The Supreme Court appointments are critical for America’s survival… I’d vote for Trump on that issue exclusively… Its impossible to comprehend the everyday American voting for that BleachBitch hag, I know some will, but the woman is a frighteningly unstable mess. She would achieve the impossible and actually be worse than Oblowme… I pray for a Trump victory, a big eff you to the elitist globalist fascists. Go Trump!!!

  10. For the record I have been the luge st supporter of Donald trumps run for president. Probably a month after he announced his candidacy I was on the trump train.
    Sadly Hillary has the electoral colleges and the system is rigged liberal moved to the electoral college states and now control the election throw in the fact that whites , Christians ,are all dying off , and Mexicans blacks and others have an axe to grind with white People whites will be hunted down to the last man, and governments will encourage it, Christianity will have the same fate black or white or anyother race Christianity is the biggest target.
    I say this sadly and truly I hope I am wrong but Hillary will win in a land slide . Trump will get the popular vote by far but Hillary is the next president Jason chalets, trey Gordy, Supreme Court justices will all be replaced by pro Islam and to Christian anti white Jew hating judges and Jews will continue to vote themselves to death. Violence will break out everywhere . And I could care less because I am saved and I hate politics almost as much as I hate money and power.

  11. No energy in negative words, only in positive words, Paul.
    God chooses leaders, as it says in the Bible, and we don’t know His plan.
    But, if He has plans in the last days before Christ’s return for America that include what Trump is proposing, Trump will win.
    Pray that God sends warring angels to fight the forces of darkness that want to bring down America, Paul, and pray justice will reign.

    All tied up for Trump.
    Everyone forgets that the lamestream media is using the 2012 vote results in picking poll numbers.
    They always do that for the next election.
    They skewed 7-8 percent in favor of democrats.
    If Trump is tied, he will win a state by at least 3 points considering the margin of error.
    Its not going to be a win, its going to be a freaking Trumpsunami.

  13. Maybe DJT is taking Chris Matthews critique to heart. Of course Matthews was not endorsing Trump but he articulated a decent case for voting against Hillary, whether it was meant to do so or not.
    Chris Matthews: If you like the way things are the way they are headed in this country. If you’d like to continue the destruction of our manufacturing base, and the jobs that went with it. If you like the uncontrollable immigration, if you like the string of stupid wars from Iraq to Libya to Syria. If you want to say yes to all of that, if you want to keep this all the way it is, fine, then vote for Hillary Clinton. If you don’t like the way things are headed you got a chance to really shake the system the system at its roots. If you wake up on Election Day and it’s the same as it is today, if its the same 4 or 5 or 8 years from now, remember you had a chance really change it up but you were to dainty to do it.

  14. Hillary has Hollywood and the media. those who adore their stars and accept media shit will be voting for Hillary and Billious, they will get a double whammy with Billious as First “Gentleman”. What a side show that will be, from a circus to a side show with power to really continue the Obama SNAFU.

  15. You got it Fearless,
    My intensive on line observations (Mostly comment sections) even in normally hostile to right wing sites like the Hollywood idol rag “Variety” is almost unanimously pro Trump in the comments following that vulgar attempt at a song that was released yesterday.
    I see passion, commitment to vote and to spread the message for Trump.
    I look at reactions at rallies: Clinton’s are fickle and the people there behind her look bored, out of place and seem told to cheer on queue.
    The crowd sizes between candidates are not even close in comparison.
    I believe Michael Moore when he said that Nov 8th will be the biggest FU sent to the establishment…(That includes Moore himself, forgive him. he might not realize that).
    I believe Reagan’s 1980 win will pale compared to what’s coming.
    In the meantime: Pray.
    Kevin O’Leary 2019!

  16. Lovin it!
    The cameo by Soros was masterful.
    One wonders where the naysayers like Lance and Colon are?

  17. Yes, agree with you BUT Hillary has some very effective political ads as well. And run many more times on TV….. at least in Michigan (many more times!)
    The one most frequently run here in Michigan has short clips of Senor Trump saying things about women, the disabled, and war. Then of course asks “Is this who you want for President”.
    I hate them but they are very professionally done and I concede their effectiveness. Trump’s populist message is simply being drowned out.

  18. I’m not a big Trump fan. But when I looked at what we are faced it.
    I’m voting for him, cause you know darn well. Billary will lie, cheat, steal and wreck our law enforcement system like never before.
    Obama was bad enough, but compared to Billary. He’s a piker.

  19. Bill Maher Goes Bat Shit Crazy:
    ‘Slow-Moving Right-Wing Coup’ In US, I Don’t Trust NC GOP Not To Hack Voting Machines.
    Blacks are Voting for Trump.
    I cant wait to send that Son of a Bitch an email everyday to get his ass out of America like he promised.
    He is now afraid of North Carolina- Ha. Up yours Bitch.
    We have millions of military men and women in NC and if you want a frigging war-
    Bring it on.
    Sorry Canada, but there are supposed to be a lot of these liberal Bastards heading your way, Check their luggage for stolen jewelry, illegal sex toys, and guns.
    Be sure to barb-wire and sandbag the borders, airplane terminals, train stations, so we can catch Hillary criminals before they flee.

  20. I watched this video yesterday and bookmarked it, and was going post it in reader tips. Masterful.

  21. For me, the bottom line is this: You can always get rid of an incompetent President. The system is set up to do that. But you cannot get rid of systemic corruption, where rules are ignored and the system itself blocks attempts to correct wrong doing. A corrupt leader will be replaced by a crony and similarly corrupt leader. In this election, Trump is the far safer choice. If he turns out to be as awful as the news media anticipates, we will have a nice Pence presidency.

  22. I am voting FOR Trump to grab Hillary by her enormous FUPA and toss her to the curb. And deposit her into the hands of a JUST Justice department. So her crimes against the State … against US … can be fairly and legally ajudicated. Trump IS the second coming of Ronald Reagan, come to rescue our country from 8 years of a president 10x worse than Jimmy Carter. This is our last chance. A Hillary victory will be THE tipping point that destroyed America. SHE will accept a victory as a mandate for HER. For HER lawlessness. A mandate FOR globalism. A mandate FOR open borders. A mandate for global warming. A mandate for an unconstitutional Supreme Court. A mandate to dismantle America and reconstruct it in HER larcenous image. Open season on taxpayers by HER.

  23. If this 76 year old, born before T.V. is able to access this information from the standard input Sources I read most day’s; Then why have the Fox news programs, especially Special Report; “still not afraid” & O’Reilly’s Factor never Referenced them.
    I do not follow any American MSM “in the tank with the Washington Sleaze” other than Fox and the ever increasingly accurate & not noticeably Biased “Net News”
    I do follow The Rebel & the Sun in Canadian News as the MSM -especially The Star;-Globe & Mail;-Postmedia (not quite as Much) have been “in the Tank with Globalists” for more decades than even the Progressive/Liberal/Democrat–Cabal; since Trudeau the First; set-up Canada as the FIRST & EASIEST INDUSTRIALIST COUNTRY to Fall into Line.
    I am reminded of the JAPAN INC. marketing & distribution techniques of the 1970’s; (small & precise products)- (DUMPED Product Pricing)- (with Quality & Service above any Canadian Capability).
    The two first products JAPAN INC. selected were Zippers;— then Hot Water Immersion Heaters;—-.
    The experience gained from Penetrating Canada’s Market led to the eventually led to JAPAN INC marketing & distributing of the Japanese Automibile throughout Nroth America.
    Entry into Canada was facilitated into Canada By Trudeau the First changing Import Laws where Price Dumping was not stopped until a Canadian Manufacturer proved Predatory Pricing was hurting Canadian Business. This PROVING took over Two Years. By that time the Canadian Businesses were near Bankruptcy.
    Candians Do Not Think Globalism is Either New or Harmful;—-It has already Occurred.
    Just check the Zippers on your Clothes; How many are Labelled Talon in Canada or the U.S.A. plus old Clothes etc. Which may still be around with Lightning Fastener.
    Putting Hillary Clinton Back into Power will be Just as Damaging to the U.S.A. as the Poorly Informed Candian Public Have Been in Voting Trudeau The Second Back into Power.

  24. ” If he turns out to be as awful as the news media anticipates, we will have a nice Pence presidency.”
    My thinking, in this election cycle, has been reinforced that the MSM is wrong on all accounts. Trump bad – Clinton good, “Wrong”. The swell of voters following Trump aren’t voting for him they are voting for a vision of getting their country back to a respectable democracy that can again lead the world.
    The challenge is huge. Defeat the Dems, the MSM, the DOJ, the Soros’s of this world and the cheaters at the ballot boxes and those who will go to any length to assure Clintonville succeds..
    Trumps success will be the US of A’s success.

  25. It amazes me that people do not connect the reality that just as Trump supporters fear their future prospects that those arrayed against Trump face the same reality. Progressives are scooping what they can from the mantra they spew out. That might be job advancement, perks or even money. These people, in many cases, have less real world skills to make a living from, and thusly more susceptible to being corrupted.
    There is no doubt in my mind that the Cold War never ended. The Russians were set back by losing the military tech battle but that certainly did not shut down their intelligence organization and their infiltration of influence makers in western societies. That process gained traction in the ’50’s and continues today. IMHO that is why progressives control education, media, unions and politics.
    Combine the Russian effort with Saudi and Chinese money that in essence buys influence world wide.

  26. Christianity is the biggest target.
    Christianity doesn’t need to be persecuted in order to fail–it can destroy itself all on its own.
    It’s being undermined by radical leftist, even heretical, elements within its own ranks. I noticed that nearly 40 years ago when I heard “liberation theology” being preached as the predominant doctrine.
    Along with it was the doctrine of “accessibility”, which meant that old traditions and practices–many of which had a historical or theological basis–were discarded and replaced by who knows what. By the time I left the church, I no longer recognized what passed for a liturgy. I have no idea what is being used now, but I wouldn’t be surprised if church services now give equal time to Allah, Lucifer, and Moloch in order to be “inclusive”.

  27. If Hillary wins she will purge the FBI to ensure the entire government is firmly in Democrat control and is completely weaponized. Obama already ordered the doj investigation of the FBI. It will become illegal to be conservative in the us and the nevertrumpers will be so proud of their achievements.

  28. Apparently Trump already lost Nevada and with it the election. Odd isn’t it, besides every poll out there that showed he could not win nobody saw this coming.

  29. Many great comments here and many topics that deserve debate, I only wish I could meet some of you for coffee once a week. Back to the main topic of the election in America. I had thought that back in 2012 there was no way that the Big Zero could get re-elected, but that’s history. If Trump does not achieve a landslide victory in the popular vote the ‘establishment’ will guarantee a Clinton win through the electoral college. That will be a signal for the ‘establishment’ in Europe to rescind the Brexit vote and will open a new age in human history. We will be ruled by globalists that will dictate how we will lead our lives. The European parliament is staffed by bureaucrats who have no other skill in life than to pontificate about how smart they are and how dumb we are, and we are developing the same classic structure here. Our way of life is being destroyed and we never recognized that the “Emperor had no clothes” and now our children and grandchildren are being conned by a “Pied Piper” A society that elects a politician, who has accomplished absolutely nothing in his climb through the political labyrinth, into its highest office is now engaged in electing another politician that couldn’t, after an “illustrious” political career, get elected as a high school home coming queen in Arkansas.
    SDA readers can sit and watch this repeat since we have already experienced the outcome here in Canada after last years election. Our only hope in Mr. Trump, if he is elected, is that he will have learned from Mr. Harper’s mistake, you do not ‘Drain the Swamp’ slowly, you have to break the dam downstream and install and man the pumps. Oh and as an after thought shoot the snakes and alligators as they surface.

  30. After a marathon ‘dreck-fest’ not only does he have a polished positive message as a closer, the man has heart…
    YES, Hans. That is the thing. The man is sincere; has a big heart which is on display when he is around vets, parents of the dead, workers. As he himself has pointed out, when he’s out on the street he does best with the cab drivers, construction workers, et al.
    He has the COMMON TOUCH. GWB did too, but it was trumped by his oligarchial reflexes; and he’s voting for the Clinton Crime Cartel. Eff U Georgie.
    Bubba had charisma but not the common touch. The “feel your pain” lip-biting was sheer eye-rolling schtick.
    Trump really seems to be in this for the right reasons. Not for power.

  31. In all my years of following politics I don’t think I have ever wanted someone to win so badly as I have in this election.
    In these final hours I wish Trump the very best. May the stars align in his favor.

  32. As as Canadian I’m thankful to The Donald for exposing just how useless political parties and the party system have become. It’s now obvious that parties no longer foster political participation by the voters. The party elite is interested in donations and votes to keep their cadre at the trough, but beyond that they have little interest or ability in actually influencing government policy in the manner they promised their supporters. I suppose that’s why so few eligible voters show up these days. I guess I’ve just been a little slow to catch on.

  33. I don’t know what disturbs me more:
    [1] A very well crafted message that has no real connection to the man and his beliefs, lack of intellect, lack of understanding of even the simplest policy issues, lack of understanding how the government works (aka executive branch, legislative branch, and judicial branch) as witnessed in a dozen Primary debates, three presidential debates, and many speeches, interviews …..
    [2] The predominance of conservatives here that worship the ground this charlatan walks upon. Makes me wonder what has happened to the Conservative party of the last decade that they could fall into a mirror hole that the Liberal Party of Canada had fallen into with their worship of Pretty Pony Trudeau despite lack of substance, abilities, intellect, lack of understanding of even the simplest policy issues, lack of understanding how continued deficit spending hurts government and future options for government policy.
    I agree the message was well crafted, just has no bearing to who Trump the man is, his agenda (or really lack of a plan) and what damage may be created through his ignorance. I think many people will be disappointed when he comes to power and does nothing after promoting a message of change — sound familiar? Obama had that same message and did nothing and the scary part was that he was significantly more intelligent than the Donald.
    Trump is no fiscal conservative, no social conservative, Trump is only for Trump.

  34. Scar: LA Times and Rasmussen polls have been outliers all along, though both are credible polling outfits. There technique differs from some others, so only after Tue will we know for certain. Rasmussen especially is company which has a reputation to maintain after the election.
    E Grenier at CBC had some explanation for why their results might produce outliers, but the very fact he is working for CBC casts doubt on his analysis, the sad loser in all of the analysis, polls, coverage is the MSM. Overwhelmingly they have backed the Democrats and their credibility has taken a nose dive. Even polls have to be watched very carefully, with the buyer taken into consideration.

  35. gerry from gta, I don’t see a “predominance of conservatives here that worship the ground [Trump] walks upon”. But I can only speak for myself, and I see him as the best chance to upset the cult of political correctness that is preventing discussion of solutions to many of the problems that are plaguing the USA. I agree that “Trump is no fiscal conservative, no social conservative…” but it’s not conservatism, whatever that means anymore, that’s needed at this juncture. Trump is also no Republican, no Democrat; and I believe that’s a large part of his appeal, he’s not a member of the party structure that has failed the Country.

  36. True GELLEN .”the government is on his shoulders” God put hitter in he put Harper in he put Castro in he put Reagan in he put Trudeau in , he put Stalin in he put Churchill in …..he took them all out as well . Heh heh. I’m not upset. Just frustrated at the ignorance of today.

  37. gerry from gta | November 5, 2016 4:02 PM | Reply
    I don’t know what disturbs me more:
    [1] A very well crafted message that has no real connection to the man and his beliefs, lack of intellect, lack of understanding of even the simplest policy issues, lack of understanding how the government works (aka executive branch, legislative branch, and judicial branch) as witnessed in a dozen Primary debates, three presidential debates, and many speeches, interviews …..
    [2] The predominance of conservatives here that worship the ground this charlatan walks upon. Makes me wonder what has happened to the Conservative party of the last decade that they could fall into a mirror hole that the Liberal Party of Canada had fallen into with their worship of Pretty Pony Trudeau despite lack of substance, abilities, intellect, lack of understanding of even the simplest policy issues, lack of understanding how continued deficit spending hurts government and future options for government policy.
    I suppose you are trying to say something, but this is just too oblique to resonate. Let me help you out. IT IS NOT ABOUT TRUMP , he is just the vehicle. It is about the Middle pushing back against the Smirkers, aka the Sneaky, Scheming Skimmers that “game the system”. Get it now? How hard is that?

  38. If I was living in Toronto the last thing I would do is comment on the merits of DJT. Before anyone in the GTA can criticize they had better start filling in the hole they’ve dug there, at least fill it in until they can see daylight.

  39. Conspicuously absent in that message is the word Republican.
    I don’t follow American MSM so I have no way of knowing if Project Veritas and Wikileaks have sent the Talking Heads into hiding, or out fighting harder for Hillary.
    I have noticed too many Canadians that are still grossly misled.
    Very difficult to predict.

  40. The stakes could not be higher, and hopefully some witches will burn at them after election day.
