53 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. yes paul, your ignorance is troubling. As Geezus said, “give unto Cesar that which is Cesar’s”, and here you think god did all this giving and taking. God, if he/she/it existed, would not interfere with that which is not “his”. Dumb doesn’t even begin to cover you.

  2. > I suppose you are trying to say something, but this is just too oblique to resonate. Let me help you out. IT IS NOT ABOUT TRUMP , he is just the vehicle. It is about the Middle pushing back against the Smirkers, aka the Sneaky, Scheming Skimmers that “game the system”. Get it now? How hard is that?
    Was trying to be subtle in an election campaign that was blunt LoL
    Agree with the message — just do not think Trump believes in it — the man is a sociopath — all the debates his focus was on himself and not on fixing the system — listen carefully to all his comments — he was more concerned about his reputation thus followed all the rabbit holes than policy — thus my concern was the message in the “closing Video” hits all the right cords but you know it was a teleprompter add that had 20-30 versions to get it right — he has no understanding of the ideas. he will not follow thru because he thinks he knows more than everybody — surprise is that is totally untrue.
    My 2nd concern was all the posts I seen the last month or so in canadian conservative blogs with un-dieing admiration of Trump. The man is a mental midget — is no comparison to PM Harper or even a populist like Preston Manning — Both understood the system, policy, and where conservatives of the fiscal variety.
    Good God
